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  • How to drive him crazy in bed
    Relationships, especially intimate, is a complex thing. And if women's minds in this respect - absolutely impenetrable jungle, with men all also difficult. However, sex for the strong half of mankind means in a relationship very much, so women should pay special attention to it.
  • The origin of his name: how to learn the history
    Each person values his name. Every person sooner or later wants to solve the mystery of her origin. Find out what the experts are doing to solve the mystery of the origin of the names.
  • How to tell the guy that you break up
    If you fully realized that it's time to start a new period in my life, but current partner at this stage, no place is all again without special emotions to consider. And to be clear, logical and decisively.
  • How to play the guy
    April fools jokes invented very much. In addition, they laugh and cheer, sometimes to drive into the paint. Despite this, the pranks on "April fool's Day" is very popular, and no one cancels. On the contrary, every year the crazies come up with new jokes. If you are interested in unconventional ideas of how to fool the beloved guyyou've got to address.
  • How to satisfy husband
    Every woman wants to be married to the perfect wife, no matter out she married a month ago and lives with her husband for ten years. As a rule, lack of confidence and low self esteem appear to the wife in matters involving sexual life. Even the beautiful, slim and attractive women inevitably think about the question whether or not they meet her man, and will he seek additional satisfactions and somewhere on the side. To get rid of the everlasting concerns with the confidence that your man is good with you.
  • How to start conversation with a girl online
    To talk to a girl on the Internet sometimes can be much easier than at a live meeting, but it is also a science. You need to clearly know how to keep a girl in suspense, she waited with interest for what you will say next. A little talent and luck, and you will be able to start a conversation with a girl online, and then continue it in person.
  • How to restore relations
    They say that the same river twice not to enter and return to the old love is impossible. Agree with it almost all, however, it is difficult to find a woman who after a breakup, secretly do not want to start all over again. If you don't believe folk wisdom and are sure that it's worth it, then maybe it makes sense to try to return the man she loved. But follow a few simple tips in order not to make many mistakes.
  • How to learn to flirt
    Flirting is gestures, allusions and innuendo, designed to excite the imagination and arouse interest. If the possession of this art was not given by the nature, it can be easy to learn. Simple tricks will help to establish contact with a beautiful stranger.
  • How to reject a guy politely
    Versatile way to reject a guy politely in all circumstances – to properly interrupt communication. But since the girl is supposed to be nice and good in any situation, communication should be collapsed smoothly, so that the guy gradually had the impression that it's not you, and he can't maintain a conversation with you.
  • How to be sexy for my husband
    Many people think that the most important thing is to be sexy for her husband is to lose a few pounds. But actually it is not, your husband chose you because you're you and not a picture from a fashion magazine. Therefore, the most important thing to remember is that you are sexy, and only in this case your husband will also find you sexy.
  • How to hug a guy
    Embrace is a great way to take the initiative in a relationship with a guy that you like. Especially if you are not sure whether you like him. You can achieve physical contact, and you don't have to look at the guy. So even for the most shy, the first way of close fit. Besides, for the first time hugging a guy, you can surely find out whether you have anything or not.
  • How to understand their feelings
    Not always all happens smoothly. Sometimes we are not able to understand your heart. But no need to despair and close. Calm down and listen: perhaps the answer is very close.
  • How to please your man
    If you want to maintain a harmonious relationship with your man, you need to be able to listen to his needs and interests, and from time to time for him to do pleasant surprises. The man who will feel the attention to your person, will love you even more.
  • How to learn how to kiss
    Kissing with tomato or his own reflection in the mirror – a young practiced is wondering how to kiss, in the fear of appearing inexperienced or do something wrong. However your first kiss to ruin quite difficult – it can be awkward, but always enjoyable and memorable. From a good kiss can feel dizzy, to increase the pressure or can tremble the knees – all the first kiss happens in different ways. Many people consider a kiss more intimate than sex.
