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  • How to learn wood carving
    Woodcarving is a craft that developed among all peoples of the world, because wood is a material that gives warmth and comfort. But not all trained in this useful craft.
  • How to make thread of nettles
    Nettle is a valuable fibrous plant, from time immemorial, supplied the human quality raw material for manufacturing strong ropes and various fabrics. Yarn spun from nettle fiber has a high durability and healing properties.
  • How to sew a sheath dress
    Feminine and elegant sheath dress is a real lifesaver for women with different complexion. It looks equally good on petite girls, and in all ladies. Besides, due to the sleek style, it can be made from virtually any fabric a variety of colors and shades, it can be solid, and with unimaginable prints, tender, romantic and rigorous.
  • What a dream, like a girl changes
    Dreams about cheating has always been a symbol of any quick changes. Prediction of certain dreams"traitors" are directly dependent on the smallest detail seen by the dreamer. To help explain these pictures will help dreams.
  • What is the happiest sign of the Zodiac
    All twelve signs of the zodiac are constantly competing with each other, and each tries to prove that he is "most-most". The smartest, most successful, kindest, most responsible, And what sign is the most happy?
  • How to play the xylophone
    Xylophone – wooden percussion instrument with accurate tuning. The tool is a series of wooden plates, each of which corresponds to a specific sound. The accuracy of the system is provided by the manufacturer. The sale can be seen as children's 8-ton xylophones and complex professional tools with a large number of plates. Play the xylophone with special hammers.
  • Which Zodiac signs fit the Fish
    Fish are considered to be one of the most amorous Zodiac signs. They are very romantic, sensual nature, tend to idealize their partners, so often disappointed in love. But as Fish have the capacity to radiate incredible charisma and opposite sex are attracted to its mystery, they rarely remain without a pair. Both men and women Pisces are a good compatibility with Zodiac signs of water and earth elements.
  • How to learn to paint on rice paper
    Drawing on rice paper - Sumi-e – the kind of painting that originated in China in the X century during the song dynasty, and in the XIV century this art has penetrated into Japan. Sumi-e in Japanese language means "mascara" and "painting".
  • How to sew a dress in the style of the 50s
    The motto of fashion 50-ies - femininity. Fitted bodice, wide skirt to mid-calf, light delicate fabrics - women seemed to be creatures of air and unearthly. Dress in 50s style is relevant in our days.
  • How to sew a dress in the style of 60-Kh
    Fashion 60-ies of the last century is sometimes called careless. Such a definition have their own reasons. New fabrics, bright colors, simple geometric cut, short skirts, will not restrict movement – people seemed to remember that there is joy and fun. In recent years, the style of the 60's have come back into fashion. To sew this dress, you can with your hands, including modern fabrics.
  • How to sew on the sewing machine
    In the nineteenth century the sewing machine became a real breakthrough, its emergence made possible the sale of ready-made gowns and at times accelerated the process of tailoring. Simple modern sewing machines can be ten times greater than those of the first, and still is able to simplify life.
  • How to determine the winning ticket
    Man wants to be happy, so people trying to grab a piece of good luck by all available means. One of them is happy tickets that, according to the legend, supposed to bring good luck and fortune to their owner.
  • How to draw a person in profile
    Drawing faces is a complex art. Some artists can cut out of black paper with the person's profile without any sketch. Such perfection they reach. But first we need to learn how to draw human face in this perspective.
  • How to make beautiful children's album
    Prepared thematic albums dedicated to the birth of the baby, today you can buy in many stores. Enough to stick them in the pictures – and it's done. However, many parents want not only to capture the important moments in the lives of their offspring, but the original design of the pictures. Come to the aid of the technique of scrapbooking. It's an art, allowing the original to decorate each page or spread the album (scrapbook).
  • How to access the armor of Altair
    Since the release of the first part of Assassin's Creed game has won millions of fans around the world: a fascinating story, great graphics, a wide variety of tasks and intuitively simple operation. The second part of the game puts the character Ezio auditore in Renaissance Italy, where he will have to find the culprits in the death of his father and brothers and to find both particles of Eden. Uncle Mario shows Ezio armor of Altair - their long-standing relative - hidden in a secret vault at the family Villa in Monteriggioni. To access them, you have procured all print assassin.
