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  • What documents relate to the regulatory
    The General procedure, the approach and uniformity requirements as in the activities of state bodies and activities of legal and natural persons that constitute the state itself, preserved and maintained through norms and rules, established regulations and regulatory documents. Subject to these rules and regulations, – civil and legal duty of any person and any business living and operating in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • How quickly to issue a passport
    Often a situation arises when the demand for passport arises spontaneously and urgently. In this case, it is born just desire to solve the problem, come what may. Be aware that there is a solution, but you need to consider all the "pitfalls" that may await you on this path.
  • What documents are needed for MSEK
    Disabled – this is perhaps one of the most vulnerable categories of the population. In order to get the required benefits, you must apply for disability in Bureau mediko-social examination. What documents are needed to complete the ITU?
  • How much is paid privatization
    The right of free privatization has every citizen of the Russian Federation. However, rumors about the introduction of paid privatization continue to escalate and already tense situation around housing issues.
  • How to register the child in apartment of the husband
    A child's place of residence is considered the place where at least one of his parents. Residence is usually determined by the registration (propiska).
  • How to determine the authenticity of the document
    To determine the authenticity of the document based on the review of its mandatory requisites, the availability of external signs of forgery. You can also use the help of the authority that issued the relevant document, order professional expertise.
  • How to write a petition for pardon
    The petition for pardon shall be in writing and served directly in the administration of the correctional institution in which the convicted person is serving his sentence. The petition should clearly state the request for clemency, point out the specific circumstances giving rise to the request.
  • How to refuse a share of inheritance
    To renounce inheritance by filing the notary special disclaimer of the inheritance before the expiration of its adoption. In this case the heir has the right to refuse to share in the inheritance or to specify the specific individuals for whom he makes such refusal.
  • How to file a claim for bodily injury
    The claim of compensation for health damage must be submitted to the district court at the place of location of the defendant. The claim should clearly state the circumstances of the incident, to list all requirements.
  • Who are these drops and why they should not become
    Drops – people used to commit illegal acts as a fake. Often you can find these offers on various forums, message boards.
  • What if the bookmaker does not pay the money
    If the bookmaker does not pay the money, you should contact the oversight and judicial bodies for the recovery of this amount and bringing the company to justice. If funds are held by the bookmaker's office, functioning as a separate site without a building, the only possibility to get funds is to search for the owner of the website.
  • How to obtain a certificate of state registration of rights
    Certificate of state registration is an official document. It confirms that your property has a property: house, land, apartment, garage, non-residential premises, and that a record of it duly entered in the Unified state register of rights to immovable property and transactions with it (EGRP).
  • Where to complain of the Prosecutor's office
    Sometimes even those state structures, which are designed to protect the law, it also violated. If someone from the judicial system has abused their powers, violated the law against you, bring him to account. The law must be the same for everyone – for ordinary citizens, and for officials and for all others.
  • What rights do bailiffs
    If you broke the law and should, in due time to appear in court to repay the loan, to repay the debt, but not just don't want to do this, but hiding at home or perhaps at work, it will not be salvation for you. Sooner or later all the same will come strong tall guys in black uniforms with epaulets and the words of the Federal bailiff service — the Federal bailiff service. Unless, of course, they have that right.
  • Where to file the appeal
    If the case is lost, the court decision made in favor of the opponent, the appeal to change the decision. To apply for an appeal in different situations should be in different instances.
  • What you need to replace rights
    The replacement rights shall be in accordance with the instructions of the government decision no 1396 and MIA order No. 782. All powers replacement assigned to the district offices, traffic police, which you need to submit the prepared package of documents. Metropolis residents can apply for replacement driver's license at any Department of traffic police of the city, regardless of place of permanent residence.
  • How to serve the subpoena in court
    After filed a claim, the judge shall review the submitted together with the application documents and makes a decision on the assignment of cases for trial. This means that defines the circle of persons who are parties to cases heard their claims and objections, presented evidence, and the defendant got my hands on a copy of the application. The judge shall also designate the time and place of the trial and to ensure the attendance of participants. It is necessary to deliver the agenda to each of them.
  • How to make the deed for money
    Deed – grant deed of gift by which a person transfers or agrees to transfer subsequently movable and immovable property, securities or money. If the subject of the contract is money, the state registration of the transaction is not required. To enter the money you can and without the presence of a notary.
  • How to prove the experience in court
    In the design of labour pension it is necessary to document experience. To do this simply if you have a work book with all the records, but if the basic document confirming seniority, lost, archival documents cannot be obtained, experience can be proven in court.
  • How to cancel an order
    Sometimes in organizations you want to cancel action of the order. This is the order cancellation. When you want to cancel the administrative document, on the personnel, it is necessary to use a standardized form. If cancelled action of the order on primary activity, applies an arbitrary form.
  • How to make a will in Ukraine
    Under the inheritance refers to all the property that belonged to a man in life as property and to be divided between relatives and other named in the law of persons after his death. It is divided between the heirs either by law or left according to the will.
  • As may be prescribed by the citizen of the Russian Federation
    The process of registration at the place of residence does not cause any difficulties and will take you no more than seven days, if the owners of the apartment or house. If you are the owner, it will be even faster.
  • How can I terminate the contract unilaterally
    The conclusion of the contract is not a guarantee of its execution. Can occur any circumstance, the consequence of which will be the desire of a party to enforce the termination of the previously signed document in a unilateral manner.
  • How to fill application form for passport
    Stir in FMS lasts all year round, but special its peak in spring, when the citizens are preparing for summer vacations. To shorten the time of the visit to the state structure, it is important to correctly and clearly fill in the questionnaire on the passport.
  • How to behave during interrogation
    Interrogation is an investigative action, during which the suspects, accused, witnesses, victims, experts testify in a criminal case at the preliminary and court investigation. Participants in the process have different procedural rights, therefore, the tactics of their behavior during the interrogation is different.
  • How to recover the evidence
    The documents accompany a person from the moment of his birth. The first of these is the certificate of birth that later is issued a pension certificate, on marriage and others. Lost papers can be restored in public institutions, which are authorized to give them.
  • How to find a patent for the invention
    Patent services of all countries of the world are required by law to make information about inventions open. This applies to both existing and expired patents. The most convenient to access them via the Internet.
  • How to register a patent for the invention
    A patent gives an exclusive right that is expressed in the possibility of having the invention and dispose of at their discretion. Also, a patent prohibits unauthorized use of the invention on the territory of Russia for the entire validity period.
  • How to write a letter of complaint to the travel Agency
    Returning home from a poorly carried out home, you can write a claim in the travel Agency, through the fault of which the stay was spoiled. Correctly written claim to help you speed up the process of resolving the dispute and avoid further problems.
  • How to apply for personal vehicle use for business purposes
    In some organizations, due to the nature of their activities, employees use personal vehicles in the service order. The law prescribes the obligation of the employer to compensate the employee for the use of the car. Making use of personal vehicles is possible by the accrual of compensation or conclusion of the contract of lease on the vehicle.