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- How to deal with aggressive husband Often women blame themselves that their husband is aggressive and allows himself to hit his wife. The reasons for this relationship of the wife to the problem are the old prejudices, and the fear of being lonely, and education. But we cannot allow the battering in the family, it is necessary to fight.
- How to get rid of the obsessive fan Sometimes a dream is to fascinate, to bewitch, to captivate, to drive men crazy turns into a nightmare. Appears obsessive fan and starts to bother with phone calls, flowers, letters, serenades under the window... And if the woman does not clearly say "no", there is a problem. After all, the man in turn sees it as a chance on love. What to do in this situation?
- How to deal with selfish Life with an egoist can be a nightmare for the person he will be able to bend under him. As a rule, and from an early age wayward children, bossy parents. And they shrug and refuse to understand that the reason was their indulging a cranky child. Is it possible to change a selfish nature?
- How to behave when wife is pregnant Pregnancy is not only important but also quite difficult period of time for the expectant mother. The expectation of the child is making significant adjustments in life, and sometimes it completely changes. These changes affect the future of the father. Often men are lost and do not know how to behave with his pregnant wife.
- How to make a guy appreciate a girl Harmony in relationships between young people is not always the case. Often the girl is madly in love and ready to make any sacrifice, and a young man just allow her to be around and absolutely does not appreciate it.
- How to charm a girl-Scorpion Proud, independent, and absolutely self-confident women Scorpios have a mysterious beauty and amazing attractiveness to men. You will need enough strength and patience to attract the attention and gain charming Scorpions.
- How to make a man miss you Sometimes it is important to know that dear and beloved person, even being far away, thinks of you. To get bored of someone is almost impossible, but you can try to do so for a long time to stay in his thoughts, without causing irritation.
- How to get a man to confess his love Men are amazing creatures; they can love a woman but never say a word to her that I love her. It is therefore important to know how to get a man to confess his love if he does not hurry with this.
- How to detect infidelity Perfect marriages do not exist, and betrayal can happen at any time. This turn of events is impossible to prepare, but you can be always on the alert and to identify it by certain signs.
- How to master the art of seduction The art of seduction allows women to feel their power over men, to achieve manifestation of interest on their part, to attract attention and hint at a possible continuation of Dating. To master this science is difficult, but, at the certain diligence, it is possible.
- Why does a man not answering his texts All your SMS messages beloved man responds with cold silence. As a woman should be treated like ignore? What are the main reasons to induce him to stop responding to your messages?
- What to do when a guy ignores The situation in which the guy suddenly stops to pay attention to the girl, not answering phone calls and avoiding meetings, is different from the circumstances when the stranger simply does not notice you. In both cases, required a special approach.
- How to make a Declaration about the acquaintance Many lonely people get acquainted through the Internet, Newspapers and so find their soul mate. In turn in order to get acquainted through the Internet Dating sites or other media, you need to make an announcement about the meeting.
- How to support a person's word In the life of every person there are situations when you need the support of loved ones and friends. To help with something you can not always work, but to provide moral support to have the opportunity even in the most critical cases. If you want to support a friend or acquaintance wordand in the head, unfortunately, absolutely nothing comes up, read carefully. Perhaps, the user will find useful information for you.
- How to stop being jealous of ex-wife The desire with anybody not to divide partner is the norm, if not one circumstance. There are women jealous of her man, even to his past – ex-wife or girlfriend. Mind knowing that it is not right, they can't cope with this feeling. How to stop being jealous of husband's ex-wife?
- How to write a letter to his girlfriend Girls are a strange breed. They say that they love the ears, so you need to constantly make them compliments and tell them that you loved them and how pretty they are and kind. To say such things in the eye is not always easy, but there is a solution – about the feelings to write about. You just describe on paper everything is hard to say eye to eye, and pass the girl. Today, with the development of Internet and e-mail, even with nothing to pass on, once again not to be embarrassed. To write the electronic letter and it's in the bag. Stop, but what to write?
- How to learn about the seriousness of his intentions To learn the seriousness of the intentions of your boyfriend or next a new suitor, you need to observe some time for his behavior. Of course, the girl needs to get to know your date.
- How to understand that the man is jealous It is believed that if a man is jealous it means he loves you. But there is absolutely the converse: if a man really loves, he understands and tries not to poison your jealousy someone else's life. How to understand, all you your male you or he does not see any reasons for it?
- How to renew his interest Loss of interest in a woman by men does not only depend on the duration of the relationship, but also on the ability to be happy together. When the feelings of one partner change, and are extinguished, as a rule, the second also feels cool. If parting with a man not in your plans, immediately take action and renew his interest.
- How to understand that like the new guy Sometimes the sympathy of the other person remains a mystery for us, no matter how much we tried to learn someone else's soul. But there are some signs that will help to understand that the girl attracted the attention of a young man. We should take a closer to look at him.
- How to make a family tree Interest in his kind, its history is becoming more and more common in our country. After many decades of neglect, people are going back to their roots. Many are beginning to gather the remaining information about their ancestors, go to the archives and the services of professional historians in trying to reconstruct the family tree of his family. At the same time, not everyone knows what a family tree is quite possible to build own, even without extensive knowledge in genealogy.
- How to congratulate your husband happy birthday Day of birth of her husband – a holiday which is a real triumph for the couple. This is the day when you can forget about everything and not in a hurry. This holiday is supposed to be not only romantic but also memorable. Every man eagerly awaits the gifts of congratulations from relatives, friends, acquaintances, and most importantly, from his beloved half.
- How to congratulate a loved one with a birthday unusual If you want to congratulate on day of a birth of a loved one is unusual, to spend this day alone with him and to surprise him, plan for an interesting scenario of the evening. Keep from the men in the secret of your plans. Don't be afraid to be creative, and then certainly my beloved man will appreciate your effort.
- How to know whether he wants from you kids Sometimes it so happens that the house – a full bowl, and parents of spouses are at a respectful distance from the young family, and the issue of children remains open. If you want children, and the husband keeps about this significant silence, you can very likely find out by analyzing his attitude towards you and the family values, whether he wants from you children.
- How to wean husband to smoke If your man smokes too much, any requests and entreaties did not help, do not give up. Smoking is a harmful habit that is not easy to give up, so every woman should understand it. Is there an reliable way to wean people from this habit?
- How to get rid of the attachment to the man Love is sometimes not mutual, relationships do not always lead to a happy life together. Having gone through a breakup, you have to set yourself on a positive wave and to learn to live without a loved one.
- How to find out the intentions of the guy Many girls, going on a first date with an unfamiliar man, set in the depths of the soul, how to understand his true intentions? There are a few subtleties in the behavior of the guys who say that a girl they care about.
- How to tell the guy that you like him Girls are different – some of them are easy to admit in their sympathies, and some very difficult to understand the guythat they like him, due to excessive shyness, upbringing and a number of other reasons. For all shy girls, fortunately, there is a guide to action that will help to talk about their feelings without compromising moral principles.
- How to make miss Sometimes you need to know what the people dear to you, misses you, even when you are not around. But to get bored - it is really hard and requires a lot of effort. There are several behaviors that will help you constantly stay in the mind of man, without causing irritation.
- How to earn respect People are social creatures, so it is too difficult to live without the approval of others. Respect – the highest degree of social approval, so to achieve it is not so simple. But if you firmly adhere to their moral principles and to respect the needs of the people around you, you certainly will gain respect and to yourself.