  • How to change the orientation
    In our society it's considered normal heterosexual orientation, when the emotional and sexual attraction is directed to persons of the opposite sex. So with gay people faced with incomprehension and disapproval of society and close people. Can a homosexual change to heterosexual?
  • How to choose between two guys one
    A familiar situation, as the old song where the girl asks "kinder to tell the heart, which of the two guys is her destiny. If your heart can't decide how to choose one of these two guys one, you need to contact the mind. Psychologists advise to imagine a long life together with each of them.
  • How to persuade parents
    Parents and children are very different categories of people. Therefore, it often happens that the interests of parents and children are not the same. The child wants something, and the parents consent is not given. What should you do in this situation? How to achieve your goal?
  • How to steal a married man from the family
    Sooner or later in a woman's life a moment comes when it wants to create a family. But very often it happens that someone wanted to share the family home, are already married. What to choose? To remain an eternal lover, rejoicing in the rare encounters, or to reject morality and lead the man of the family?
  • How to meet your fate
    The feeling that man is your destiny - one of the most wonderful. It's like falling in love, which lasts not one year but life. And while most hoped to the mighty power of intuition and happy accident, others are purposefully looking for your other half.
  • How to fall in love with the lion
    If chosen, your heart became conceited and proud male lion, you have to try to make him love me. But there are some proven ways by which you can not only get the attention of the Lion, but to gain his love.
  • How to determine compatibility
    Full compatibility of men and women (psychological, sexual and partnership – the key to long, strong and successful relationship. It is important that the work should manifest itself not only in one sphere of life. For example, sexual compatibility will not be of such great importance a few years after the start of the relationship, when at the forefront of psychological compatibility and partnership.
  • How to make a girl fall in love with you
    Love is a mysterious feeling. Sometimes this feeling is very contradictory. Often in relationships, young man loves, and the girl allows herself to love. Sometimes women use their position and loving it by the man who suffers and doesn't know how to make a girl love you. How to attract the attention of his lady?
  • How to charm a guy
    For centuries it was believed that the man chooses the woman. But women always knew that it is so only at first glance. Actually, it's a weak floor plans yourself ponravivshiisya object, and then gets a man noticed. To charm and to fall in love with almost any man, it must be done.
  • How to start Dating a girl
    Every person, guy or girl, for once in my life felt a sense of awkwardness when meeting with the object of his adoration. Like a man that is like, so close, but, nevertheless, you experience fear and trepidation. How best to organize a meeting with a girl? How to ask her out on a first date? How to offer to meet? These are questions being asked by almost every young person.
  • How to find out what he thinks about you
    I guess every girl is familiar with this magic feeling of love. Most often a young girl's heart freezes in time, when the horizon appears a loved one. Many ladies begin to guess by asking yourself the questions "Should I talk to him first?", "What does he think of me?", "Whether it is a liking to me?". These questions to answer can be very simple, observe the behavior of the "subject" of your fervent love.
  • How to explain that love
    The feeling of love is like no other feeling in the world. Palpitations, confusion at the sight of the object of adoration is a clear proof of love. However, when we want to declare his love and to put it into words, it turns out is not what we wanted to say.
  • How to know whether to change your girl
    Gone are the days when it was believed that treason is the advantage of men. Today, women also cheat on their partners. But they do it more subtly than guys. Therefore, to understand the true if you a girl, not so easy.
  • How to seduce Aries
    Men born under the sign of Aries, very sexy. Physical intimacy plays a very important role in the relationship. If a woman is able to satisfy the sexual needs of the Aries, the relationship can last a very long time.
  • How to confess his love to classmate
    If you fell in love with a classmate to confess his feelings it will be easier than if it was unfamiliar to the girl, due to the fact that you know a ton about it. We offer several methods that will help you confess to love his classmate.
  • How to find future wife
    Often in men at an early age formed the image of a woman they would like to see as his wife. Often, this image of a largely idealized and it is difficult to match. Try to understand that first and foremost pay attention when choosing his second half.