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- How not to be a juror Currently, any citizen of the Russian Federation, satisfying the requirement of the law, can become a juror. Activity juries are important and responsible, but there are times when for one reason or another, participation in the court as assessors undesirable for the citizen. How to refuse to execute obligation to be a juror, without breaking the law?
- How to return the money for the TV On the basis of the current legislation and, in particular, the "Law on protection of consumer rights", to return the money for the TV you have the right in any case – whether it was sold in good condition, broken or with flaws. Refund you can claim only for the seller, so you will have to contact the store where you purchased it.
- How to change the social contract of employment Changing the social contract of employment is made in accordance with articles Nos. 82, 83 of the housing code and articles No. 450-453 GK of the Russian Federation in a voluntary or judicial order. For changing the contract should contact the housing Department of district administration with the application and package of documents.
- How to make an electronic signature The development of electronic media allowed many actions to be performed remotely. To confirm his action officially, you can use an electronic signature.
- How to write power of attorney Right to dispose of property of another person can be effected by a General power of attorney. General power of attorney gives full authority to take any actions that are lawful, on behalf of the person (both physical and legal) in different spheres of activity.
- How to restore the death certificate The certificate about death is an important document certifying the fact of either violent or natural death. This paper is required when joining the right of inheritance, and other circumstances. However, it often happens that the document is lost.
- How to make faster the divorce Not all wishing to divorce imagine how it can be done, what the required documents, how to divide the property, to seek payment of child support where to apply. And many are wondering how to get divorced in no time.
- How to apply for a guardianship for grandmother Care is made over the people recognized completely incapacitated in a judicial proceeding after the conclusion of mediko-psychiatric examination. On competent persons issued a guardianship in the form of nursing care only on request and with the written consent (article 41, civil code). In order to formalize custody or guardianship of a grandmother, you should gather a number of documents and to apply to bodies of guardianship and guardianship.
- How to make a repair request A large part of houses served by public utilities. However, utilities are not always timely perform their tasks. If your home is in need of repair, contact your municipal service, making an application on the phone. However, it would be better to make a statement in writing and then send it to the address municipal service or bring it in person.
- How to register a relative in the apartment In privatized apartment, you can prescribe not only relative, but anyone, if they deem it necessary. Documents proving the kinship, is not required. Depending on the situation, you can for registration statements on housing provision or the contract to use the services of a notary or issued by the housing Department.
- How to register the child at the grandmother If the child is under 14 years of age, to register his grandmother , only with someone of the parents with the consent of the latter. This limitation stems from article 20 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation. At that age it can be prescribed for grandmawell flat and without parents.
- How to terminate an indefinite contract Treaties to regulate any transactions that can be called as employment and the provision of any services, usually divided into two types: fixed and flexible. And exactly this point is of great practical importance in the law. After all, depending on what form the contractand was used for signing depends on how it can be terminated. The main problems with the termination of these documents arise in the case when you want to terminate an indefinite contract.
- How to recover lost documents Documents are issued to the person from birth. All his life he gets a new, use them until the end of his days. In case of loss of passport, professional ID cards, badges in various manufacturing and operating facilities, certificate of completion of educational institutions, the right to drive a car, birth certificate and others for a short time to recover the paper.
- How to write meeting minutes The Protocol is a document that recorded the discussions and decisions taken at meetings, gatherings or conferences. Protocols are prepared on the basis of records maintained in the course of the logged event. This may be a transcript, audio recording or draft recording Secretary. Also used agenda, talking points, draft decisions and the list of participants. According to the rules, the Protocol is issued within three days after the meeting.
- How to register your trademark If your company is Russian, you can register your trade mark yourself. This is a rather complex and long procedure that requires time and preparation. Follow these tips and you will be much easier to register.
- As entered in the passport of children Previously, children in the passport of parents have entered when you register the birth at the registry office. With the amendment of item 5 of the regulations on passport, e citizen of the Russian Federation a mark on the children contribute to the authorized bodies of internal Affairs. The entry in passporte parents of children confirms the citizenship of the Russian Federation of children. In the Russian passport to make a child preferably, but not necessarily.
- How and where to get INN INN can be deciphered as taxpayer identification number. This number denotes the sequence number of the taxpayer in the database, on. Often on receipt of this number of people think the first time gets a job officially. The personnel officer was asked to bring to fill out paperwork to payroll to calculate taxes. But by law, any person can opt out of the automatic tax Board, and to pay them.
- Is it possible to submit a non-refundable ticket In Russia, officially introduced the airticket"s non-refundable. The cost of "non-refundable" tickets will be lower than those that can be exchanged. In April 2014, the President signed the bill. This innovation appealed to Russian airlines. It is important that passengers will be able to regain the money spent, in some cases, taking advantage of the guarantees established by law.
- What documents are issued at the sale room in the hostel Housing privatization is still ongoing, but only until March 1, 2015, therefore, very important to have time to become the owner of the property in which you reside under the contract of social hiring, even if it's a Dorm room. After it is privatized, you can do anything with it – donate or sell.
- Where to go for consumer protection Know your rights is very important, because to violate your civil rights can anywhere in the police, the store, school, etc. to Know where to turn for consumer protection are very important, especially nowadays.
- How to write a statement about criminal prosecution When making against you of a crime that bears criminal nature, you should contact the police with a statement about bringing the guilty person to criminal responsibility.
- How to amend a collective agreement A collective agreement is an internal legal document regulating social and labor relations of members of the same group (article 40 of the labour code). Document developed and agreed with the participation of management and workers ' representatives in the entity's primary or independent trade unions. Any changes or additions you can make the same composition through negotiation and a vote.
- How to enter into a contract with a private entity According to article 17 and 18 of the civil code all citizens have civil rights and bear responsibilities and obligations when signing any contracts, which do not contradict laws of the Russian Federation. In accordance with this, any private person can enter into various contracts in the simple written form with identification at a notary or in a notarial form.
- How to write a deed to the apartment Deed of gift, otherwise this document is called a contract of donation, issued in that case, if the owner is just about to give, i.e. to donate their property in the hands of the other side.
- How to register minor children in the apartment Everyone has the right to be registered on a particular living space. And children have it in double measure. After all, they still do not know how to defend their interests. So, for them to worry parents and the state. That are required by law the parents of their child to register in the apartment, as soon as possible.
- How to enter the child in the passport of parents In connection with the changes introduced by the government of the Russian Federation data on children in the passport of the parents could make authorized bodies, i.e. the Federal migration service. The civil registry office and passportnye departments are not authorized for entry in the passport details of the children.
- How to write the correct order The current economic activity of any enterprise is accompanied by the need to issue the orders. The order is signed by the head of the organization or the person who performs the duties of the head under the power of attorney or order. The orders govern all spheres of activity. Their content can refer to relations with the workforce, contractors, paperwork, disciplinary actions and rewards. To write the order, it is necessary to follow a clear structure.
- That threatens for forgery Signature forgery can be identified in the framework of proceedings in civil or criminal case, and in the process of investigative activities. Depending on the specific situation, the perpetrator could face penalties from fines to actual imprisonment.
- How is the hearing The hearing is set to relevant code (civil procedure, criminal procedure or an arbitration procedure), the procedure of case consideration in court. It takes place in a certain order, which is to have an idea, if you have to be there.
- How to obtain German citizenship without giving up Russian To obtain citizenship in Germany today is not so easy. It is not enough to live on its territory 8 years, speak German, have a steady income and not to be judged, still need to be tested for knowledge of culture, history and the policy system.