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  • How to quickly learn chords
    Performance of any song, requires the accompanist the ability to quickly rearrange the chords. A professional usually does not think about it, and aspiring musician thinks painfully every time him where he could put his fingers. That it moved from a dead point, you have to stop every time to count strings and frets.
  • How to glue metal edge strip
    The need to refurbish the furniture from chipboard occurs often enough. This task is easy even for a person who has a very vague idea about carpentry. Modern materials, including edging tape, significantly accelerate and simplify the process. Edging tape is used for the end treatment. Make it from paper impregnated with resin.
  • How to learn to read chords
    Everyone who learns to play the piano, guitar, accordion and some other instruments, at some point, faced with the need to preechapanya a particular tune. In the Songbook can be given only the musical line, and above it is a strange notation like "Си7" or Dm. Understand what chords correspond to certain letters and numbers, you will be able to quickly disassemble any zimovku.
  • How to sew a zipper in a bag
    It happens that lightning in a quite new bag begins to jam or break the lock. And the owner, finding the time to go to the shop and deciding not to change the zipper on their own, throws the bag into the far corner. In fact, to make such repairs is not so difficult. And I can even do without a sewing machine.
  • How to call women's group
    Name – the card group. To approach to its choice very seriously, because this name will go through all the performances. The title should be striking, recognizable and always associated with the band. Such issues should be discussed by all group members, not a single founder or leader.
  • How to transfer image to fabric
    The process of heat transfer figure will appeal to all family members, allowing everyone to create on the basis of fabrics of your images. And the factory texture will remain intact even after washing in the washing machine.
  • How to make a railroad
    Children are often attracted to very simple, simple toys, while expensive and a more "dressy" instances go unnoticed. The thing is that the child reaches toward objects that are made with love. This toy can be railway, gathered by you. For its production need cardboard, glue and paint.
  • How to stitch "back needle"
    Seam "back needle" is used to design the contours of objects in embroidery stitch and cross and for the creation of an independent simple patterns. The technique of execution is similar to embroidery stalked seam.
  • How to learn to manipulate the cards
    Magic tricks with cards is very common. For display does not require special equipment and special facilities – enough to have the deck and be able to effectively manipulate it. And what is especially nice – all the tricks you can learn.
  • How to choose fins for spearfishing
    To young undersea hunter is an interesting question: how to choose the right fins for hunting? In-store specials dive gear you can find a great number of various types and kinds of fins, of which you will surely find a suitable pair.
  • How to make felt products
    With each day becoming more hand made crafts made from felt – beads, bags, flowers, toys. I really like to make products from felt, the children, simultaneously developing creative and fine motor skills. Try to create your masterpiece, you will need only a small set of materials, basic tools and imagination.
  • How to hold the Darts in Darts
    Darts – a game that won a lot of fans. Adults and children love to spend time throwing Darts. By the way, how the dart is in your hand, largely depends on the flight speed and accuracy.
  • How to calculate moon phase
    In connection with the change of position of Earth and Sun relative to each other, in different periods of the Moon illuminated by the Sun in a certain way. Different States of illumination of the moon are called her phases. Knowing which of the 8 phases the Moon is in a particular time, can be useful for planning the various events of his life: cosmetic procedures, surgeries, diets and much more.
  • How to paint thread
    Not always possible to calculate the number of threads to create things. So lovers of needlework don't I have a lot of skeins of yarn. If gain glomeruli may be enough for the goal, but prevents an extensive range of colors, don't despair. This problem can be easily solved. Dyeing yarn will not take much time, but in the end you will get an excellent result.
  • How to close the loop on the cap
    Upon completion of the knit hat should be closed or in other words to fix the hinges on the product. Close the loop on the finished part with the help of the knitting, crocheting or needle with a wide eye and blunt tip. To close loops on the caps used the same methods as for other knitted works.
  • How to draw engraving
    If you are inspired by engravings by famous masters, you may try your hand in making prints in the technique of "scratchboard" is an imitation of the engravings on thick paper or cardboard. You will be able to make it, even with children, to do this, arm yourself with the tips from this article.
  • How to cut heads in Photoshop
    Very often during the preparation for holidays and events, create attractive greeting cards and calendars, comic images and collages for friends and acquaintances you need on the computer contour cut the man's face from the original photo. Help in Adobe Photoshop, allowing a few clicks of the mouse to separate the desired part of the image from the rest.
  • How to record the live broadcast
    The recording of a live broadcast via the Internet is possible in two ways: capture video and record screen. To meet these challenges can many programs, in particular, VirtualDub, VLC and Camtasia Studio.
  • How to choose yarn for knitting toys
    Knitted toy is able to lighten the mood and be a welcome gift not only for children but also for adults. But to make such a toy, the ability to knit is not enough. Soft souvenir to keep in shape and pleasing to its owner for a long time, you need to choose the yarn.
  • How to make album artwork
    Every family has its own photo album, which holds the history of generations. Decided to make also baby, wedding and other photo albums dedicated to some life events. There are original ways to design their covers.
  • How to pereneset beads
    Modern women wear necklaces with no less pleasure than their great-grandmothers. To make this decoration can be from a variety of materials. The beads have one serious drawback: the thread may break at the most inopportune moment. It is not necessary that after such a trouble of the beads remained in the box. Of them even you can make something new if the old beads managed to podnadoest.
  • How to sew a sundress for women
    Lightweight sundress is very popular in summer. And the options, made of dense fabric and is complemented by other items of clothing and accessories are a bold item of business clothing.
  • How to call a team dance
    Dancing is a great way to tone not only your body, but also the mood. And if you organize a dance team, fun will be even greater. Will just have to come up with a suitable name and go to performances.
  • How to sew a bag for girls
    Many girls like to dress up and have lots of gizmos that help them feel more adult and independent. One of such accessories is the bag that young fashionistas can not only buy, but also to sew with their hands.
  • How to learn throat singing
    There are three types of throat singing: low, high and average. Many believe high most beautiful of the three options because it sounds like beautiful flute on the banks of the Creek. To learn throat singing, you need to practice special exercises.
  • How to learn to hit the notes
    To learn how to sing beautifully can even those who have never studied music and does not know notes. To become a professional singer, it is better to find a good teacher. But singing to yourself or you can learn very, good modern technical tools provide a lot of opportunities. First of all you need to learn how to take purely different sounds, that is, to control his voice.
  • How to get on talk shows
    Number of programs by a variety of subjects is increasing every year. And because of their great popularity many seek to get on talk shows as a spectator.
  • How to learn to dance Gypsy
    Hard to resist on the spot, having heard a rousing, cheerful Gypsy. Learn to dance it is not so difficult, just set a goal and train hard.
  • How to alter denim jacket
    Denim jacket – thing practical and versatile. It can be worn not only with pants as everyday clothes of sports style. In combination with a feminine dress, beautiful shoes and fashion accessories, it will be an important part of an interesting promenade attire. Sooner or later, the best clothing to wear; you might just get bored of its style and color. Try repurposing a denim jacket. Please act according to your imagination and level of skill in needlework. Can use some advice.
  • How to sew a skirt for dancing
    Probably not such girls who have mastered the art of Oriental dance, which had not dreamed about your own unique costume. This dream is achievable, if you gain a little patience to sew a skirt for the East dance with their hands.