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- How to apply for a divorce Yes, once you have exchanged engagement rings and promised each other to be together in sorrow and in joy, "till death do us part." But time showed that you still not made for each other and your life together must end. Decided to leave – and the time has come to apply for a divorce. How to do it?
- How to say to a girl about feelings Mutual feelings are great. If you think that between you and the girl of your dreams appeared reciprocity and want to take things to a more serious level, it is necessary to admit her feelings.
- How to persuade her husband to child It is often that the husband does not share the woman's desire to have a baby. Moreover, the speech can go as about the firstborn and the second, or third, baby. Some men do not even explain the reason for his refusal, just beginning to more closely monitor protection. However, if the wife in response to his proposal to fill up the family receives a negative response, she shouldn't give up. To persuade the wife you need only to understand the causes of his behavior.
- How to enchant a man-the Taurus Using proven techniques of seduction, just enough to attract the average man. Man Taurus is the concentration of the main male qualities. And at first glance it may seem that captivate the Bullock – even easier than anyone else. But, given the characteristics of this Zodiac sign, you will be able not only to attract the attention of a Taurus, but for a long time to hold it.
- How to win male cancer If your choice - zodiac sign Cancer, before starting military actions in the conquest of his heart, it is necessary to think well.
- How to attract a man's attention Acquaintance with object of adoration is causing you some difficulties, shyness, timidity. It seems that it is so difficult to attract the attention of men. There are actually a number of simple techniques once you've mastered that you will become a vamp or a woman of mystery, which will be greatly admired men.
- How to check the correctness of girls Today, quite often, many guys suspect their mate of infidelity. The motive for this can serve as a late return of the girl, ignoring phone calls, changes in the character. Anyway, the question of loyalty to his girlfriend for many it remains relevant.
- How to conquer a man-Sagittarius Male-Archer - a true connoisseur of feminine beauty. He loves women and requires that no he did not forbid to do, even his own wife. This is a man who does not think that physical cheating is a forbidden fruit for his person. If a woman can forgive a man-Sagittarius all his adventures, will not complicate the life by scandals and accusations, then it has every chance that he will not leave her.
- How to apologize to a guy The woman is being flippant and sometimes it happens to make mistakes for which then have to beg forgiveness from men. If you want your apology has been accepted - follow these simple tips.
- How to ask for the hand of the parents of the girls In the old days a girl could not marry without parental consent. Today, in most families there are no such strict limits. However, it is considered good form and a sign of respect when the young man asks the hand of his bride from her father and mother. In order to hold this ceremony properly, it is advisable to know a few of the customs and traditions followed by our ancestors.
- How to enroll in kindergarten Kindergarten - a real lifesaver for parents. It not only frees up their time for going to work, but also help kids in socializing. There is a perception that in order to enroll a child in kindergarten, you need to pass all the circles of hell and collect an incredible amount of references. We offer a more detailed examination of the procedure for obtaining a place in a kindergarten.
- How to enchant a man-the virgin To fall in love with a male virgin is not easy, requiring much strength and capacity of women. But, as is often the case, after the legal victory, you will be able to enjoy the laurels of his beloved wife and cherished lady.
- How to spice up kissing One of the ways of communication between people is considered a kiss. It not only reflects the feelings of a man, but still carries a certain symbolism. With a kiss we can Express love, tenderness, desire, passion. Kissing ways to remove tension and stress. Great importance to kiss is a love game between a man and a woman. The ability to kiss and to diversify the kiss, allows to obtain an extremely pleasant sensation, to merge, to open and display their individuality.
- How to conquer a man's twin Man, being a Gemini zodiac sign, is under the influence of the element of Air. It is dominated by the masculine. Such men usually are the builders and creators. However, they are very changeable, windy and changeable. To conquer a man's Twin is not easy. For this it is necessary to try very much.
- How to be a better lover Honestly, I don't know for what reasons a woman may want to become the world's greatest lover. Probably because of love. And if you realize that even after reaching your goal, you are unlikely to move into the category of "wife", then go ahead! In any case, once the goal is set, it must achieve, but how?
