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  • How to learn to tread water
    Those who can not stay on the water, it is difficult to learn how to swim. The air trapped in the body allows you to swim, but the fear of drowning prevents the person's desire to stay on the surface of the water, so it is essential to cope with fear.
  • As the girl to pump up the cubes
    Beautiful, tight stomach with dice will always be in fashion. And it's not just guys, girls are also wondering how to pump up the cubes. But to see excellent results, you'll need at least two months of regular training and a great desire to make your figure perfect.
  • How to remove excess fat from the arms
    In the struggle for slim trim figure, special attention is paid to the waist, hips and legs. But that the body was proportional and beautiful to engage all parts of the body. And hands is no exception. Extra fat on the hands makes them unattractive. People who have this problem have to wear clothes with long sleeves even in the warm time of the year, just to cover this deficiency. And in fact, with the excess of fat deposits on arms you need to fight.
  • How to learn to run long
    Running – the key to health and athletic performance. It is universal and can be the basis for physical training in any sport. However, not everyone can run for a long time.
  • How to determine the size bike frame
    It is very important to pick the right size frame bike, as it will depend not only on the comfort and ease while driving, but also safety. An additional complication is the distinction designations from the manufacturers – size of frame may be indicated in inches ("), centimeters (cm) and standard units (XS, S, M, L, XL).
  • How to determine the force of impact
    It often happens that it is necessary to measure the force of impact of the athlete in training for the establishment of any record or report to the coach. There are three methods of determining this value.
  • How to make table tennis
    Among the modern sports that are popular both among adults and among children and adolescents, a particular favourite of many people isthe capital of tennis. Playing atthe capital tennis know and love many, as this game develops reaction time and trains multiple muscle groups. In order to play atthe capital tennis, you must have not only a racket and balls, but also special tennis table. To make such a table can be their own hands – having your own table tennis, you will need to go to the stadium, and be able to play at home at any time.
  • How to choose a shuttlecock for badminton
    Badminton is a favorite game of millions. A badminton shuttlecock is undoubtedly one of the oldest sports equipment. Image of the game ball with feathers was found on the walls of Aztec Inca cities and temples. In addition, the shuttlecock – fast sports projectile. Its speed can reach 365 km/h. Therefore, the choice of the shuttlecock should be approached very carefully.
  • How to get on to the bridge standing
    Basic gymnastic exercise bridge is the basis to perform complex acrobatic tricks. Your ability to stand on the bridge from a standing position shows a high level of physical fitness and well-developed flexibility.
  • How can men get rid of the sides
    Fat deposits on the sides – the result of improper nutrition and lack of physical activity. To get rid of them forever, not only to perform certain actions, you also need to change your way of life.
  • How to learn to swim
    In the water the human body is experiencing less stress than on land. Therefore, swimming is beneficial sport for the spine and joints. It develops the chest, shoulders and strengthens the respiratory muscles. Learn to swim at any age. The main thing is to keep safety rules on water and overcome fear of the water.
  • What form of martial arts suitable for girls
    Martial arts attract women is the fact that help not only to master the skills of self-defense, but also to develop the grace and plasticity of movements. A huge number of women choose martial arts as a product, helping to keep your body, and even as a profession. It is only important to determine what kind of martial arts is better suited to the delicate and elegant girl.
  • What is outdoor fitness equipment
    Adherents of sports becoming every year more and more. To train in special halls in the summer is not particularly desirable. There are those who with joy would be doing in the gym, but he did not have enough money to buy a subscription to a fitness club. So for all those who want to play sports and even with minimal financial losses figured out and invented the outdoor fitness equipment.
  • As to the category in powerlifting
    Powerlifting – powerlifting, where the award level and titles for a certain weight that an athlete is gaining in the amount of the squat, bench press and deadlift. It is important to understand the conditions of receiving the discharges for achievements in the competition.
  • How to learn to do the long jump
    Jumps in length – one of the difficult disciplines of athletics. To learn it, you need to properly and train hard. It is also important to follow some practical advice that will help you to learn to jump the farthest.
