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  • How to divorce a pregnant woman
    A child born in a complete family is always happier than one that will grow up without a dad. But the fact is that young couples often get divorced. It also happens that a few months after the wedding, the couple realize that they are too different, and they are not on the road, but the girl is already pregnant.
  • How to check the wife of allegiance
    Family life is not always easy. Sometimes spouses move away from each other. Appears jealousy and distrust. Moreover, to suspect your mate of infidelity can not only women. Some men also want to be sure that their wife is completely loyal to them.
  • What to say when we first met
    Familiarity with boy or girl always implies a dialogue. And how he will emerge, often depends on the further development of relations. That's why people who want to make a new friend a good impression, you must carefully choose the topics of conversation.
  • What to do if pregnant by a married man
    The situation in which an unmarried woman gives in to the wooing of unfree men and their amorous relations, as old as the world. Quite often these relationships over time, lead to the fact that the mistress gets pregnant from her married suitor. What should the woman in this situation?
  • How to choose an engagement ring
    To choose a ring for proposal of marriage to his beloved man can, relying on your senses and common sense. It can be purchased in a jewelry store or make to order. Decoration has become a beautiful symbol of your devotion and caring future wife
  • Why do men go back to ex
    Everyone knows the saying: "the same river Twice, tread". But life brings about changes in people's sayings: sometimes it happens that after the breakup - sometimes extremely painful - a man returns to his ex-girlfriend (or family). What led him to this decision? The reasons can be several.
  • How to know if a married man
    A lot of girls are interested in how to know if a married man. Unfortunately, the lack of a wedding ring on the finger still about what speaks. Ring at any time to remove, and are not all. If the passport does not about marriage, it also may not be proof that the man is loose, he may cohabit with a woman, not legitimizing relations. However, psychologists say that "married men"-seekers can be calculated from some features and habits.
  • How to find a normal guy
    "How to find a normal guy?" - this question is raised by many girls. However, before you search for, the girl must decide which guy she considers "normal". Someone is looking for a young man to have a small affair, going to restaurants and discos... And someone needs a young man for a long serious relationship. From the goal depends on the places and search methods.
  • How to know, love does in you girl
    Loving people fixate on their feelings. Because of this they are difficult to understand, unrequited or mutual they love. Often it happens with guys as they are less attentive than girls. But if you look close, loving girl to notice very easy.
  • What to say to a girl on the phone
    Among young people there is a common misconception that the most important thing in learning any girl – find out her phone number. In fact, however, no less important, what exactly you will be on that phone talking.
  • How to make a guy hurt when parting
    Causing the suffering of another person can only bring fleeting satisfaction. But if you are determined to take revenge on her now ex boyfriend and make it as painful at parting, use one of the proven ways.
  • What if the guy was offended
    If the guy was offended and didn't want to continue communication, the girl can to rectify the situation. Delicious dinner, a sincere explanation and a bit of female trickery can work wonders. The ability to admit when you're wrong will save your relationship.
  • What sweet words to say to a girl
    If there is a real feeling, quivering and beautiful, called love, I want to make beautiful everything that relates to the subject of love, including the words addressed to her. But what to say what to call his beloved, to give her pleasure is sometimes the cause of the problem.
  • How unusual it is to deliver the boy fun in bed
    Great sex is the "glue" which hold the relationship. It is very important not to turn sex into a routine, try to diversify them. Sometimes you just forget yourself and to give pleasure to the partner.
  • Affectionately called the guy
    Girls are inherently more gentle creatures than young men. Partly this is reflected in the habit of some young ladies to give affectionate nicknames to their elected representatives. Like this if you have guys and what affectionate names should I use?
  • How many months apply to the Registrar
    You fall in love, make friends, and finally realizes it's time to make one of the most important things in life – to submit an application to the Registrar. What should know young people, having made the decision, to become a family? Is it easy to get the list of the honeymooners?
  • Why do men always come back?
    Men are always difficult to understand women, but women often don't understand why their men do anyway. It is not strange that a romantic relationship between the two sexes are often too complicated. Many men leave their sweethearts, and then for some reason returned.
  • Can you forgive a cheating girlfriend
    Some of the couples there are such unpleasant situation as a betrayal of one partner. From it nobody is insured. If male infidelity in recent times was in the order of things, cheating girls sometimes causes confusion and condemnation from others.
  • How to get back the girl you love
    Almost all loving people there is a period when the only way for the development of a relationship is separation. What to do if you really love this man and can't live without him?
  • How to get a guy, if he loves another
    To get a guy who's in love with another girl, not just. Try to compete their appearance in this case makes no sense. Your task is not to focus his attention on himself, using all sorts of tricks, and to be myself and show real feelings.
  • Where and how to meet a girl
    At all times boys were interested in the question of how easily and without problems to meet a girl to please her and to establish a relationship in the future. To do this, you need to consider some features of the female character.
  • On what topics can I talk to a guy
    Interesting conversation - a difficult task, especially in the nascent relationship. In this case, as a rule, stop the fear to say something wrong or to create the impression of a boring companion. Fortunately for girls, there are universal themes for discussion with a guy of any nature and of mind.
  • What if the guy lost interest
    In different periods of life the relationship between two people can change from love to indifference, and even complete loss of interest in each other. So how do you determine the first signs of cooling of the guy and what to do to revive and strengthen his feelings for you?
  • How to meet a girl on the street
    Acquaintance on the street - a great way to establish privacy. The main thing - to find individual approach and correctly to start the conversation. And then everything goes like clockwork, if the beloved is predisposed to it.
  • Why wives cheat on their husbands
    Unfortunately, cheating spouse cannot be insured. There are several reasons for the campaign's wife left. This dissatisfaction with family life, low self-esteem, desire for revenge and other options.
  • What is dangerous late virginity
    Attitude to virginity at all times was different. Paganism did not attach any importance, and for Christianity chastity has become a symbol of spiritual purity and high morals. So how can you be a girl who haven't met the one, and time is heading inexorably for 30 years? After all, late virginity is fraught with negative consequences.
  • With what phrases to start Dating
    Acquaintance with a girl often starts with the right kind of phrase. If the words are wrong, the communication will last for a few seconds, then, most likely, will never continue.
  • How to humiliate without the Mat
    Sometimes you need to humiliate someone, which has long been asking for this for. In this case, pretty stupid to resort to Mat, since it is rather humiliate you, not your abuser. But there are plenty of adequate ways to undermine the self-esteem of the unpleasant person and humiliate him in the eyes of mutual friends.
  • Why men become tyrants
    The husband is a tyrant, alas, not rare. Reasons why a man shows his worst quality, not so much. Unfortunately, in such situation it is difficult to save the relationship.
  • What flowers to give on a first date
    A date - it is romantic, and therefore needs to emphasize atmosphere and mood. For this we need certain words and smiles, the music (even if only in their hearts, if only heard both) and, of course, flowers. But the first date is still only an acquaintance. Everyone look at the other with eyes of curiosity. The first thing that will be present is waiting to see before me the hero of your dreams. Therefore, the desire to please and make a lasting impression - the most relevant one.