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- How to choose the style of dance Dancing is great cardio. They allow you to burn fat, strengthen the cardiovascular system and improve posture. Through dancing, your body will become more slender, but the movement is smooth and beautiful. In addition, dance is an excellent alternative to overexposed monotonous movements in the aerobics room. Only one problem – a variety of dance styles in the modern fitness forever, and navigate the beginner can be very difficult.
- Why you need swimming Many people nowadays are trying to live a healthy lifestyle. Follow their physical form. Everyone chooses a sport for everyone. Someone visits the gym, focusing on muscle, someone who loves yoga to harmonize mind and body, and who like outdoor pursuits. Swimming is good because it has almost no contraindications and multifunctional, in terms of effects on the body.
- What to do to not feel like eating You can't stop eating, and weight became a real problem? In this case, the time has come to part with the belief that the primary subject of the house – a fridge full of food. To tame appetite, you need to reconsider your attitude to food.
- How to defeat the enemy in the fight The hero of brad pitt from the movie Fight club said, "You don't know anything about yourself if you never fought". How is the truth, you should not judge. Another thing is that a street fight can not only trap you in a dark alley, but in the shining lights of the lobby restaurant of the highest class. And because you need to know how to win the fight.
- How to shape buttocks The form defines the buttocks the gluteus Maximus muscle, which is considered the strongest muscle in the human body because it is responsible for straightening the hip when making a standing position from sitting, for example. Taut gluteus looks very attractive both in men and women. To achieve a beautiful shape of the buttocks is possible only through hard work.
- How to relax the shoulders Work in an office behind a computer sitting in one position affects your posture. Hard cervical vertebrae, there is pain in the back. Exercises for shoulders can help relieve fatigue during or after work.
- How to learn to wield a sword Since ancient times in Japan skill with a sword was considered one of the most important. Katana, or samurai sword, was more than just a symbol. It was a deadly weapon in the hands of a trained samurai. How to learn to wield a sword?
- How to increase the volume of the buttocks Buttocks - not only the most massive but also the most attractive muscle in the human body. So the priest drew only admiring glances, it is desirable to maintain it in good shape by regular training.
- How to round buttocks Despite the fact that the world's canons of beauty welcome slim figure, curvaceous buttocks never go out of fashion in the late 19th century. It was then that the ladies from high society have started to put under dress a special pillow, bring hips splendor. And after shape Jennifer Lopez pushed out of its anemic television colleagues, the question on how to round your buttocks, began to disturb many girls.
- How to pump chest muscles People who go to the gym regularly, striving to improve your whole body. The pectoral muscles are the object of attention of both sexes, as broad male chest is associated with a strong protector, and smart women are attracted to much stronger than even the slender legs.
- How to increase the force of impact It is important to understand to novice athletes, that to strengthen the impact is important not only body mass but also inertia, which occurs at the moment of impact. This is a key moment in the battle area, which will help us to make the blow more powerful. There are also a number of important rules to strengthen the power of the blow.
- How to get rid of fat on inner thighs Remove fat from the inner side of the thigh is a rather difficult task, which can be solved by diligently completing a set of exercises. Pay attention to your eating habits, reduce the amount of fat and simple carbohydrates, add to your diet healthy foods.
- How to learn to hold their breath in water The skill level of the swimmer and the pleasure he gets in the water, depends on breath control. The longer you can hold the breath without discomfort and fear, the better you will be able to dive in and conquer the depths of water.
- How to strengthen ankle The muscles and joints of the feet – these workers. They carry your body weight all day and handle it great. Sometimes excessive exercise can cause problems in the legs. Primarily affects joints: the knee and ankle. Ankle injury is the most common household injury in the cold season, when the roads ice appears. To prevent injury to the ankle, do some light exercise.
- How to remove the ears on the sides Even young and slender girls can be seen excessive fat deposits at the waist. Notorious ears on the sides cause a lot of problems, since it is quite difficult to adjust. A comprehensive approach to addressing them will help to achieve the goal in the shortest time.
