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  • How to write a statement on the eviction
    In any family there are various situations in which you may need the paperwork for eviction in a judicial order. But to correctly write the statement on the eviction of anyone from the apartment is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If evicted you, don't despair – experts will solve your problem.
  • How to allocate shares in the common property
    When several persons own the same property, a thing, a property, a thing are in the common ownership of these entities. the Law distinguishes between two General modes of ownership: joint property without the allocation of shares and fractional ownership. As a General rule, ownership of property ownership, if the possibility of joint ownership provided by law. Nevertheless, the cases in respect of property, things effect the common mode of ownership, is very common: it is the property of the spouses acquired together, and privatized apartments (at the initial stage of privatization allowed without determining a share), as well as the property of a peasant (farmer's) economy.
  • How to obtain a passport military
    A vacation abroad is unattainable dream for the military, many believe. But it's not. Any officer may, if desired, to obtain a passport and go on holiday abroad. Only documents that allow travel outside of the country, unlike civilians, they held a little differently.
  • How to apply for their share of the inheritance
    One can become heir under the will or by law. Any right of inheritance must submit an application to the notary about the desire to accept the inheritance within 6 months from the date of death of the testator. If inheritance is a will, each heir receives his share according to his will. If there's no will or inheritance is made by law, all property is divided among the heirs equally.
  • How to make a request to the Registrar
    State registration bodies for registration of acts of civil status (ZAGS) are the acts of civil status at birth, marriage, divorce, adoption (adoption), paternity proof, change of name and death.
  • How to recover pension certificate
    In modern society, if health permits, I decided to continue working after retirement age. In this case, the person receives a pension and salary. The pension certificate is a document in which not only there is a possibility of receiving a pension, but bought tickets, get discounted vouchers to sanatoriums and privileges on payment of utilities. But nobody is insured from theft in public transport or on the street. Or from accidental loss of the pension certificate.
  • How to make a Russian passport
    To make the Russian passport legally is only one way - to apply to the territorial Department of FMS or passportNY table of housing by place of residence, of residence or actual residence with the following documents. The document will be ready in time from 10 days to 4 months, and reduce the waiting time by legal means is impossible.
  • How to terminate the lease of the land
    The contract of lease of a land plot has the right to terminate as tenant, and the landlord - when the term of this agreement expires or ahead of schedule at the request of the lessee or the lessor. Termination of the contract of lease of a land plot is issued as a separate document (usually supplementary agreement). The land is returned to the lessor by the act of acceptance.
  • How to legalize alterations to nonresidential indoor
    Requirements for the redevelopment of non-residential premises fundamentally different from the requirements for normal residential apartments. Despite all the difficulties, almost always the owner of residential premises is faced with the need to change something.
  • How to calculate vacation pay for the year
    Before the next holiday the employee is required to pay vacation pay. The amount of vacation depends on the employee's earnings over the last 12 months. All calendar paid vacation days (working and weekend), with the exception of public holidays.
  • How to know whether the passport
    To see exactly when will be ready your passport, in various ways, which differ in these or other benefits. Some of them give preference to is up to you, this must be guided by the situation.
  • How to file a cassation appeal
    An appeal may be filed against decisions of all courts of Russia adopted in the first instance, except for decisions of world judges. Its preparation is simple even for those who do not have legal education. Consider the most important aspects of making the appeal.
  • How to write the application in Prosecutor's office
    The Prosecutor's office sometimes becomes almost the only hope to restore justice. However, if before the citizens were able to contact the prosecutors personal methods, now work is conducted only on the written applications.
  • How to take the product to the store
    Sometimes the product that you bought, something you do not like. You may have discovered the marriage, and maybe, just realized I jumped the gun with the purchase. According to the Russian law on protection of consumer rights, most of the goods within a certain time to pass back. However, the buyer and the seller need to comply with some conditions.
  • How to obtain a temporary registration
    Under current law, a citizen has the right to be at the place of stay without registration for up to 90 days, after that time he is obliged to arrange temporary registration.
  • How to writ
    A writ is a document issued by the court the party who won the case and is entitled to recover a certain property or funds from the other side. Actually, for such penalties the writ is issued - it enshrines that right. The process of obtaining a writ of execution in the civil process similar to the process of getting to arbitration.
  • How to obtain a permit to trade
    Permission to trade is the certificate of registration in the General Trade register in conformity with the declared activity. Each entity is required to have such permission.
  • How do you know your pension number
    Each of us received a retirement certificate and may have got it is not the first time because of his losses. The document is one of the most important - the cumulative pension contributions by your employer, is transferred to a room in this pension.
  • How to get income certificate
    Income statement — a document that is required in many situations: getting a Bank loan, obtain social benefits, the relationship with the pension Fund. As a rule, to get income certificate enough to apply to the accounting of the enterprise, and it will be made quickly and without unnecessary problems for persons interested in getting help.
  • How to get a military ID
    Military ID — main document, issued to the citizen of the Russian Federation in its call to service in the Russian Armed forces or other law enforcement agencies to military service, and in the case of exemption from military duty or upon transfer to the reserve. The identity card contains the following information: the decision of the draft Board the mark on service
  • What rights does a father on a child in a divorce
    In the case of legal separation between separated spouses continue to have pressing questions concerning the conditions for further education of a child.
  • What documents are needed for MSAKA
    Medico-social examination (MSE) a person is to establish disability. To pass the Commission needs to collect a number of documents and submit them for the consideration of members MSEK.
  • How to get help 2NDFL
    Turning to government support, credit institutions, in other cases when you need to verify the solvency of the citizen must present a certificate 2-pit.
  • How to register in the clinic
    You want to be treated in a clinic close to work or place of actual residence. And you deny. Remember, by law you are entitled to it. Take a medical insurance policy, passport, and visit the clinic.
  • Is it possible to get a divorce without my husband's knowledge
    Divorce without the presence of a spouse and divorce without consent of one spouse - the terms are legally enforceable. Divorce, passing unnoticed by one of the spouses, the law is not described, but still possible.
  • As a pensioner to receive a pension, if it was put in the hospital
    Every person in life can happen unexpected situation, which he for a long time can end up in the hospital. And then to many other problems added to the difficulty of obtaining different kinds of payments, including pensions.
  • What court hears the case of alimony payments
    The issues related to paying of alimony to the former spouse or children born in the marriage with him, are governed by many regulations, including Civil, Family, Civil procedure and Tax codes of the Russian Federation. In these documents is determined and jurisdiction of resolving these issues.
  • You need to change the place of residence
    In front of many people there is a need to change their place of residence. It can be connected as a change of residence, and leaving on a long trip, or with service in the armed forces. What to do, where to go to change residence?
  • How to pay a duty upon approval of the settlement agreement
    In approving the global agreement court of arbitration the state duty shall be paid by the plaintiff in a General manner, but half of its size to be returned to the plaintiff. If the settlement agreement is approved in the court of General jurisdiction, the claimant paid a state fee is not refundable.
  • How to pay legal costs in the divorce division of property
    Legal costs in the divorce division of property shall be paid in any branch of the Bank through the personal account in the Internet Bank or via mobile banking. If there is litigation, the size of this payment will amount to four hundred rubles each spouse.