Necessarily in the top right corner there should be an indication on what form this certificate is issued. Because your pool is issued one to confirm the disease - another. In your case, the certificate should be issued in the form of either 095 or 027. Moreover, these forms approved by the Ministry of health of the USSR. Certificate, filled in form 095, issued in cases when there is a short disease duration up to 10 days. Form 027 for those cases where the disease lasts about a month.
Each reference is on a separate already printed letterhead, which include the main fields in which to enter information on a specific person. Be sure each form is assigned a serial number. It is necessary that the doctors could be held accountable for every issued certificate.
Next, check whether there is and whether the help given your surname, name, patronymic, date of birth. In addition, the form should be spelled out and your diagnosis and the date from which began the temporary inability to work. Although this certificate, are required to be affixed and the date from which a person can begin his duties or to attend school.
The certificate must be signed directly by the attending physician that you are watching and aware of the flow of your disease. Also check all the necessary seals. On the form usually present a rectangular stamp of the hospital where you are observed and where you got help. It sets out full details of the medical institution and its contact details, and profile. The second seal belongs directly to the doctor that you engaged. It is round. And the third is triangular, to confirm sick leave.
If all these conditions are met, feel free to bring your certificate to work and commence their duties.
The certificate must be filled in mandatory ballpoint pen black or blue. And no erasures or corrections.
If you are inclined to buy a certificate of illness, it is better to once again think things through. After all, if deception will be revealed, and you will lose work, and prospects to get comfortable on.
If you are inclined to buy a certificate of illness, it is better to once again think things through. After all, if deception will be revealed, and you will lose work, and prospects to get comfortable on.