- How to remove folds from the back Folds of fat on the back, draw the attention of a few. After all, your back people can not see. And if does not see – means no worries. However, wearing clothing with an open back and admiring herself in the mirror, it's hard not to notice these fat wings. Of course, they look awful, but their presence is not a sentence, and a call to action.
- How to increase the impact force of the feet The force of the blowand the feet is an important quality for a martial arts masters and players. It depends on several factors: body weight, speed of impact, proper technique and the ability to focus upon impact. Comprehensive development of all physical characteristics will help to increase the force of the blow legs.
- How to learn how to fight karate Karate – an ancient martial art that came to us from Japan. It is the art of attack and defense is based on strikes with hands or feet, i.e. without the use of weapons. Learning how karate can anyone, from child to pensioner.
- How to increase calf muscles Who would argue with the fact that it is pleasant to look at nice feet? No matter they are male or female. The main problem associated with this part of the body – excessive thinness of the calf. Too narrow lower leg looks disproportionately, causing problems such as fashionistas and bodybuilders. In order to achieve aesthetic appeal, it is necessary to pay special attention to the calf muscles.
- How to get muscles on hands Every woman wants to look attractive. Sometimes she needs it to attract a strong half of mankind. However, in most cases, this only adds to her confidence. Unfortunately, regular exercise does not only relieve you of unnecessary fatbut also pump muscles. In the end, you risk to turn into a Butch girl. So you have time to get rid of muscles.
- How to quickly pump up the neck If you want to improve the relief of your neck, you will have to spend at least a few months training. At first glance, the muscles of this body part is of absolutely no importance. But only at first. The fact that a strong neck will protect the spine from various injuries. That's what makes not only athletes, but also ordinary people to swing the neck.
- How to increase lean body mass Bodybuilding is now quite a popular sport in the world. Some novice bodybuilders are often faced with the problem of recruitment of muscle mass, as you do not have sufficient experience training. Others, on the contrary, having some experience, hard and slowly gaining muscle mass of the body, due to their genetic data. There is a quite effective method for the rapid increase in all muscle groups that will suit both.
- How to make a baseball bat Baseball is a traditional American sport. It is no less popular overseas than hockey and American football. The main piece of equipment of each baseball player is a bit. Her players and hit the ball. As a rule, bits are made of metal and/or wood. You can make the bit yourself, as store baseball bats are usually quite expensive.
- How to adjust brakes on a bike To adjust the brakes on your bike, it is not necessary to go to a repair service, it is quite possible to do yourself. Don't be afraid, the worse you will do.
- How to hold the fist at impact It is very important to learn how to compress and keep the fist at impact, to avoid damage of the brush. It is equally important to bring this skill to automatism, as in the ring once to focus their attention on how to hold the fistI.
- How to hold an air gun The technique of holding a pneumatic gun is quite simple, but many young arrows for some reason she is neglected. Let us examine the highlights of the art grip pneumatic pistol.
- How to reduce calf muscles on the legs Pumped up muscles of the calf often create the problem of choice of footwear. To reduce the volume of this part of the leg is possible through stretching exercises. They need to carry either after a workout or in the evening just before bedtime. This is due to the fact that overworked muscles are greatly reduced and create additional volume. If the muscles to stretch in length, and the total stasis will be reduced.
- How to build muscle in a short time The easiest way to pump up muscles in a short time - this time to become a bodybuilder "body Builder". Follow some simple rules and principles you will soon be able to achieve excellent results. The most important thing - muscles arecreated quickly, will stay with you for a long time! Remember - a healthy body is achieved only by the integrated approach.
- How to build muscle priests Slender female legs attract enthusiastic men's views. But men watch not only for feet, but above - in the ass. If the girl has a beautiful and firm butt, so she is not only in good physical shape and good health.
- How to coach football Football is the most popular sport on earth. Play he loves a great number of people, however, about how to improve soccer technique and physical characteristics of the players don't know everything. If you are interested in this information, you can find it in this article.