  • How to get into a basketball club
    Even the possession of sporting talent and many hours working in the gym allows not all athletes get to the desired command. There are certain steps that can significantly increase your chances to play in the basketball club. Consider what you will need specifically for that.
  • How to gain fat mass
    To give the mouth-watering figure form is a dream of many girls. To fat young girls wish in the "right places". But for some to recover, gain of fat mass becomes a real problem.
  • How to reduce belly man
    Pessimists perceive their shortcomings as a sentence, and optimists as a guide to action. If your not moderately plump belly does not fit into any framework, it makes sense to get rid of this ballast, and not carry it through life as a family curse. Fortunately there are proven ways, how to do it better.
  • How to learn to shoot a rifle
    Rifle is a small arms, which when shooting you need to hold with two hands, and additionally rests on the shoulder. To learn how to shoot from it is not difficult. The main thing - to have a good eye and persistence.
  • How to learn to swim under water
    The difference in time people stay under water depends on how the person is saturated with oxygen. More precisely, the man himself may not be saturated with oxygen, only red blood cells have this stock. Therefore, in order to spend more time under water, people should try to reduce the flow of oxygen. This can be done by loosening the brain. Most professional swimmers during swimming generally tries not to think, as our brains because of its size, spends a lot of oxygen.
  • How to tighten Breasts at home
    In every woman's life there comes a time when her Breasts start to lose shape, SAG. This fact is often taken in despair, and the desire to flee for help to a plastic surgeon. However, if the problem time to see and time to take action, the process can stop and return the breast elasticity and beauty. And to create the means by which the Breasts will take the original shape, fit the most common foods, available in every home.
  • How to make POM-poms for cheerleading
    It is hard to imagine a group of cheerleading competitions and tournaments without large and bright POM-poms that make the performance of a support group more interesting, brighter and more spectacular. To make the POM-POM is simple – for this you need only a thin corrugated or tissue paper of different colors and scissors and fishing line. Lush multi-colored POM-poms to look festive and fun, and will definitely make any speech of the cheerleaders.
  • How to learn pull-up
    Pulling up on the bar – a great exercise each and every person to maintain physical fitness. Despite the fact that outwardly it seems very simple, it has its own rules and nuances of performance, which you certainly need to see to learn how to catch up.
  • How to make a horizontal bar
    Exercises on the horizontal bar of thee is the easiest way to raise muscle tone. Exercises on the bar will engage the largest possible number of muscles, therefore, are very effective. Perfect when to do with the aid of this simple device whole family. It's enough to build the bar on their own at home or in the yard.
  • What muscles are working during squats
    The squat is one of the basic exercises in fitness. Depending on the technique of sit-UPS during exercise involves the muscles of the buttocks, the quadriceps, to a lesser extent, calf muscles, as well as all the small muscles of the lower body, in addition, involved back and press. Experienced athletes know how to regulate the work of certain muscle groups during sit-UPS to provide the desired load at the desired part of the body.
  • How to run to burn fat
    Running is one of the most popular types of workout. It strengthens the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, stimulates the removal of toxins, improves body tissue oxygen. In addition, running is an effective way to lose weight and burn excess fat.
  • How to choose soccer cleats
    To football not only in Brazil and not some professionals, like the Argentine Messi or Russians Shirokov. But the first thing that should make any player before leaving the field, is to choose the right home for this sport game shoes — shoes with spikes.
  • Why sore calf
    Feet carry the load of the entire body. The calf muscle works when a person goes and when standing in one place. The appearance of foot pain is a common occurrence. The young and elderly pain in calf appears for different reasons.
  • How to build muscle with weights
    It happens that in the house of sports equipment available are cast iron weights only owned by your grandfather. Oddly enough, but this simple tool is perfect to acquire an impressive musculature. Of course, it is desirable to have some level of athletic training, otherwise you will not be able to take a 16 kg kettlebell from the floor.
  • How to strengthen the muscles of the lower back
    Iceman - this often you can hear not only about a very proud man or woman. It is also possible to describe and someone who has back problems and lower back in particular. To such troubles to avoid, take care of the back should always. And, of course, strengthen the muscles of the lower back.