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- How to make a statement to the world court Protecting your property, family or civil rights, you can contact the world court. Claim statement must conform to legislated requirements.
- How to make an agreement of the parties The agreement of the parties on cooperation takes the form of the contract. The shape and points of the contract are determined by the legislation, taking into account the intentions and understandings of the participants. The wording "agreement of the parties" is often used in the field of labour law and is a specific procedure for dismissal that provided in paragraph 1 of article 77, article 78 TK the Russian Federation.
- How to check out of residence Many people at least once in their life were removed from the register. This can be when selling the apartment, moving to a school in another city and so on. The entire procedure is simple and usually does not take much time.
- How to pass the writ After completion of civil procedure, the prevailing party in the case, issued a writ of execution. With this document, the plaintiff must come to court bailiffs for execution of orders.
- How to obtain the cadastral number of the land Cadastral number shall be assigned land by the cadastral authority. Consequently, if your site had such a room, it needs to be put on cadastral registration. It is also necessary for other purposes (e.g., for transactions with the earth).
- How to write a police report about the theft A police report is a written or oral request of the citizen, which contains a message about preparing or committed crime in order to protect their rights, apprehend criminals, compensation for material and moral damage caused by the crime.
- How to register amendments to the Charter The organization's Charter is a fundamental set of rules governing its activities and the relationship. The basis for registration changes in the Statute is a preliminary making appropriate changes in the constituent documents. Was timely changes to allow the organization of its activities legally.
- How to check patent To formally test for the presence of a patent , you can only be the case if you are an employee of a public authority vested with control and Supervisory functions, for example, tax inspection. If you are an individual, to carry out this operation you can by writing a statement in such a public authority, specifying the reasons for your desire check this patent.
- How to prove copyright The problem of proof of copyright infringement, to date, largely because of the existence of Internet is one of the most acute and important. In order that, if necessary, to easily prove your copyright should legally competent and timely approach to gathering evidence of his authorship.
- How to extend the residence permit Look at the residence in the Russian Federation issued to foreign citizens and stateless persons for up to five years. Six months before the expiration, you must apply to the territorial bodies of the FMS to apply for the renewal of residence on residence. Of course, if you intend to renew it.
- How to check the authenticity of the check Receipt of inventory receipt confirms the purchase of any goods or services, usually this document is required to report finances, for the presentation of legitimate claims for warranty service, as well as when making sales without a cash register.
- How to write a notice of termination of the contract The possibility of termination of the contract unilaterally is regulated by article 782 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation. Each of the parties under this provision may refuse from the contract at any time in its sole discretion. The law provides options for damages or costs incurred, depending on who initiated the termination. It is particularly important to make a legally correct notice to prevent further disputes.
- How to write a letter for libel Slander is a crime, the prosecution of which is carried out in private. This means that a criminal case it is excited (by application) and is terminated at the initiative of the victim (in connection with reconciliation with the defendant).
- How to get a job in a nursing home For many Western pensioners and the disabled home for the elderly - a frequent occurrence. There willing to move in the hope of interesting company of peers and appropriate care. Unfortunately, our country cannot boast the same level of service and care to senior citizens. And to get into a nursing home is not so easy.
- How to calculate the standard number The calculation of the normative number of staff required for the formation of the optimal number of employees of state enterprises. This administrative task allows you to achieve your goals and at the same time to observe the regime of work and rest of the staff given that some of the staff not come to work due to temporary incapacity, or another labor vacations.
- How to issue the sanitary book Personal medical book must be employees of public utilities, trade, education, medicine, transport. This document recorded the conclusion of doctors, the results of medical tests on charts. Sanitary medical book is a guarantee of compliance with hygiene standards in industry and Commerce.
- How to be attributed to the clinic In order to attributed to the clinic, you must have the policy of compulsory health insurance - compulsory health insurance. With it, you can go to the district hospital, pre-written statement addressed to the head physician. If you are a foreigner, you will first need to contact the territorial health Agency.
