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- How to issue the property right to the land at home Registration of ownership on the land under a private home - it is quite troublesome. You will need patience and time, since the implementation of our plans will have to walk the chain of command.
- How to terminate settlement agreement At its core, the global agreement is a bilateral agreement concluded between the plaintiff and the defendant. It recorded the concessions, which is one or both parties and the conditions under which reconciliation becomes possible. Global agreement is crucial for termination instigated case.
- How to obtain a duplicate writ In that case, if someone court ordered to pay you a certain amount of money, you are issued a writ confirming his duty to comply with the judge's decision. But what if that paper was lost? You have the opportunity to obtain a duplicate of the document.
- How to fill out a VAT Declaration 7 section If the taxpayer has carried out the sale of goods, services or works, which is taxed at 0%, he is obliged in timely manner to collect documents which confirm the right of application of this tax rate. Otherwise, the tax Declaration is included in section 7, where you specify the unconfirmed amount of income.
- How to write from the apartment of a deceased person The death of a close person does not only psychological but also legal difficulties. there is a need to issue a large number of documents, including discharge of the deceased from the apartment.
- How to write the order on the imposition of duties In the course of business activities of the company there are such situations when the primary worker goes on vacation or goes on a business trip. In this case, the Manager must temporarily assign the duties to another employee. This procedure using administrative document – order.
- How to make a truancy worker Absenteeism is considered the employee's absence from work without valid reason for more than four consecutive hours or throughout the working day (article 81 TK the Russian Federation). If the employer wants to fire or punish the employee, it is correctly documented to check the labour Inspectorate found no violations and did not consider the punishment or the dismissal illegal.
- How to write authorization letter to receive money If you need to get the money - some one-time payment, Bank Deposit, salary, fee, etc., and you personally can't do this, write the power of attorney. As my representative you can appoint any adult person or organization. If the need for power of attorney will no longer issue a document, you can always cancel.
- What to do if there is no registration Under the registration refers to the registration at the place of residence to the corresponding mark in the passport, confirming this fact. The lack of proof of residence entails a lot of problems. So, you may have difficulty in obtaining medical insurance, when visiting medical institutions for the placement of a child in kindergarten, you do not recognize the need to improve housing conditions and so on.
- How to amend a birth certificate Finding inaccuracies or errors in the birth certificate, hurry to fix them. Time to revise the document, you will get rid of the problems associated with inheritance issues, obtaining passports, registration of pensions.
- How to assure a copy of the work for the Bank Often employees turn to the HR Department with requests to certify a copy of the workbook to provide to a Bank when applying for a loan. If you are responsible for the maintenance, storage and accounting of labor books in the organization and it is an obligation imposed on you by order, certify a copy of the work book will have for you.
- How to make a statement about the termination of the contract The right to terminate the contract unilaterally at any time in its sole discretion provided by each of the parties to the agreement. The civil code of the Russian Federation determines the procedure in article 782. Misfiled appeal to the partner that contains a message about the termination of the contract may be invalidated. So you need to pay special attention to the peculiarities of its drafting.
- What documents are needed for subsidies Subsidy for payment of utility services provided to needy citizens under article 159 of the Housing code of the Russian Federation and the RF Government Decree № 761 "On measures to support poor families. To get social support, it is necessary to collect documents and to contact the district service net.
- How to get a divorce with division of property Often in a divorce the spouses are trying to defend their right to their property. Sometimes it is impossible to resolve peacefully, but often it is necessary to resort to judicial institutions. Section is carried out with the help of a filed claim.
- How to make a donation of money Traditionally, the process of donation does not cause any difficulties and questions of the participants. But the situation changes when it comes to very large gift, for example, a large amount of money. In this case, it is best to arrange a gift officially in order to avoid possible issues, for example, from the tax authorities.
- How to join land According to the Land code of the Russian Federation, unification of adjacent plots is possible only if the earth is one and the same category of the target destination belongs to one owner and the land formed by the merger does not exceed the area set in the subject of the Russian Federation. To perform the merger procedure, you will need to collect a number of documents and hold registration in PPRC.
- How to extend a collective agreement The collective agreement applies to internal regulations, which are regulated by the labour and social relations. The document is consistent for a period of one to three years (article 41 of the labour code). Through this period of his extension possible, but all items are subject to review and approval.
- How to renew the contract of social hiring The contract of social hiring is the poor citizens who received an apartment in the basis. In the Treaty made by all family members, one of which is recorded as a responsible tenant. All family members have equal right to use the living space, so if necessary the contract can be renew. At renewal should be entered as a responsible employer adult citizen, registered on the housing.
- How to write a request to the bailiff For the execution of the judgment after the court hearing you should write to request a court bailiff and, together with the writ of execution to relate the documents to the district Department of bailiffs. Write a request in any form to the head bailiff at the place where your writ.
- How to make an internal investigation Office investigation – a procedure aimed at confirming whether a serious violation of labor discipline, the measure of which may be dismissal in the article and even trial. Of course, carrying it, you have to ensure that all the documents were drawn up correctly from a legal point of view.
- How to read the identification code Identification code assigned to each taxpayer has a unique number that is never repeated. To know the room codeand should familiarize themselves with the INN's physical or legal entity or individual entrepreneur. If this is not possible, then request a code in a local tax office.
- How to authenticate a power of attorney The power of attorney is a transfer of their powers to another person. The results of this document is governed by article 185 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the law, the power of attorney must be composed of a practicing notary, have all signatures and seals.
- How to sell portion of the site The area outside of town is now becoming a good acquisition. It is no secret that many of them have multiple owners. Therefore, the purchase of shares of the land plotbeing in common ownership, became commonplace. It is only necessary to make the contract of purchase and sale and related documents.
- How to write a medical certificate from the doctor Help disease is a document which helps to find unnecessary problems at work in connection with absenteeism. Only in order to be accepted in the accounting Department and the personnel Department is filled it should be very carefully, and most importantly - correctly. Therefore, check carefully all the information contained in your document for temporary disability.
- How to get copies of the criminal case According to the presumption of innocence of the citizens have the right to defend themselves by any means not prohibited by law. For a competent defense in criminal proceedings the possibility of making copies of the criminal case initiated against a specific person. Consider how this procedure.
- How to change middle name in the passport Every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to change the name, surname or patronymic on their own. However, it can be done, having reached the age of 14. Prepare the necessary documents and contact the Registrar's office.
- How to write a request for housing According to the latest edition of the housing code of all applications are unified to form statements. Accordingly, if you want to improve your living conditions or to get an apartment, you must contact the city administration with the statement.
- How to determine moral damages Moral damage is the monetary value of the harm (physical or moral suffering) that was caused to the citizen by illegal actions of other persons who have violated his moral rights. One of the manifestations of moral damageand are experiences that are usually associated with various kinds of disease occurred on the background of mental suffering for the violation of rights.
- How to change the claims The amended claim is the process of adjustments to basis or subject of the previously alleged claim in the light of newly discovered circumstances in the most complete formulation of the claim. Any change to the claim is possible provided that they do not contradict the law and does not violate the rights of others.
- How to fix error in passport The passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation issued in accordance with the instructions, approved by MIA order No. 605, and its edition of 4 April 2002. If the document of inaccuracies, mistakes, corrections, you should contact the Federal migration service Department, apply for passport replacement.