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  • How to attract a girl by correspondence
    In the modern pace of life of an active young person in the personal life remains fairly limited amount of time . And just by the way at hand is everyone's favorite computer with access to the Internet, where we can get all the necessary information for us, but also to learn, to communicate, etc. And then the question immediately arises: how does one begin this communication by correspondence? Than to interest? And what actually to write?
  • How to get him to kiss me
    If a young man is shy and can not kiss you first, then have to work most. Of course, every girl wants that guy himself had taken the initiative, in this case you should use indirect tactics which will force it to do what you want.
  • How to know your wife's name
    Yule divination is a sure way to find out the name of his future wife. Guess need 7 to 19 January, is the time when the evil power reveals all the secrets of the future. Our grandparents trusted Christmas divination, and, often, the predictions have proved true. Many methods of divination in the name of the betrothed has reached our days.
  • How to excite a guy talking
    The conversation stirs sexual desire and cause additional, particularly acute arousal. Not that important what and how you say it. Men it is important to know that the partner is excited. Then they feel good lovers. Words that make you blush even your pillow, will give brightness to your sex life.
  • As like all the girls
    There is a certain category of guys for whom girls are lining up, while others go unnoticed. Don't worry, if you fall into the second category. Liking girls can be easily earned if you know some secrets.
  • How to surprise in bed man
    Men, like women, love pleasant surprises. Only they are not so romantic, the flowers and trinkets - not for them. But in bed you can surprise them with something unusual.
  • Blessing before a wedding
    An old Russian tradition is getting the blessing of parents to marriage. Is a kind of ritual through which the older generation approve of the Union of the bride and groom.
  • Is it possible to keep love at a distance
    Modern people have more opportunities to communicate than their not too distant ancestors in the previous century. Happens even so that through the latest technological means (like Internet) to learn about each other men and women from different parts of the world, and between them there are warm feelings and the desire to continue the relationship. Comes out of this "love at a distance" anything worthwhile or it's better to weed her fragile sprouts?
  • Can there be a serious relationship the girl has with a guy in 14 years
    The child fell in love! Joy or sorrow for the parents? All parents are different to child love, someone sees it in a skeptical, someone tries to make a joke once again. But there are some that strongly forbid children to meet, citing the fact that before falling in love, you need to finish school, get an education and so on.
  • Why guy gives expensive gifts just so
    The guy who just, for no reason, giving flowers, arranges expensive surprises or presents what most wants my love, is the dream of every girl. It would seem that what is there to complain, and all so perfect? However, sooner or later the girl may be interested in the question: "Why is the guy gives expensive gifts for no reason?" The reasons of such behavior of boys can be quite different.
  • How to Dating a married man
    Men often have Affairs on the side. They are not always worried about your relationship, but girls sometimes have questions about how to chat with a married man.
  • How husband to live with wife
    The family is a separate unit of society in which every member performs its functions. The relationship it was perfect, men and women must play their responsibilities.
  • How to play a trick on a sleeping girl
    Who of the guys would not want to try to prank his sleeping girlfriend! Fun and quirky, although it is fraught with strong resentment on her part. So you need to make a joke so that both together it was funny, but the drawing made her quickly revise the Outlook on your relationship.
  • What if the guy doesn't want to work
    Despite the fact that man, by nature, is a mainstay, a defender of women and the breadwinner in the family, the society established the equality of men and women. Now the female needs to be strong and independent. Who is to blame and what to do?
  • Is it possible during Masturbation to achieve orgasm
    Masturbation — stimulation of the genitals. More recently, such a science as sexology, have been little studied. Despite this, statistically it is known that masturbating about 60% of people.
  • Whether it is necessary to impose the girl
    Some girls don't perceive the refusal of the representatives of the stronger sex seriously and begin to show persistence and firmness, even if the answer is "no".
  • How to make a guy offered to meet
    It so happens that the guy and girl friends, from school or work. She has long had his tender feelings, and sees in his eyes a reciprocal sympathy. But this girl doesn't know how to do it so he asked her to meet me.
  • What to give wife for the birth of a child
    The birth of a child is a happy event in the family, which should not pass without gifts. The main surprise already gave you your spouse, so you should definitely thank her.
  • What to do when a guy insults, and then hug and kisses
    There is such a relationship model, where there is constant transition from love to hate. The young people then argue, then reconciled rapidly. Or young person is constantly allows himself insults his lover, and then shows tenderness and care. What kind of relationship? How to behave the girl in such a relationship?
  • How to stop Masturbation
    Masturbation is harmful for health. This bad habit should be fought at all costs, but unfortunately, it's hard. Masturbation can cause the development of impotence, it weakens the immune system, causes sexual addiction takes a creative force and reduces the ability to love and be loved.
  • How much to excite your partner
    A good mistress knows not only how to respond to the initiative of men, but how to show it so he went crazy with desire. This does not have to touch someone, or apply some special affection, although it works fine, sometimes only a couple of words spoken at the right time.
  • How to throw a brazen mistress
    The relationship between the two lovers sooner or later come to a standstill. At this time, men are looking for different ways of parting with his ex-girlfriend, but some girls act so brazenly, so stop with this, any connection can be difficult.
  • Arousing a woman
    Sexual favors and the result in General depends on how well you know the female body and the technique of the excitation of his beloved woman.
  • As not to upset his pregnant wife
    The period of carrying a child is always a difficult period in the life of any woman. Her every day more and more difficult to travel and do the ordinary everyday work, the body changes, there are serious hormonal changes, emotional disruptions, etc. Often in this situation men near pregnant wife does not know how to behave.
  • How to meet the parents of the bride
    Marriage is not only Union of two loving people. Also this Association of the families from the groom and bride. Introduction sooner or later, it will still happen and often the groom has a number of requirements. How to meet the parents of the bride?
  • Whether to divorce his wife if the mistress is pregnant
    The wife or the mistress? Many men around the world ask this question. But the special piquancy is given by the fact that the mistress is pregnant, and the decision to leave his wife and not ripe.
  • How to understand that feelings forever
    Meeting each other, young people sometimes wonder about how long their feelings. Sincere love is often accompanied by people the entire life, but the usual affection and sympathy sooner or later ends.
  • How to meet a foreigner to communicate
    It is very difficult to learn a foreign language if you don't communicate with native speakers. Therefore, competent teachers strongly recommend students to find interlocutors-native speakers, especially today, it is quite easy to do ways weight.
  • How to meet a Mature woman
    Not all men are interested in young ladies. Many people prefer the freshness of Mature femininity, emancipation and sexual experience. Confident and well-groomed ladies middle-aged know how to attract and seduce members of the opposite sex. That is why some young men look for opportunities to meet with Mature women.
  • How to understand that you don't like
    Women trust their intuition. They can always sense when you love them and when the attitude towards them is different. Often, they don't want to believe that they could fall out of love. That's when they begin to doubt their intuition. Not to think and not to guess, fell out of love with the man or was it just some temporary difficulties, just watch his behavior.