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  • How to make a magnet
    Permanent magnets find wide application in various fields of science and technology. Devices such as computer hard drives, loudspeakers, finally, is the oldest means of navigation, as the compass — is impossible without the use of permanent magnets.
  • How to paint with watercolors
    Landscapes, still lifes and portraits, done in watercolor, light and transparent. It is not surprising that many people want to learn how to work in this technique. Learn to paint with watercolors is not as easy as it may seem. You need to be patient and follow basic rules.
  • How to care for orchids
    Divinely beautiful and unusual flowers orchids. It is a tropical plant. They often collect, use symbols and the names of companies. Most recently, for fans of home gardening orchids were out of reach. They can be found only in special nurseries and in nature.
  • How to paint with oil paints
    In order to learn how to paint with oil paints should:
  • How to make a drawing on a t-shirt
    Every time choosing gifts to friends or relatives, you want to give something extraordinary and original. Unfortunately, buying the thing in the store, there is no guarantee that such is not the celebrant or someone will not come with the same gift. There is one simple way to make a gift with their own hands.
  • How to win at roulette
    Ways to play roulette a great many, but not all of them are effective. The chaotic placement of chips of various denominations on the 37 slots (36 numbers and one zero), of course, can allow you to win at roulette and bestow the big prize, but often does not bring the desired and expected result.
  • How to drink and never get drunk
    In order to have the opportunity to visit many festivals, involving the feast with copious libations, and not feel uncomfortable, you should remember a few simple recommendations that will allow You to drink and never get drunk .
  • How to make a toy yo-yo
    A fascinating and entertaining toy yo-yo (her), able for a long time to take the child and almost every adult. The charm of this thing in its simplicity. Today there are various styles of play and the yo-yo. Has its Champions and its Champions. In the CIS this invention is also a disturbance.
  • How to make a knife with your hands
    The recipe is a good knife at home is quite simple. Of course You will need tools for this lesson. However, practice shows that the standard set of garage tools enough. If You decide to make a knife by following the instructions, it can be easily taken along on camping and rest "savage."
  • How to make 3D glasses at home
    Modern trends, modern technology, and the Slavic mentality does not change. Craftsmen magicians always find solutions to most interesting problems. We have recently encroached on a movie in 3D resolution. There is nothing unusual in this. Long known that our kids with physics much better than in the West, so savvy students have found a way to use Western practices in their own way.
  • How to make laser at home
    Who of the teenagers and most adults, male, does not want to build your own laser sword? Laser pointers have long gone out of fashion, their capacity is unlikely to impress anyone. However, this does not mean that they will not be the last. Laser sword from them will not work, but that's quite a powerful laser will work.
  • How to care for lemon at home
    From flower growers gained popularity of lemon – a beautiful perennial plant that will please the owner and a graceful, green foliage, and exotic flowers, delicious and useful fruit. However, in its homeland in India, China, and the warm tropical Islands – lemon tree reaches 8 feet in height. How to grow lemon in an apartment?