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- How to pay utility bills Monthly citizens are sent a receipt for payment of utilities. Typically, payment have to stand in long queues, wasting precious time. However, there are more convenient methods of payment ZHKU.
- How to make cement mortar At first glance, the technology of preparation of the cement solutionand seems is extremely simple – just mix together the cement, sand and water. In fact, this process requires accuracy and care, as the correct ratio of ingredients and thorough mixing depends on the quality of the resulting concrete, and poor quality of cement can cause cracking and even destruction of the structure.
- How to grow climbing roses Climbing roses – the best option for vertical gardening and landscape design, perfectly combined with a variety of architectural forms. Grow climbing roses in regions with mild and warm climate. Decorate your part of this indescribable beauty. Learn how to grow climbing roses and how to care for them.
- Where to go if there is no water Disconnect cold and hot water in apartment houses do not happen so rarely. If the management company or the service provider (usually it is "water" or "Heat networks") are planned repairs, they are required to warn residents. But there are unexpected outages. In such cases, residents are usually interested in why there is no water and when it appears.
- Where to complain of water quality The quality of tap water in big cities is not always high. But if it happens some strange situation, from the tap may leak a rusty, dirty or smelling of diesel fuel liquid. What to do in such case?
- What is the primer? Primer is a special building material, which produce priming surfaces before installation of waterproofing and roofing materials. Pre-priming the surface with primer can significantly increase the service life of the materials laid on top.
- The choice of glass sliding curtains in the bathroom Shower curtains are becoming increasingly popular. Especially those made of glass. After all, they are in a matter of seconds turn a full bath in a huge shower cubicle. Lightweight and durable, they protect the floor from drips of water. It is extremely easy to clean. However, such sliding curtains was a joy, they need to choose correctly.
- Lights for the garden solar powered with motion sensor Convert daytime sunlight into electrical energy has long been a reality, the equipment operating on solar batteries, mounted on space stations and in residential homes. And while in Central Russia the sun is not enough to fully provide electricity to your cottage, it would be enough to ensure its evening lighting.
- How to grow kohlrabi If this is your first time to see the kohlrabi will be surprised by her appearance. It is more like a turnip, because it has a globular head, which is the food. To this unusual vegetable is easy on the plot. To have an early harvest, kohlrabi is grown through seedlings.
- How much to build a house Self-building a home requires not only skilled hands and a knowledge of materials and tools. The future owner also has to determine the volume of the necessary materials and calculate all the construction costs. The cost of building a house will largely depend on the scale of constructed structures.
- How to improve furnace Folded oven need additional decoration – it has a rough side with traces of the solution and not a very attractive look. But it needs to be integrated with the interior of the room. To elevate the furnace, it is necessary to consider the methods of finishing various materials and choose the one that suits you.
- How to update the tile in the bathroom Finish a bath room becomes dull and ugly. To improve the interior, not necessarily to knock the old tiles off the walls. To return bath attractive enough to use in several ways updates.
- How to clean burnt pan Even with very careful handling of kitchenware in life there are situations when foods burn in the frying process. In order to easily clean the pan and don't damage it, you need to consider the properties of the material from which it is created, and know the little tricks.
- How to whiten a bra The bottom linen is recommended to be changed daily, respectively, and subjected to washing it more often than outerwear. If you have a bad water, which when heated turns yellow or darkens, the bra can lose its dazzling whiteness. Return him to the original color by using different means.
- How to repair old Desk Over time, your old wooden table shattered, the table, echnica covered with scratches, but throw it in the trash is not included in your plans. Update the table with his hands. It is best to carry out repairs in the winter when the room is heated, and the wood furniture has dried. Then your new mounting connections will last a long time and get loose.
- How to build a wardrobe in a niche Architectural niches are found in various rooms of the apartment: entrance hall, lounge, kitchen, bedroom, nursery. It is possible to effectively use this space, placing him a Cabinetfull of various things and objects. To embed, you need to conduct the necessary preparatory work.
- How to propagate jade Jade – a symbol of success, prosperity and a stable income. It is believed that it is able to attract the house of luck and fortune. With proper care, a money tree will grow all year round and give the cuttings which can be propagated plant. The process of rooting proceeds quickly, which is why jade is well-suited for breeding. In addition to grafting to propagate the plant and leaf blades.
- How to choose a household water filter The quality of drinking waterwhich is supplied centrally in houses and apartments leaves much to be desired. It can have impurities and smell, as in water treatment systems use chlorine compounds. Bottled water is also not an option, because it can break at the most inopportune moment. To provide themselves with drinking water, you can purchase a household filter and install it in the kitchen.
- How to get rid of gnats earth Excavation gnats often appear in colors that hurt them and cause a lot of inconvenience to residents of the apartment. Start to get rid of insects as quickly as possible while the swarm of midges not invaded your home.
- How to change the color of the grout Tile grout has a great ornamental value – it gives the veneer finish and hides the defects of masonry. Properly selected color cement or epoxy mixture emphasizes the beauty of the tiles, allows you to create a holistic impression of the interior. To not have to frequently update or completely change the stitches, choose appropriate building materials. If, nevertheless, the color of the finished grout does not suit you, try to change it.
- How to protect the apartment from flooding Among all insurance claims flooding of stable housing is the first place. According to statistics every apartment floods every three years. If you value your peace of mind, want to maintain fixation and to avoid unexpected costs, you should protect your home from flooding.
- How to scare away pigeons from the balcony Even the most beautiful and harmless birds cause a lot of inconvenience when they begin to arrive at the balconies and Windows of the houses. To scare off uninvited feathered guests by using different devices.
- How to close the beams on the ceiling Often, buying an apartment or house, the ceiling can be detected planed beams, spoiling the whole look of the room. Of course, you can try to manually connect each ceiling beam and beautifully decorate them. But what to do if you want a perfectly smooth ceiling? One solution is to hide the beams independently or seek help from professionals.
- How to register the key into the intercom Each key has an individual code that was embedded at the stage of its production. In case of loss we have to face the problem of write (programming) keys. Such services the company provides installation and production intercoms.
- How to insulate a wooden floor in a private house In the harsh winter, many owners of private houses there is a need to make your home more comfortable and warm. One of the most important procedures for the preparation of the house for the cold is warming the floor. To make this work quickly and qualitatively sufficient to buy all the necessary materials and to choose the perfect insulation method.
- How to equip your land In recent years the fashion for a country cottage home is increasingly gaining momentum. So I want after uploaded and fruitful working week to relax from the hustle and bustle, to be alone in harmony with nature. You finally own a land plot, and you don't know where to begin improvement? You can contact landscape designers, but agree, much more fun to do everything own hands.
- Mushrooms: how to grow them at home Mushroom cultivation is not only interesting, but also quite profitable. Mushrooms grow well in greenhouse conditions and give a higher yield throughout the year, if the room temperature remains zero.
- How to change lift Elevators - a familiar and convenient way to get the residents and guests of the apartment blocks to the desired height. But today the residents are faced with many problems in the operation of the device, and the main of them – the replacement of obsolete. In October 2010, adopted a new Technical regulation on safety of lifts on which the device lifespan is 25 years.
- How to calculate the number of square meters To avoid mistakes when buying building materials for a competent and accurate cost estimates, which include all future costs for the proposed repair, you need to know how to calculate the size of the room.
- How to fix the sink on the countertop Modern functional sink in the kitchen - a pledge of comfort and cleanliness. It can be installed independently, focusing on the overall design of the premises and priorities of the hostess. Certain skills, special tools, and desire is all that is needed for future work.