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- What documents give the right to drive a scooter Scooters represent a vehicle with an engine capacity of up to fifty cubic centimetres. On the Russian internal classification they belong to mopeds, to control which it is necessary to get the right category "M".
- How to read the transcript of the hearing Court records in civil and criminal cases are made within three days after the end of the meetings themselves. The participants of the process, parties have the right to view these protocols after their creation, to submit his own observations.
- How to amend agreement of purchase and sale To amend the agreement of purchase and sale by entering into a supplementary agreement, the court or directions of a unilateral notice to the company. To implement each of these methods requires compliance with certain conditions.
- Types of legal activities Crucial for any society are political and economic activity, but not less important is the activity legal. Legal activity is an indicator of the maturity of civil society and the willingness of the state to fulfill its duties, including legal protection of its citizens.
- How to find a legal address at the INN When registering your organization, a prerequisite is the formulation of its tax accounting. To this end, the management firm must provide to tax authorities the following content: organizational Pravovoy form, the name, legal and actual address, information about administration of the composition, etc. All the data registered in the unified state register of taxpayers, after which the organization was assigned that in the future you can get the necessary information about the company, including its details.
- How to find out social security number over the Internet Pension insurance certificate is proof that the citizen of the Russian Federation registered in the system of mandatory pension insurance. Each certificate has a unique insurance number of individual account (SNILS), or to find out via the Internet.
- What distinguishes the area from residential When a person is faced with sale or purchase of an apartment, it is necessary to have an idea about its parameters and characteristics. One of the main parameters include the size of the apartment, and not just the area, and one that is common and that which is considered residential. They will never be equal and the total area is always greater than residential. Even without seeing the apartment in these two parameters is already possible to form a first impression. So they often are specified in the description of the apartments offered for sale.
- What is a public offer The public offer is a concept that occurs frequently in TV channels, web portals and Newspapers. The term may seem confusing, but in reality everything is much simpler.
- Where to apply for a divorce The marriage of two people may be far better, and in this case, spouses are entitled to divorce. For registration procedure you must apply to the relevant authorities.
- Where to send the writ After the court's decision has already been made, it comes into force, and the person receives a writ of execution. However, at hand this sheet to remain should not. Need to know where where to send it.
- How not to pay an administrative fine In accordance with article 3.2.Of the administrative code, an administrative fine is a punishment for their actions. To avoid payment in many cases, but always should prove and document that an administrative offence was not, or it was forced.
- As a father suing the child's mother When divorce the child remains with one of them by voluntary agreement, or in accordance with the decision of the court if the question of the place of residence of minors was considered controversial. The father may at any time reapply for a lawsuit and suing the child's mother, if he thinks that he with him will be much better.
- How to write a petition to the court of arbitration Petition in arbitration court is set forth in oral or written request for the execution of a procedural action or decision on any issue. The petition have the right to write the parties , the courtenogo case: the accused, the suspect or the persons who represent them by law, but also the attorney, plaintiff, defendant, attorney, Prosecutor or defender.
- How to return the dress to the store The law "On consumer protection" operates in all territory of Russia and applies to all sellers – whether it's a luxury boutique or a pavilion at a flea market. So you can always return the dress in store , subject to certain mandatory conditions.
- How to return shoes to the store If you have purchased shoesand at home found that it doesn't fit you, you can return this pair in the store. Also you can do with boots or shoes that you have already started to wear and identified a defect. Maybe the sellers will refuse to take the goods back. Keep in mind – the law on protection of consumer rights on your side. Require its execution – even if the return procedure will take some more time and effort than you expected.
- How to break a check for a refund Check on the return breaks in case of an error made by the cashier when making cash transactions, or if the returnof goods by the buyer. When making a returntion of the cheque is required to comply with rules and regulations established by law, and to issue certain documents.
- How to write a man from a private house Registration in a private home is possible on the basis of a written or notarised permission from all the homeowners. Statement made on the personal statement was, by a power of attorney, or a court order.
- How to make the inheritance in court Probate is not a simple process. If you are the heir of the first stage or in your name made a will, and other persons on the property of the deceased does not apply, the procedure may be limited to the opening of business at the notary and registration of the relevant documents. However, if the date of entry of the right of inheritance is disturbed or identified claim to other individuals, the problem can be solved only by the court.
- How to make the property a plot in the garden partnership In 2006, a law was passed governing the privatization of land, which is part of the garden associations. Now not only can you use the land, provided to you when the state, but to own it legally. In spite of the actual right of property, you will have to arrange some documents for registration of the land.
- How to obtain a certificate of registration of ownership rights The certificate on registration of the right of ownership on immovable property issued, PPRC on the basis of the presented package of documents (Federal law No. 122-F3, dated 30 January 1998). In each case presented its list of documents.
- How to replace a medical insurance policy The replacement policy may be made in connection with a change of name or name change insurance companies, places of work and upon expiry of the existing document. You need to provide the documents to the insurance company.
- How to write an application for an extract from the apartment To leave the apartment (which means to withdraw from the register) in the order of notice, i.e., by submitting an application to the appropriate authority. The reason for discharge is, as a rule, the change of place of residence.
- How to make a contract sotsnayma The contract of social hiring is concluded between the owner of the property in the face of the municipality and the tenant, who was given housing in a queue based on the submitted documents. The conclusion of the contract is governed by section 3 of the Housing code of the Russian Federation.
- How to write an appeal to the court The decision of the court, have not entered into legal force may be appealed within ten days from the date of its adoption. This can be done in an administrative or judicial procedure.Appeal in administrative procedure does not exclude the right to appeal to court with the same question.
- What documents are required for PE To do business, you must register with the tax authority.There are a number of formalities which should be performed every aspiring entrepreneur. Including in the registration of emergency.
- How to apply for guardianship Guardianship and custody – the two are similar, but not synonymous term. Guardianship can be set on a child under 14 years of age and over a person suffering from mental illness or incapacity. Guardianship is established over children aged 14 to 18 years of age and over older people with alcohol or drug addiction.
- How to make the act of offsetting The act of netting is made in the case of the agreement on repayment of mutual debts between economic entities. Often such transactions are carried out in order to preserve working capital, reducing the tax base.
- How to fill out the international veterinary passport The owners of animals that cross borders, must arrange for their Pets in various official documents. These include veterinary passport with information about the health of the animal. How to properly fill out this document?
- What are the necessary documents to receive maternity capital Certificates of the parent capital began to issue in 2007 to support families with children and to improve the demographic situation in the Russian Federation. Each year, the amount of capital indexed. In 2012 has reached 387640,3 rubles, in 2013 it is planned to issue certificates for 402000 rubles. Support the birth rate will be implemented until 2016.
- How to extend the loan agreement Any loan relations are governed by Chapter No. 42 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and sealed the bilateral agreementof om, which lists all the terms of repayment of the loan, interest, dates and amounts. If the borrower is unable to timely meet debt obligations, by mutual consent, it is possible to extend the contract or to conclude a new one.