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- How to send a parcel Russian Post The parcel is the fact that people send and receive with equal joy. Although sending parcels has in its history for several hundred years, still many people do not know how to issue and send e-mail attachments.
- How to make an area for parents in kindergarten It is impossible to imagine a kindergarten without a beautifully decorated area of the parent. It is useful for parents and children information: the day group, class schedules, daily menus, helpful articles and reference materials-manuals for parents. It is important not only to fill the area with the most current and useful information, but also to make it colorful and attention-grabbing.
- How to sew children's sundress With the onset of heat you want to dress simpler and easier. And if for yourself, you can choose t-shirts and shorts, in the case of children's clothes need to be more meticulous. After all, a five year old girl not only wants comfort but also beauty. The solution will be elegant sundress, tailor and sew which will not be difficult.
- How to knit a circle with spokes Often knitted fabric round shape is performed by the hook – so make a graceful openwork napkin and cushion. However, you can associate a circle with spokes and and quite easily. With careful execution of that needlework looks very interesting. Associated circle can be used separately (panels, interior coasters under vases and other things), and as part of a larger product.
- How to measure figure If you are going to start to sew or knit, you first need to know the dimensions of the future product. It is necessary to take the measurements. For making measurements you need to know more, for knitting — less, but to build a pattern or count the number of loops "by eye" is no good. In order to not have to measure every time you want something to sew — do it once and record.
- How to knit men's sweater on the needles How do you want to give your dear and beloved man beautiful thing you made with your own hands, which warmed him on cold evenings and is perfectly suited to him. This thing may be a sweater, knitted by you. Correctly associated the model perfect to sit on your dear person. So you've decided to tie the sweater, but don't know where to start - for this you will need to do the following:
- How to sew the zipper to the skirt Most of the clothing items has a clasp in the form of buttons, Velcro, buttons, and popular in the world of zippers. If you sew a skirt, you should sew a zipper. Also from time to time the clasp broken, so in order to continue to wear a skirt, zip it you want to alter. This can be done with a normal foot sewing machine, and with the help of a special foot for sewing the zipper.
- How to check jinxed you or not We are exposed to negative forces, without realizing it. Someone may feel fatigue and tension in a conversation with a stranger and do not give importance to this condition. It turns out there are some people will take that can determine jinxed you or not.
- How to make an amulet for good luck Often in Newspapers and magazines, we find adverts from connoisseurs of esoterica, and a variety of jasnowidz about charging the amuletov love, luck, career and health. It turns out that the amulet on good luck to make it ourselves is quite real. Here are some tips.
- How to sew a Chevron on his jacket Distinctions exist in the army and other organized structures since time immemorial. The first "logo" were the tattoos on the body of a warrior. In the Middle ages came into use chevrons – stripes, indicating the status of the owner and his belonging to a certain service. And at all times, probably servicemen faced with the problem of stripe Chevron on his jacket.
- How to sell postage stamp Stamp collecting can be not only exciting, but also financially beneficial occupation. If you are the owner of a stamp collection, you may one day be sitting on the "Golden mound". Deciding to sell a brand or an entire collection, study prices in the market and learn how to negotiate.
- How to make tobacco For many centuries people with his own hands prepared the tobacco for various purposes. In our time, this topic has not lost relevance. Making tobacco on their own, you at least will be assured that this product is free of impurities.
- How to protect yourself from the evil eye The evil eye is a powerful negative energy impact on a person, destroying his protective aura. The man cursed, aura energy formed holes ("holes") through which flows supplied to the body energy. The consequences of the evil eye from chronic fatigue syndrome to psychological disorders, different diseases and problems. To protect yourself from the evil eye, you need to be able to protect his aura.
- How to use runes Runes in its classic sense, constitute elements of writing of the ancient Germans, were in everyday life from 1 to 12 century ad in Northern Europe. After the emergence of Christianity, runes were displaced by the Latin alphabet. The main feature of runic alphabet is a specific order of letters, Futhark. The primary names of runes were lost, we got them changed an alleged treatment.
- How to catch a swarm of bees The apiary is a very good help as to your household, and your health. A lot of work and effort you need to invest to raise bees and collect honey. For the expansion of bee farming, you can use the capture of escaped swarms from other apiaries, forestry or bee colonies.
- How to knit elongated loop The elongated loop is one of the varieties of shot loops. They help to decorate the knitted product and to diversify even the most simple habitual pattern. To learn how to knit, you have to remember the algorithm and spend 15-20 minutes to complete several training exercises.
