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- How to calculate the cost of electricity The cost of electricity depends on many factors. From the region you live in, what kind of plate you use, electric or gas, as well as your accounting tool. When using a single-rate meter you pay for used electricity at one rate throughout the day. With two-tariff meter the cost of electricity depends on day and night tariff set in your area. Some use multi-tariff meters. The price for 1 kWh varies by time of day and depends on the established tariffs.
- How to put the bed in the bedroom To night went to benefit, it is important to pick up all of his attributes: bed linen, pillows, mattresses, blankets and, of course, the bed. In addition to choosing a comfortable bed is also important to find her in the bedroom right place. The right place is a place corresponding to the certain rules. What are the rules regarding the location of the bed in the bedroom?
- How to fix a shelf Wooden shelf bears the load of both aesthetic and purely functional - in the form of books, utensils or any other objects surface to which it serves. If the need for a mounted shelf showed up in the room well repaired, installation work have to be done carefully, because any failed attempt will leave a noticeable residue on the wall.
- How to get a statement in the house book House book - a document essential for every landlord. It shall contain information about the space: its dimensions, type of house, number of rooms and number was on this square tenants. Extract from the house register may need when applying for a divorce, coming into an inheritance, the sale or exchange of the apartment.
- How to wash fat Cleaning daily challenge for each of us. Very few people enjoy it, but nowhere to go. Fresh oily stain to remove is not so easy, and if you give the spot to zastarel, if not you will hand to wipe off before it disappears.
- How to hide the wires In our homes and offices so much all technique. It is needed for life and work. But what to do with the many wires? Not only that, they can spoil the impression from the best design, so also can be dangerous. Wires will definitely have to hide. This can be done in different ways.
- How to clean the dust Any house cleaning starts with dusting. Pollen, fine fibres, dirt particles, plant spores, animal dander – all of it circling fine suspension in the air and settles evenly on the surface of the objects surrounding us. Just wiping the dust, you just lift it in the air. Circled around the room, she will fall in its place.
- How to build a pond How nice on a hot summer day to sit by the picturesque pondand! But what if your site has no body of water? To make a pond you can with your hands. We only need to observe some simple instructions.
- How to clean your apartment Every woman faces a mandatory restore order in the room in which the family lives. In addition to daily and weekly housekeeping service the need arises twice a year to conduct a General cleaning of the apartment by combining it with seasonal.
- How to catch a rat Even the most conscious and attentive hosts rats are not immune from mistakes. If the rat release to walk into the room, locking the door, or just forget to close the cage, the animal may flee. In this case you need to resort to urgent action, especially if you have in addition to rats house lives a cat, dog or even ferret.
- How to transplant a rose Fuchsia is a beautiful flower. At the slightest breeze, its bells drooping down, gracefully swinging from side to side. Transplant the fuchsia every spring.
- As prostroit wall electrician without dust There are several ways of wiring, excluding education, during work dust. But if you want to route the wires in concrete or brick, its appearance is inevitable. However, you can greatly reduce the amount of dust using a certain tool.
- How to get rid of the slime in the pond Tina spoils not only the appearance of the pond, but the quality of life of its inhabitants. From the lack of oxygen which can get through the thick layer of rotting niccacci, the fish may die.
- Roofing: types and application The demand for roofing material among consumers does not decrease, despite the emergence in recent years a large number of new roofing and waterproofing materials. The popularity of the roofing material provided by its low cost, ease of installation and excellent performance. Roofing material as used in roofing and for the waterproofing of foundations, beams, log, etc.
- How to improve sandy soil The main problem with sandy soil is that it is poorly retains moisture, which washed away all useful and nutrients necessary for good growth and fruiting plants. For this reason, sandy soil needs to improve its composition.
- What kind of tulle to choose for the hall Tulle gives any room a finished look and makes it more cozy, but this is especially true of the hall. To the textiles used for window decoration, fits harmoniously into the overall design of the apartment, it is necessary to consider some details while choosing curtains for the hall.
- What color to paint a house In the painting of external walls the house has a few quirks. If they are not taken into account in the process of updating the facade, it can be painted not as successfully as I would like to master.
- How to move the kitchen into the hall The kitchen is accompanied by many difficulties. The first difficulty lies in the problem of reconciling work in the state courts. If the apartment is on the first floor, the kitchen is possible without approval. In order to avoid fines in the process of redevelopment should be prepared carefully and competently.
- How to sow rye for a green manure Call a green manure crop, which can enrich the soil with organics, nutrients and significantly improve its structure. In addition, they ensure its quality loosening.
- How to plant tomatoes in Central The choice of varieties of tomatoes for the middle band is great. Lovers of exotic will be interesting to fruit pink, beige, orange, black colors, which are different to the original form. The followers varieties are time-tested, too, will choose interesting options.
- How to place in the garden: planting vegetables, shrubs and trees To the area feel good shrubs, fruit trees and vegetables, it is necessary to correctly plan and efficient use of every meter of land. Gardening requires diligent planning.
- What kind of cement needed for bricklaying The strength of building a house depends not only on what brick is used, or where load-bearing walls. A lot depends on the cement used in laying brick. To identify the quality of cement and to determine the components that best fit, is not a problem. It is important to approach this issue comprehensively and responsibly.
- What perennial flowers grow in the middle lane For successful cultivation in Central Russia you can find hundreds of perennial flowers and flowering shrubs. Whether to prefer the simple and undemanding species or the "Queen of the gardens — rose, everyone decides for himself.
- How to use the clay left over from digging the well Water on the site. But after dug well, the question is what to do with the clay? No need to hire a car, pay the workers for the loading and export of the clay. In skilled hands it will make a wonderful material for decoration of the suburban area.
- How to measure the doorway prior to door installation Overhaul of an apartment or a house - an expensive pleasure, so it is important to calculate the budget necessary work to prepare the measuring operation. This applies to the installation of doors. In order to properly install interior doors or entry door, you need to make a correct measurement of the doorway.
- How to choose a wardrobe in the nursery Wardrobe- perfect for furniture that will allow you to maintain order with the minimum of effort. This option of furniture is practical, modern wardrobes provide safety for the child. When choosing Cabinet must consider not only its size and materials used but also the coloring, the quality of the hardware.
- How to grow cherries from seed Growing fruit trees from seeds cherry – a fascinating and grateful. The fruits of cherry wood can be used in pies, cocktails, compotes and jams. Cherry is rich in vitamins A and C, and its juicy berries are very nutritious.
- How to calculate the cost of repairs in the bathroom and toilet How much will cost the repair of the apartment or house, including the bathroom and the toilet in the first place depends on the desires and capabilities of the host. Whatever amount you planned to spend, before proceeding to transformation of any room, it is best to calculate future costs in advance.
- Why wither cyclamen Cyclamen is one of the most popular house plants, loved by gardeners unusual shape of the blossoms and richness of the spectrum of colouring the petals. However, the flower came to Russia from the Mediterranean, capricious in care. Inexperienced growers are often faced with the fact that the cyclamen wilt, covered with spots and losing leaves, buds. This usually occurs due to improper care of a plant or disease.
- The best place in the apartment for air conditioner When you install air conditioning in the apartment it is very important to choose the right place for the indoor unit. It is not only that in case of an error the device can spoil the interior, but also that from the nature of the location will depend on the efficiency of the equipment.