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- How to sell a publishing a book With the advent of democracy in our country, many ordinary people thought about writing their own books. Now there is almost no limit to topics for writing compositions. Censorship gives a nod to many authors. After writing the first works in front of a person the question arises, how to sell a book publisher.
- How to sew beautiful clothes To achieve the spectacular appearance, it is not necessary to buy expensive branded clothes. For the same money you can get dressed from head to toe in the store an average hand to go to the Barber and acquire a high quality cosmetics. But if you want to save the maximum, just buy a fashion magazine, see what to wear this season and sew the same things independently.
- How to make a homemade guitar Build guitars at home – it is very difficult, but very creative and entertaining. It is possible to understand the manufacture of this tool, you will have to get an old guitarmay need to seek the assistance of the masters of this business. But still there are some General principles of manufacture.
- How to start writing songs Humorous line of "no one to work in factories, some guitarists in the country", in fact, very far from the reality of musicians and songwriters, not so much. It is difficult to say why this is so – because of the opportunities for new authors today much more than ever.
- How to fix acrylic paint Acrylic paints have found wide application, for example, they are used in painting fabrics. Batik is a wonderful art of decorating cloth. Using special technology, the master of batik on a fabric put juicy, bright pictures. From a painted cloth made décor items or clothing. Fashionistas like beautiful color transitions that occur when painting fabric.
- How to tell which version of fallout 3 You can often find a situation where the version is not displayed anywhere. Unfortunately, for the Russification or patch Fallout 3 this information is a must. After all, when mismatched versions of the patch and the game is likely to replace the files that can affect its performance.
- How to make night vision goggles at home To see in the dark as by day – a childhood dream of every boy. You see, and nobody sees you! This is possible if there is the device of night vision. But the PNV can be made with your own hands at home! For this purpose it is only necessary to recall school lessons of chemistry.
- How to grow a banana from seed Of course, to harvest edible fruit from the banana, grown from seed is unlikely. But you can get impressive-looking plant for interior decoration, and quite quickly. In good conditions ornamental banana can grow up to two meters high.
- How to play toy synthesizer Children's synthesizer has significantly less features than the regular, but it has a specific eight-bit" sound. For this, he finds adherents, not only among children but also among music artists in the genre that is called "8 bit". User interface cheap children's synthesizers from different manufacturers are usually standardized.
- How to paint with palette knife Palette knife – a tool that allows you to work with oil paints in new technology. In contrast to the brushes palette knife brings out on the canvas large paint strokes, making the painting more three-dimensional and expressive.
- How to make stucco plaster The word "stucco" is usually associated with the interior of a castle. Meanwhile, you can make a sculpture, a mask, an element of the decor of the ceiling or wall, not resorting to services of professional workshops. However, this will require a certain amount of time and skill to sculpt from clay. Plaster for making sculptures you will find in any hardware store.
- How to make a gun safe The presence of the safe is a prerequisite for the issuance of license for acquisition and possession of weapons. The main requirement for the storage of hunting weapons – to ensure the security and prevent unauthorized access to weapons by unauthorized persons. Modern industry produces a sufficient variety of safes and cabinets for storage of weapons and ammunition, but you can build a safe and their hands.
- How to tame Capricorn A typical Capricorn, at first glance, seems reserved, quiet and serious. Even in the noisy company he's always by himself, as if his presence necessary. But all these features – only the external manifestations of the dual nature of Capricorn. Deep down, men of this sign are romantics, dreamers, lovers of new adventures. And only the woman will be able to tame it, it will open the most secret corners of his heart.
- How to count cards Whist – a card game, which became widespread in Russia in the mid-nineteenth century. Predecessors of preference are European whist and Ombre, right known as the birthplace of the game have France or Russia – this fact is not fully understood, but historians are inclined to the second option. Play preference usually two, three or four people, a larger number of players robs the game of dynamism and drive.
- How to write a song to rap Rap and hip-hop have become so popular that in the youth environment it is almost impossible to find a teenager or young person who is not fond of such music and wanted to create their own songs to rap and creatively implemented. Since rap is a recitative, it is very important semantic component as well as important stylistic features of the texts. If you want to be creative in the hip-hostile, you should learn how to write stylish and original lyrics with an unusual rhyme and deep meaning.