  • How to win a game of chess
    Chess party are usually divided into three parts — the opening, middlegame and endgame. To win in the debut of the faster enter the fight figures to none behind. In the middle of the game — the middlegame — by all means attack the enemy king. In the final stage, when most of the shapes asmenini, for the remaining enter the battle of the king to win a pawn.
  • How to fit buttons
    If the model of clothing or fabric it is difficult to find a suitable fastener, try to use buttonscovered with cloth. They are always harmonious and are not visible on clothing, almost constitute a whole with it. In addition, covered cloth buttons can be a real highlight, if you will embroider on it the pattern with beads or perhaps sequins sew.
  • How to determine the elements in Feng Shui
    In the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui there are five basic elements – metal, wood, water, earth and fire. Depending on what year you were born, your life is dominated by one of the basic elements.
  • How to learn to do card tricks
    To show card tricks you must have an excellent memory, confidence in their actions and, of course, practical skills. Being able to easily manipulate the maps, you will be able to impress any viewer and feel like the center of attention. Learn the tricks is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance.
  • How to learn to draw oil painting
    Paintings oil — it's vibrant works that can decorate any room. They look much more impressive than the picture that is written, for example, a pencil. From the artist, they require not only difficulty, but also considerable resources. So if you are willing to spend, then feel free to start learning.
  • How to play the bamboo flute
    Bamboo flute – wind musical instrument, which is traditional in many Nations of Asia and America. Play it like a normal flute, but its wooden frame plays a more rich, clear and unique tone. To play this instrument quite difficult, but very interesting.
  • How to play the single player of Battlefield
    Battlefield has always belonged to a number of projects focused exclusively on multiplayer. Each part of the game fully reveals its potential only in the fields of network battles, and therefore, since "Battlefield 1942", a single mode was in poor condition. The last series tried to rectify this omission, but with questionable success.
  • How to transplant a dracaena
    Dracaena - low maintenance and shade loving houseplant. Her growths are quite easy to transplant and in most cases without problems get accustomed to the new place. Lovers of flowers will easily be able to transplant a dracaena yourself.
  • How to sew toys
    Educational toys aimed at developing intellectual and creative abilities of the baby. They contribute to the development of imagination, motor skills, memory, orientation in space. While for mothers the manufacture of such toys may well develop into a real hobby.
  • How to knit set-in sleeve
    Knitting set-in sleeve can be both top down and bottom up. The second most common method, as it allows you to create a single figure with shelf and backrest (which are often also tally up). The advantage of knitting the sleeveand the armhole is the ability to change the length of the sleevea, which is important in the creation of products for children, and to ensure that the sleeve fits in the armhole.
  • How to knit a phone case for the spokes
    Tie case for mobile phone is not difficult and will not take you much time if you have good basic skills of knitting. Even if you connect the case front simple stitch, and then embroider it with colorful beads or sequins or even lace, you get a wonderful accessory for your cell phone.
  • How to sew a circle skirt
    A circle skirt or a flared skirt is one of the most simple and at the same time one of the most spectacular models. This skirt casual suits women of any figure, it gives the silhouette a femininity. The pattern "sun" is a great circle, whose radius depends on the length of the product, and the smaller circle located in the center - the length of its circumference equal to the circumference of the waist. Such a pattern can be built right into the fabric.
  • How to separate lyrics from music
    Quite often the organizers of children's parties and other events are faced with the same problem: the words of the song need to be separated from the composition, need only music. To cope with this challenge will help a program that separates words from songs music.
  • How to make a wooden boat
    Homemade toys children often enjoy more than the purchase. Wooden boat - a traditional pastime, is popular with many generations of children. This boat held up fine on the water, it can be put in the tub, a pond, a Creek and even in the sea.
  • How to win the lottery using a pendulum
    The use of the pendulum, or plumb — a kind of so-called dowsing, or dowsing, in which involuntary micro movements of the muscles of the hands in her subject matter, whilegiving him the apparent motion. Since some schools of thoughts consider dowsing a way to access intuitive knowledge and abilities of man, with the help of a pendulum you can try, withmeasures to win the lottery.