- How to plant tamarind A very picturesque look small and big palm trees in our homes. Some of them are extremely demanding, others are quite unpretentious and does not require daily attention and care. The latter include the African date palm is a spreading and handsome tree that can be grown from seeds. It is only necessary to observe some simple rules.
- How to come up with the name of the group Creating a band, you need to think not only about what kind of program she will perform, but on how it will be called. The name of the group is its face, as it is constantly on the ear, and it is the original card, which causes the students to have certain thoughts and associations. Therefore, the selection of names for musical groups should be treated with the utmost care. How to choose a suitable name for your groupthat will match your style and content, and it will be original?
- How to learn to play cards Learn how to play cards . If you have a mathematical mind, you this is not anything complicated. If not, card will help you to develop logic.
- How to come up with the plot Everyone can remember many cases when I wanted to write an interesting story or a lengthy literary work, but the inspiration was over, it was worth thinking about the development of the plot. Indeed, in order to write a worthwhile literary text, the author needs to think carefully about the storyline to make them interesting and logical. Dynamic plot, well thought out characters, unexpected ending – all this makes the work attractive and exciting for the reader. In this article we will explain what you need to remember that the plot became boring and slow.
- How to breed worms for fishing No fishing will not be successful without good bait. Everyone knows that the best and recognized are the usual bait worms, which fishermen dug from the earth and used for the nozzle on the hook. However, in urban conditions the fishermen is not always possible to dig up worms for your favorite Hobbies, and before them, the question arises where to find the right bait. Buy worms in the store can be very expensive, and if desired, the fisherman can grow worms at home, always having at hand a sufficient amount of bait for fishing. How to grow worms at home?
- How to paint a rose A bouquet of flowers is always the woman positive emotions and joy, but even more emotions, surprise and interest will cause a bunch of flowers custom colors. Extraordinary in the girl's hands will look green chamomile or blue roses – and the secret of such unusual color simple so that you can easily paint the flowers in the home, in order to surprise a bright bouquet or to prank your friends.
- How to draw a logo Without the original logo can not exist no firm and company – the logo is a face of the company, its brand symbol and distinguishes the firm from many similar organizations. From the manner of execution of the logo depends largely on its subsequent perception by the management of the company and its customers. The logo needs to be both laconic and iconic, it needs to contain a stylized memorable and recognizable symbol that will become synonymous with the firm, giving it a certain atmosphere. To draw the logo use Adobe Illustrator.
- How to knit Bolero knitting For many women, knitting knitting is a very interesting lesson. This knitting accessible to everyone. Knitwear very much and the most expensive and valuable things are those that are hand. Knitted garments will always remain trendy, pleasing all the shape, style and color.
- How to knit footsies The foot petal is something like Slippers, only better. They are very warm, soft, cozy and soft. The pastries symbolize the comfort of home. It is a nice gift for loved ones, family or friends. So, knit footsies.
- How to play mafia on the cards There's this card game Mafia. But play it not on ordinary playing cards, and on special. Here each card is drawn the player's role, mafia, Commissioner, a local resident and so on. Common rules for this game does not exist, because at different times and in different companies, she "acquires" new, and some rules were abolished. But here is one of the relatively common modifications of the rules of the Mafia game.
- How to tighten the chain A motorcycle chain is one of the essential elements of this means of transport, without which he cannot function. To ensure speed drive and the safety of you and others, you need to properly tighten the chain with knowledge of all the rules and techniques of pull. Most often, the tension of the chain on the bike people are turning to the service, but if you have the skill to operate the equipment, you can try to tighten the chain yourself by following our instructions.
- How to make a rose out of fabric This spring promises to be romantic. In clothing and accessories is dominated by floral motifs and delicate colors. Brooches and hair clips in the colors of the fabric can be bought in every second shop. And if you do not want then to find that same lace roses is half of the city, you can make unique jewelry with your own hands.
- How to learn to write rap In Russia rap came from Brooklyn, the black immigrants from Jamaica and quickly gained popularity among young people. Most teenagers are attracted to the apparent ease rap: rhythmic background can say, or rather, recited phrase of his own composition, which you hurt for a living. However, when a guy or Gal sit down with pen and paper or in front of the computer screen and going to rhyme their own experiences, they do not always succeed. In order to write the rap, in addition to the skills need perseverance and knowledge of several simple writing secrets.
- How to learn hypnosis at home Hypnosis has been known since ancient times. In the past hypnosis was part of the occult Sciences, and in our time hypnosis more relates to psychotherapy. And if before the hypnosis was a secret knowledge, today to learn how hypnosis can be anyone. Including yourself.