- How to name your city All games that you can find in the world of the Internet, share on browser and full client games. Some games have a huge popularity among players of all ages. One of the most popular game genres is the simulation of urban development. In such games the main objective is the development of your city, increasing its territory and the construction of various buildings. The city can be given any name.
- How to learn quickly and to write beautifully Some people believe that the author's skill is a gift from nature, and people either have this gift from birth, or did not possess at all. But what about those who want to learn how to write beautiful, literate and fun lyrics, not having the innate skills? Actually, everyone is able to learn how to write original and high-quality to Express their thoughts. In order to further your writing could be of interest to potential readers, follow the simple tips.
- How to make fishing rod long casting Many fishing enthusiasts prefer to use a fishing rod for long distance casting. Below that brought only pleasure and a good catch, you need to properly prepare the bait, as well as patience, because such a set will require time and effort for serious development.
- How to get rid of hex What is the hex? It is a magical action that you make in order to send the required energy to the object or person. Secret words of incantations handed down from generation to generation. Now a lot of evil people, books on black magic and white magic are easily accessible. If your life went the black strip, there is a sense of wonder, and suddenly it's slander or damage, which can be removed independently.
- How to knit clothes for toy Terrier Many believe that clothing for dogs is overkill, considering that the dog is an animal, the body of which is adapted to all weather conditions. However, this is not always the case. Clothes for hairless dogs, especially small breeds such as the toy Terrier, was not just a whim of the owner, but a necessity especially in cold days.
- How to find artist of a song according to Sometimes the words of a song spinning in my head, and what kind of work, and who the contractor is, you don't know, or forgot, or doubt. Find artist of a song by words in the Internet.
- How to make a bowl from papier mache You want to surprise family and friends and make his own colorful product? Papier-mache is a unique method of obtaining the selected form, whereby from scraps of unused paper to make intricate items: cups and plates, fruits and vegetables, masks and a set of dolls for theater, and much more. Most importantly, the cost in this case is minimal. Moreover, the house will be less than unnecessary newsprint, which sometimes keep for years.
- How to make Field of dreams Children's birthday party is a responsible and joyful holiday, which is attended by not only parents and relatives of the child, but his peers – friends from kindergarten or school. The task of parents – to make the occasion interesting and exciting, that not a single child is not bored and did not feel discomfort. There are many different games that can enhance the child's birthday and you can spend for children is a funny game "Field of miracles".
- How to fix a sewing machine Many families still kept the old sewing machines that were released more than half a century ago. Unlike many contemporary models, these sewing machines sew regularly for decades, and almost do not require complex and costly repairs. However, in order for the machine pleasing you with the quality work for a long time, it is necessary to properly care and time to repair.
- How to make batter for fishing By fishing the bait is used to lure the bait to be used in the form of a nozzle. Nozzle from the test belongs to the category of vegetable nozzles that are used for catching carp fish. It is good that the batter lasts a long time on the hook.
- How to find a pen PAL No wonder the epistolary genre was so popular in the past century. Friendly correspondence allows you to effortlessly Express their thoughts and be often more sincere and open than in personal communication. The invention of the Internet has significantly expanded the possibility of search for friends on correspondence, connecting people from different cities and even countries.
- How to learn to draw 3D drawings Speaking of the 3D drawings, it should be noted that run them on almost any material, be it paper, wall, pavement or canvas. But one of the most fashionable and impressive ways - 3D image on the pavement. This is one of the branches of streetpainting or graffiti, a feature of which is that the drawings are done directly on asphalt. Such compositions are able to charm the audience, and looking at some of them it is difficult to find the boundary between pattern and reality.
- How to make shapes out of cardboard Manufacturing figures from cardboard is fun. Cardboard is easy to shape change. It can bend, glue, cut and fold. It is possible to make different crafts and decorative items. Children love to do with you, a variety of figures.
- How to write the correct name in English When filling in various forms, questionnaires and documents in English, it is important to write your surname. In order to prevent errors when writing Russian names in Latin, you must know the rules of transliteration.
- How to sew a round pillow Decorative pillow is the perfect way to decorate new or refresh their interior. The choice of store the cushions is big enough, but not always possible to choose the desired color, pattern, size. A small cushion made with your own hands will make the decoration of your room highlight. A beautifully decorated miniature pillow makes a wonderful gift for any occasion.