- How to take a statement from the court Established in the Russian Arbitration and Civil procedural codes provide for the possibility to the proceedings in the case to get filed a claim statement.
- How to write a letter to the debtor Giving borrowed money to friends or relatives, any person relies on the integrity of the borrower and hopes to get transferred back the money on time and in full as agreed. But life is unpredictable, things can change in a moment. For example, you urgently need this amount or the debtor change of circumstances, and he will not return in the allotted time of duty. In this case, write him a letter demanding the repayment of a debt.
- How to recover a lost Treaty Each of us at home have a special box or bag in which to store documents, including contracts, many of which may be very important to you and your family. And then one "perfect" moment, you discover that one of the documents is missing when you move, or your beloved dog ripped up the box and had Breakfast one of the contracts. Don't despair – any contract can be restored by contacting the appropriate authorities.
- How to get on the waiting list for an apartment as a single mother In the Russian Federation on 1 March 2005 entered into force the new Housing code, which radically changed the rights of citizens to free social housing. Article 109 of the housing code ensures the support of the poor citizens who do not have housing, have insufficient capacity for housing or inadequate living conditions, but in the common queue. In accordance with the changes that the motheralone has the right to stand in the queue, if she is poor, has no housing, living in cramped conditions or in the same apartment with sick persons, whose diseases are dangerous to others.
- How to make a liner in the work book The liner in the labor book is a separate document. But, at the same time, it is not valid student, is the Annex. It is filled only in one case: if space for records in the "work experience" and "Information about the ceremony" there.
- How to call witnesses to the court A witness is a person who may report during the preliminary investigation or judicial proceedings, the new information about the case. This information should be document in compliance with the requirements of the law. As a rule, the calling of witnesses in court is the party by petition of which required their examination.
- How to make the deed to the plot Deed of gift for the land plot is issued in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation article № 572. The donation of property from the receiver and the giver does not arise in relation to each other no duties. The property becomes the property of the receiver through documentation and registration in the national centre of unified registration of real estate. The land plot is transferred absolutely free of charge.
- How to obtain Russian citizenship to the child Law No. 62-FZ On citizenship of the Russian Federation" establishes the grounds for granting children the Russian citizenship. A child may obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation as at birth or at the request of parents (guardians, Trustees).The child's acquisition of citizenship at birth depends on the citizenship of his parents and place of birth.
- How to change the insurance pension certificate Insurance number of individual personal account – SNILS - required for transfer of insurance contributions, which will directly affect the amount of your pension. Let's say that you have already assigned a social security number and the insurance pension certificate. But now circumstances have changed and you changed the name. Now you need to change the pension certificate to the name on the document matched the reality.
- How to fix the error in the name If the passport, birth certificate, marriage - detected error in writing the name, surname or middle name you should immediately contact the organization that issued the document to correct by getting the new without errors. If this is not done, there can be a lot of problems when crossing the border, for cash, probate, etc.
- How to write a child with her mother out of the apartment According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation a citizen's place of residence is considered a permanent registered address or principal actual residence indicated in article No. 20. From the same article you can see that the place of residence of minors up to 14 years is the place of permanent residence of his parents, representatives or guardians, and with 14 years – at the request of the child with the permission of parents, guardians or legal representatives. It follows that to put on the registration account and withdraw from it only by application and permission of the parents, legal representatives or guardians.
- How to make the deed to child Very often the parents though to make a contract of gift on the child. We need this in order to protect the baby, just in case of fire. However, how to do not all know.
- How to write a statement for the payment of benefits New order no 1012н from 23.12.2009 health Ministry of Russia came into force with 01.012010, He arranged the terms of appointment and payment of benefits to citizens with children. Lump-sum benefit at birth of a child must pay employers and organizations to their employees. For benefits can personally contact individuals who have children and their legal representatives. A statement to receive benefits and documents necessary for this, can sent by registered mail with notification (so you can confirm the date and fact of shipment).