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- What does the name of the band Bi-2 Bi-2 is one of the most successful Russian groups 2000 years. His appearance is obliged to the two young people from Belarus – Shura and Leva (real name – Alexander Uman and Yegor Bortnik).
- What's the best Zodiac sign All signs of the Zodiac are different. Nature has endowed each constellation in some features. The astrologers were rating, which determined the best quality of each sign.
- On pecking on the white Amur, and where to catch him Carp – strong and the largest freshwater fish, which is a desired trophy for many anglers. However, in contrast to the same carp, carp are extremely careful and if sufficient forage is rarely interested in fishing lures.
- How to write film reviews Review as one of the genres of art criticism and journalism should reflect not only the views of its author on the work. Own point of view can be called opinion. A review of a movie write is much simpler than a review. But personal opinion, the review should be a short film, evaluation of the work of all the filmmakers (from Director and actors to the composer and costume designer), as well as some recommendations for viewing. What steps should it take to write an objective, interesting and witty review?
- How to remove yourself from yourself the evil eye or damage Any person, inadvertently may become a victim of the evil eye or damage, enough to cause someone's anger, envy or hatred. To counter the magical interference of enemies and the envious, it is better to equip yourself with knowledge on how to remove the evil eye or damage.
- What dream feces People from ancient times thought about the fact why you may dream of a particular item. Gradually there are many dream books – books are interpretations of a dream. Those who are interested in the meaning of dreams, I try to refer to them at every opportunity.
- Where to send your poems To achieve recognition as a poet must not only write a good poem, but also to demonstrate it to as many people. Due to the widespread proliferation of the Internet, it can be done quite simply.
- How to pick guitar chords The selection of chords will not cause any difficulties for the musician, especially if he has perfect pitch. Sweat will mostly newcomers. But this ability, if desired, can be developed (as, indeed, and hearing).
- How to make Russian folk costume In many countries wearing the national costume even in everyday life is perceived as the norm. In Russia this tradition has been lost. However, the folk costume is still interesting to people, and some may even be tempted to sew.
- How to make gold font One of the quickest ways of creating lettering, stylized gold is applied to the test layer gradients, and topography. All these settings can be configured in the dialog box layer style of the Photoshop editor.
- How to make a press for grapes For the manufacture of grape juices at home, a number of methods of its processing. Pressed from fresh fruit juice is a valuable product, it is used for food directly or for cooking jelly, wine and other beverages. To extract from the fruit mineral salts, sugar, vitamins and other nutrients you need a device for pressing grapes.
- How to handle the bottom of the skirt Before you start to cut a new skirt or to alter old, you need to consider how you will be treated the hem. Because of the neatness of the finishing depends on the entire appearance of the finished product.
- How to decorate a hat The variety of women's hats delights: evening, cocktail, hat, cylinder hat with a wide brim, a simple straw model. So forgotten accessory is once again gaining its popularity. Probably, in your wardrobe you have a few dusty copies. You have a great opportunity to upgrade your hat, give her a second chance and enjoy the new clothes. Headdress, decorated with their own hands, will be the subject of your pride.
- How to make greeting album The problem of choosing the optimal gift on the occasion of birthday, anniversary, wedding anniversary and other family celebrations have always existed. Indeed, to present to the person who almost doesn't need anything? Greeting album original, fresh, and, most importantly, interesting gift.
- How to close the loop knitting for armholes Quality yarn and original pattern is only half the story when knitting. A good blouse can be made only in compliance with all rules of vyvazhivanija its parts. It is especially important to design the beautiful region of openings.
- How to draw freckles In ancient times people were saying that freckles are a sign of spring. And indeed, people with freckles on the face seem to be more open, carefree and cheerful. But what about those who wanted to have these red spots, but their skin, unfortunately, does not allow this?
- How to play Reversi Reversi – the iconic Board game of the British and the Japanese. Need Board 8*8 cells and 64 chips. The cells are numbered vertically the Latin letters, horizontal numbers. One plays white, the other black chips (they contrast on both sides).