- How to find out about his wife's infidelity To find out about his wife's infidelity is probably one of the strongest men's fears. Nevertheless, the rare man will agree to remain in the role of deceived and will refuse the opportunity to learn about such an unpleasant event. What are the symptoms of infidelity and how to know about his wife?
- How to tell parents about pregnancy Pregnancy can be the happiest moment for some people and a disaster for others. Perhaps the most terrifying moment in the event of an unplanned pregnancy is to talk with parents. The reaction of the parents is difficult to predict, even if you have perfect relationship with them.
- How to find a common language The ability to find common language with different people can be if you want to learn. You need to start to think in a special way, to be able to find common themes, which can feel at ease, to feel the mood of other people.
- How to call a girl in December Choosing a name for a future daughter – responsible, and very serious. After all, the name is given to man once and for life. Some parents call their daughters in honor of their distant grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Someone giving their little princesses the names of your favorite Actresses. Some choose a name for your girl, based on the Church calendar. Many focused on the time of year and month of birth to your baby. As, for example, can be called a girl, born in December?
- How to attract the attention of the boy You long wish to meet a guy whose eyes are constantly crossed with yours? I'm afraid to approach him or say something extra? Don't be shy, take the first step, it is quite life and solve the situation. Here you will learn how and what to do to attract the attention of a guy.
- How to have virtual sex Well, sometimes agree, sometimes I want something such unknown. Or just no one in the real world, who would attract you sexually at the moment. Or is there, but he's untouchable. Or simply you have started a virtual romance with a man thousands of miles away from you. In short, the reasons can be mass, but in the end it can rest on the desire to have virtual sex. How to do it?
- How to leave a lover If we're talking about a lover, it means you are married. No matter how and why did it happen that you started to change, but sooner or later, if you decide to keep your family, you will have to leave. As this procedure to be less painful?
- How to fall in love with a married man Some girls attracted to married men. And it is quite clear - groomed, calm, confident, know how to behave with women. And this impression is not deceptive, everything is so - the family gives the man a lot. So, meeting this man, ready husband, girls are beginning to look for the answer to the question - "How to fall in love with a married man?".
- How to recognize a witch The whole history of mankind is riddled with attempts to find a simple answer to the question - "How to recognize a witch?".How easy it would be if they were carrying a broom and not removed the magic cap. But this is just fabulous attributes. Meanwhile, the question is quite relevant now. Each of us at least once in my life encountered such a woman. Fortunately, we do not live in the Middle ages, and to identify a witch can be, not following the commandments "Hammer of witches" from the Holy Inquisition, in which more fear and desire to kill than real recipes.
- How to choose a name for the boy The choice of name for a child is one of the most challenging tasks for parents. And choosing a name for a boy holds a dual responsibility, because not only their son to go through life with this name, but the grandkids will get it as a middle name. And it is very important to prevent errors.
- How to recognize pregnancy Once a woman gets pregnant, the body begins hormonal changes. Signs new regulation can manifest from the very first weeks of conception, even before the delay of menstruation. So recognize pregnancy can be up to a visit to the doctor. You only need to look hard and listen to your body and answer to yourself a few simple questions.
- How to teach a child to potty When raising a kid is very important time to instill in him the necessary hygiene skills and, above all, to accustom him to the potty. Of course, we must try to this process was the most natural and comfortable for the baby and for mom.
- How to stop being jealous In order to understand why we feel jealous, you should understand what jealousy is. Jealousy is doubt, fear to lose.
Therefore, if you are not sure about the feelings of a loved one, you don't trust him and were jealous. - How to build a relationship with a man who has a child When you start Dating a new person, even if it seems perfect, it is very important to keep in mind that everyone has baggage of the past.
- How to choose engagement ring After the decision to marry, or to marry has been made, and filed in the Registrar's office, of all the many issues you face with this moment, one of which is - how to choose an engagement ring?