Properly designed cover includes the inscription of the following nature:


to work

*name of subject*

student) number of class "A, B, C"

secondary school (gymnasium) №...

Name of the student".
The name of the object is inclined in accordance with the preposition "of" in math, geography, Russian language.
Name and surname of the student is indicated in the genitive case (Anna Ivanova).
Written work in a notebook divided into class work, homework, and work on the bugs.
Handwriting students should be neat and beautiful.
In elementary school, students should start each new written work with a red line on the page with the name of work and date.
It is important to remember the rules of correction of errors – misspelled letter crossed out by a slash, and a misspelled word negates the horizontal line. Correct spelling need to sign on top of the crossed-out letters, and don't enclose in brackets the desired option.
To highlight some elements of their records, students should use a pen with green ink and a ruler. The text of school records with a ballpoint pen with blue ink.
The implementation rules of registration of children notebooks should be checked by you – a parent or teacher after each classroom as well as after every completed homework.