- How to prepare the bait for carp Just seems that to catch carp very easily. This common fish of freshwater reservoirs is quite picky to the nozzle. What you need to do to return from fishing with a full SADC fish? Lure carp in the place of the supposed catch. To prepare the dressing, there are certain rules.
- How to distinguish silver Silver is a noble metal with a silvery-white color. Silver is relatively heavy: it's lighter than lead, but heavier than copper. Unusually yielding a reflection coefficient close to 100%. Over time tarnish, reacting with traces of hydrogen sulfide contained in the air, covered in a patina of sulfide. Has high conductivity and the highest electrical conductivity
- How to fill a hookah In recent years, Russia has become fashionable ancient Eastern tradition of Smoking hookah. It is believed that the hookah is relaxing and conducive to more intimate communication. Hookah usually order in restaurants and cafes, but with the same success it is possible to smoke at home. Note, however, that the gas station hookah and its Assembly greatly affects the quality of Smoking. The correct Assembly and filling of the hookah depends the aroma of its smoke, and consequently, the magnitude of the pleasure of Smoking. This manual will help You to assemble and refill with any hookah.
- How to grow bonsai at home The formation of bonsai is a real art associated with the creative potential of the master. Bonsai is very much appreciated as a means of interior decoration. To grow a good bonsai, you need a lot of time, effort, patience, and a lot of positive energy. Have fun in the process!
- How to grow hazelnut Common hazel is a shrub, the fruit of which is a nut, often referred to as filbert hazelnut. Hazelnuts are called or the fruit of plants, or garden varieties of hazel. This unpretentious culture is able to grow on diverse soils. Garden varieties of the filbert are larger and more delicious fruit than a forest. They are also undemanding to conditions, so well take root in any area.
- Learning how to draw portraits with pencil Say what you will, but the portrait is always better than pictures. Painted with love and skill, an ordinary pencil portrait can become the real decoration of your home. And most importantly, the presence of such a portrait always causes heightened interest. Guests begin to ask: "And that you yourself drew?". How do sometimes want to answer them: "Yes! If you want to learn how to draw pencil portraits, then try to follow the instructions below.
- How to learn to play the harmonica The harmonica is a very common musical instrument. The sound in this instrument is played by fluctuations of copper plates that are inside of an accordion. In order to learn to play this instrument, you need to know three basic techniques of production of lips and tongue, on the harmonica – whistle, the u-shaped lock, lock tongue.
- How to draw cartoons Funny cartoons, deliberately distorting the man's face, making it look like, but funny, long ago gained popularity among the people, and master caricaturists are very popular among customers. Many people are interested in, what's the secret to drawing cartoons, in which the proportions and facial features are distorted, but similarity with the original is not lost. In this article we will tell you what you need to pay attention in drawing cartoon.
- How to make a notebook Regardless of whether you teach in a school as a teacher, or just follow the education of your child, you might want to know the rules of registration of school copybooks, universal for all schools and subjects. These rules include the order of title-page and his signature, and the order in which the design of the written work of students within the notebook.
- How to learn to write rap Rappers – poets of the streets, but who knows what their work fits in the literary framework? Rap is not free verse, it must have internal structure and some rhyme. Rap for their system of prosody is accentual verse. Want and your texts do not depart from the literary tradition and norms? Then go ahead! Our step by step guide will help you in creating the correct reperskih rhymed texts.
- How to learn to draw graffiti with a pencil Today many people dream to master the intricate art of street painting graffiti. However, before you take to the streets with spray paint, you need to master the technique of drawing in a more simple variant – at least with a simple pencil and paper.
- How to make a house for Barbie dolls with their hands Making house for Barbie doll and her friends — an incredibly exciting pastime that can be enjoyed by the whole family, there is a case for each. Dad can "build" a house mother to make the right furniture, and the child to draw a picture or sculpt a toy posudku. Materials for house, there are many, because it can be done using available tools and a variety of improvised things.
- Frame made of shells with your hands Photography is a beautiful way to preserve wonderful memories. However, they should be worthy of framing. The original option would be frame-crafts, decorated with seashells, which you can make yourself.