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  • How to paint with acrylic paints on clothing
    Many people want to wear clothes that accentuate their individuality, help to Express the inner world. Of course, this is hard to find in stores. But if you are even a little know how to draw, then easily create their own unique things, simply causing the image on the fabric.
  • How to make a hammock for your Guinea pigs
    Guinea pigs love hammocks. They are happy to get them to take a NAP, climb or just swing in a simple fixture. Try to make a hammock for your pet by yourself, it will take some time.
  • How to build a pyramid of Cheops
    The pyramids are the greatest architectural monuments of Ancient Egypt, and the pyramid of Cheops one of the seven wonders of the world and the largest of all known pyramids in our time. I assume that this design helps to cure a variety of diseases, so many are trying to build it on your plot or have a small pyramid at home.
  • How to make an album with your own hands
    Despite the fact that the electronic albums in social networks inevitably displace the usual photoalbumsto view photos from vacation, turning the beautiful pages, is still much nicer. There is a whole art of design family albums, and it is called scrapbooking. Learn the basics of it, everyone can.
  • How to decorate a personal journal
    Personal diary is the most precious and sacred that we have. Share what you can't trust even the closest people. Everyone needs their personal space, the opportunity to be honest and this is a personal journal allows you to achieve this. Not surprisingly, such an important thing want to decorate. To make it easy, but unusual appearance will make the journal even more expensive.
  • How to catch carp in the summer
    Carp is one of the most unpretentious lake and river fish. Catching this fish is effective only at observance of some simple rules. This requires a streamlined float tackle, efficient nozzles and feeding of fish by season. As carp are reasonably considered as very choosy and cautious fish, to the preparation of fishing must be approached very thoroughly.
  • How to copy paintings
    Despite the existence of copiers and scanners, many artists today are copying the pictures freehand. The hardest part of this process is to accurately observe the proportions. Will help you with this special devices, some of which may be made by any handyman.
  • How to create a social club
    The abundance of online communities and forums does not negate the need for live communication. Associations established in the network, can be displayed in real life by organizing a club for interests.
  • How to build a boat from wood
    Simple wooden boat is an essential companion for someone who likes to relax in rustic ponds to fish and raft the rivers on camping trips. Unlike other forms of water transport, the boat is easy to make yourself if you know how to handle the tree and possess the necessary tools for its production. Boat made by hand, can withstand loads up to 400 kg, and subsequently, if desired, you can install it on motor and sail.
  • How to make business cards in Word
    Today, the business card is an integral part of any business and any organization. And that would create a unique presentation card, do not need to be a designer and have a graphic program. It is sufficient to use the program "Microsoft Word", which provides the ability to create business cards.
  • How to knit a flat loop
    Once the knitting was a pressing need for people who wanted to get a durable and warm clothing. Nowadays knitting is more of a hobby. Things in the style of Hand-made products do not lose their relevance. Besides, vymazyvaja dress with your own hands, you can always make it original and unique. In recent years it has become fashionable clothing looking a bit worn, zastiranny and even spoiled. The same fate befell knitted items. Today is a very popular knit stitch.
  • How to make an album for coins with your hands
    Anyone who just started picking up coins, you have to think about storing your collection. The larger the collection, the greater the need for special albums for coins. These albums are beautiful and well tailored, but often too expensive. Many can't afford it. You can make an album and with his own hands. The cost is negligible, but if you make the effort, and look like the album will be beautiful. The convenience of a self-made album that you can make the cells exactly the size that you need.
  • How to get on TV
    If you whole life dreaming of fame and that you showed on TV, you have a great chance - you can take part in the show. Heroes for gear fit permanently, you only need to determine your role and abilities.
  • How to learn to play the balalaika
    Balalaika is a traditional Russian instrument, today it is becoming increasingly rare in people's homes. Learn to play the balalaika is quite simple, but few people interested in folk music. Professionals balalaika in the world is almost there. Those who want to learn to play the balalaika and has serious intentions have no competition that in some way is an absolute plus.
  • How to make Remix songs
    Remix – from the English "Remix" - the creation of original track based on material already composed songs. The Remix uses the vocals of the original, but, as a rule, completely swept aside accompaniment. The name of the Remix is usually prepared like this: the Performer of the original – the name of the original author's name of the Remix style Remix of the remix).
