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  • How to use sex toys
    Sex toys are objects designed for pleasure. There is a huge industry that is constantly offering something new for fans of the experiments. And take advantage of all this everyone can.
  • How to interest a man
    The ability to motivate any man is a real talent who dream to have many women. To make the first gentle steps towards new relationships and attract the man's attention for a long time will help you advice of psychologists.
  • How to ask a husband about the affair
    Issues with trust in relationships, currently, are becoming more relevant. Constant suspicions often cause scandals and quarrels. In the end, groundless jealousy destroys feelings, and of an already formed family. When the husband too often spend the night at home, sometimes in dubious companies, but when talking on the phone heard a female voice of a stranger, it is time to ask him about the affair.
  • How to recognize love by a kiss
    Just one kiss of a loved one can cause an overwhelming passion to produce the body's happy hormone (endorphin). He extols to the skies, it fills one with tenderness and love. And most importantly – it gives insight into how you relate to really.
  • What a pleasant write to the guy
    Perhaps many girls know the feeling when after a date with a guy is the easy innuendo. Just a desire to continue the dialogue, if not in reality, via the Internet or phone. If you want to tell him something well, very nice and gentle, don't torture yourself and make the wishes of your heart.
  • What if the husband lost the wedding ring
    There is a common superstition that if a wedding ring is lost, then this will be followed by a divorce. Or, at least, a couple will have to wait for a quarrel. Don't despair! What to do and how to act, if the husband lost the wedding ring.
  • What if the wife left
    Family relationships sometimes fail, even in the seemingly favorable moments of life. Accidentally thrown phrase or opinion picky could be the beginning of a small crack is capable of breaking the Union once love each other people.
  • How to make a surprise for your girlfriend
    Love... what could be better? This inspired feeling, the desire to do something extraordinary for the happy smile of a loved one. And something to hide – a simple but unexpected surprise sometimes encouraged more than planned, expensive gift.
  • How to improve the taste of semen
    Like urine, saliva, sweat and other secretions, the sperm acquires its flavor depending on the foods that people ate just before ejaculation. To improve the taste of semen, you must first adjust the diet.
  • If the guy below girls...
    There is a common opinion that the guy must be taller girl.However, the love of evil, and it may happen that the chosen one is male lower growth.
  • Is it possible to have sex on the first day of Dating
    The prohibition to have sex in the day is one of the most common taboos for women. Men, in contrast, often strive to, especially if they just want to have fun and find a girlfriend for regular intimate encounters, not a future wife.
  • How to Woo a girl who dumped you
    It happens that the thoughts on ex-girlfriend don't give the young man a normal life and build new relationships. When love is still alive, it makes sense to try to get a girl back that dumped you.
  • What to do if parents are against a loved one
    Unfortunately, not always the opinion of the girl and her parents about a decent life partner match. If your mom and dad don't take your young man, settle this question, or be resolve and make your choice.
  • An unusual gift to his girlfriend
    Before the holiday the young people think about the gift to his girlfriend. Banal gifts like a box of chocolates or soft toys, to give has no desire. Want to surprise your beloved with a truly unusual and memorable gift.
  • Why a married woman goes to her lover
    Cheating men – the phenomenon is not pleasant, but it is still understandable. People have long accepted it, because as laid down physiologically, that the strong half of humanity has not only power to control sexual attraction to many women. But cheating women is something out of the ordinary. It is not only a heavy blow to the pride of men, but the condemnation of the greater part of society.
  • What not to say to a man in bed
    Some women prefer to have sex silently, and some not averse during intimate games to whisper something in the ear to your partner. But all words need to be careful.
  • What girls don't like guys
    Often beautiful, successful and funny girl can't understand why guys avoid it. The fact is that there are a few feminine qualities and behaviors that are not like most men. And often girls don't know what kind of quality.
  • What female feet like men
    No doubt, legs are the most exciting part of a woman. Female legs in thin pantyhose, slim, tanned, curled on one another, just magically begin to act on the man. This part of the body is able to send to the male head clearly erotic signals, and some people she's just crazy.
  • How to behave with a man-Gemini
    Men-Gemini witty and direct, they are attracted to anything new and unknown. They are able to tell a hundred funny stories and to bring to life women something new. Want to keep a young person – find out how to please him.
  • How to deal with Aries
    Male-Aries – confident, proactive and determined, but sometimes too hot and irritable. Many of the qualities of his character attracted the ladies, but if you are not on a short-term affair, and long affair, you should know how to attract that macho.
  • How to conduct yourself in love Fish
    Pisces is the dreamy sign of the zodiac. His representatives are very sensitive, Moody and touchy. If they fall, we immediately envision the perfect relationship. And very frustrated if their ideas are not justified.
  • How to get the girl's trust
    After a quarrel or serious misconduct can be difficult to regain the trust of a loved one and communicate with him as before. But do not despair, start to work on yourself and change for the better to your significant other showed leniency.
  • How does a Taurus when in love
    According to astrologers, the representatives of the different signs of the zodiac tend to conduct themselves a certain way within society, and private moments with your partner. So, there are a number of characteristic features in the behavior of Bulls, which includes people born between April 20 to may 20.
  • How does a loving man
    Sometimes a woman, especially young and inexperienced, it is not easy to understand whether a suitor is in love with her or she for him only the object of short-term Hobbies. And error can lead to bitter disappointment. Of course, should not be overly distrustful, suspicious, resembling the ladies, who are sure that all representatives of the stronger sex from women only need one. But still not hurt to know how to behave like a truly loving man.
  • How to behave, if the husband has other
    When people marry, they hope, will preserve their happiness and love for all life. But sometimes the couple interferes with somebody else, and then the family begin a serious problem.
  • What if the man does not love you
    Why the man in the beginning of a relationship, romantic, showing gallantry, says compliments, and then, after a certain time, changing and behaving as if he lost interest or fell out of love? No matter how it might sound corny, it's all about men's psychology, as we know, man is by nature a hunter. Initially, therefore, he makes every effort that the woman was "his", and then when he achieved it, he lost interest. So, what can you do to revive his feelings for you?
  • How to file for divorce if her husband doesn't want
    Divorce without her husband's consent is possible only through court. And if you don't have children together, that makes it easier. In case, if you have children together, your divorce unilaterally somewhat more complicated.
  • How not to fall in love with married
    Relationship with a married man can seem romantic and beautiful, but only for the first time. Then, inevitably emotional experiences or you will suffer because of what is left abandoned, either due to the fact that broke up the family.
  • How to beg forgiveness from a loved one
    You had a fight with your beloved, and everything in your life has lost the bright colors. Sometimes you don't even know how much you are attached to it, it hurts to lose him. Only sincere repentance and a full awareness of his own guilt may help to bring some peace into your soul and perhaps save the relationship with your beloved man.
  • How to hint to a girl about feelings
    How a man wants to be loved and to love. Mutual feelings are great. If you feel for the girl sympathy, do not be silent about it. Shyness, fear of showing their feelings, closeness - it's not the life partner that will make you happy. Understand this and take a step towards a large and bright love.