  • How to age the mirror
    The mirror since ancient times is considered a mystical object with magical properties and some force. A huge number of superstitions and divinations connected with mirrors. However, many myths such as: you can't look in a broken mirror, otherwise there will be trouble, have no basis in reality. While fear of antique mirrors is fading, and distressed mirror is a sign of discerning taste. Today antique mirror is a real trend in interior design.
  • How to make an invitation in photoshop
    No full-fledged celebration, at which people await is not complete without beautiful party invitations. The invitation to the feast is already a part of the celebration, they cook people to your event, they create a special holiday mood, which is why it is so important to create an unusual and beautiful invitation using the graphic editor Photoshop.
  • How to choose a synth for a beginner
    Synthesizer – an electronic keyboard musical instrument with keyboard like a piano and the ability to change timbres (samples) depending on the needs of the contractor. Often referred to as synthesizer music computer for the abundance of features and options. The choice of synth depends on the level of skill of performer, style of music and applications (Studio recording, concert, collective rehearsal, training). So synths for beginners (as a rule, students of music schools) are selected mainly from the brands Yamaha and Casio.
  • How to get the blue color
    Painting knows a number of ways of obtaining the desired colorand. A particular paint can be applied in pure form, without mixing it. The desired color can also be obtained by mixing two or more colors.
  • How to make an assassin costume
    For the New year, masquerade is required to make the outfit original and unlike any other. How do you stand out from the crowd? For example, you can come in the way of the assassin and warrior, which is the perfect combination of boldness, courage and strength. Problems to make a suit the assassin will not occur if you already have some skills of needlework.
  • How to knit Raglan knitting
    Raglan is a unique method of manufacturing knitted articles without a seam. Raglan knitting need knitting needles, and circular. Thus virtually eliminated errors in the calculation of the loops and direct the process. Very nice warm sweaters for children of all ages. Products are either solid or with a band, for which pre-include buttons or the lock-lightning. A properly selected quality thread gives things aesthetic. Also a seamless way can be linked pullovers, jumpers and even dresses.
  • How to knit for kids knitting
    Fat babies funny touches legs, and on it the bright sweater with dinosaurs. Touching in the picture, isn't it? If mom knows how to knit, you can dress up your baby even in dinosaurs, at least in ducks, at least in the daisies!
  • How to understand Taurus
    If you liked the man Taurus, to understand your mutual interest, sometimes quite difficult. Taurus needs time to himself to confirm his feelings. However, there are several signs that will help you understand the man-bull.
  • How to make a flute
    Flute – the instrument is quite melodic and beautiful. It's not just a tube with holes. It is in some cases a piece of art. Craftsmen and masters of improvised flute cover decorative carvings and get a flute that could be put up for sale in an antique shop. To do the flute thread we teach you will not. Let's talk about how to make the actual flute with his hands.
  • How to know the name of the movie
    Sometimes, switching channels, you can stumble on a fragment of the film, which later I'd like to see completely. But how to do it, if his name is still unknown to you? You can ask for help to the Internet or even to the "collective mind"!
  • How to learn magic tricks at home
    "Sleight of hand and no fraud" - this phrase became the unofficial motto of the magician. After all, to make believe the person that you're a magician, working miracles, considerable worth. On the one hand magic is hard work, requiring many years of training. And with another – it is only a matter of technique. For example, there are many easy tricks that will amaze others, but you do not spend on their study much time.
  • How to make candle at home
    Humanity has long replaced manual labor with automated production. Now we don't need to make soap, mould candles, even to cook: all we need in life, make the machine in large quantities. So nice to receive a gift of a thing made by the hands of your friends or loved ones especially for you. In such things is invested soul and personality, they are nice to get, and even nicer and more fun to make yourself.
  • How to make horns
    The final chord of the costume of the devil or gay Hotties - cute horns. Usually they are popular at costume party, especially on the occasion of Halloween. If you have a homemade costume, and horns to make your own hands will not be easy. This activity is simple, even children whom it is possible to involve to manufacture a fun accessory for the costume.
  • How to put a network
    Fishing is one of the most common Hobbies. However, before they fished not only for enjoyment and leisure, and for food. And if you want to fish, as our ancestors - with the help of networking, then this information is for you.
  • How to set the clock.
    Every watch in need of food. In an electronic clock, you need to periodically change batteries, and mechanical watches need from time to time to have. How to wind the mechanical watch and set time on them? Because the wrong plant hours and to their failure to lead.