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  • Rules for the use of water-based paints
    Water-based paints have their own characteristics, which determine the rules of painting surfaces. If you perform work in accordance with the recommendations of professionals, you can avoid the appearance of spots, streaks, layers.
  • How to grow walnut
    Walnuts can be grown far North of their native places of growth, and in recent decades managed to bring him cold-resistant varieties. In winter, the plant bends and additionally snowed in, so for the convenience of the shelter is recommended to grow a walnut in patchy form.
  • How to transplant cabbage
    Novice gardeners often have difficulty transplanting the cabbage seedlings: planted in the ground plants often die, causing a lot of grief and hassle. The reason may be in the wrong transplant.
  • All about tomatoes: how to grow
    Tomato is in many ways unique vegetable, because the content of various nutrients beats all records. Regular consumption of tomatoes in food is a powerful shield, preventing the risk of many diseases.
  • How to maximize window in the house
    The lack of lighting in the house, a low or narrow window openings that don't fit the overall design or simply do not meet modern standards of housing construction - all this is the reason for the start of works on increase Windows.
  • How to combine colors in the interior
    Choosing colors for the interior design, people choose the health and mood for several years. So you need to take responsibility for the selection of colors. Interior color should not irritate, strain, and, contrary to harmonize, to restore during the day of power. How to choose the right combination of colors?
  • What is better to choose custom or ready-made
    One of the most important issues that should be addressed when choosing a food, it's which option is preferable to buying ready kitchen cabinets or custom. Each of them has its pros and cons that you should consider when deciding.
  • How to repair battery screwdriver
    Tools are battery powered, have many advantages but they have disadvantages. The main drawback is the rapid wear of the batteries of the battery pack. This also applies to the screwdriver, the price of which more than half consists of the value of its battery. Therefore, when a rechargeable battery of the tool fails, it is cheaper and faster to restore them.
  • What is the loft
    Loft, or "loft" is a relatively new type of housing. In fact, it is converted to the life of an industrial building. In Russia this type of real estate is gaining popularity, while in Europe it is considered quite normal.
  • Hob: induction or regular
    Today, more and more modern Housewives tend to the kitchen to the distinction between the hob plate and oven. This is considerably more convenient from the point of view of cooking, everything can be at the same level, resulting in no need to bend over to check whether the food. In addition, this distinction significantly helps to save space in the kitchen. The main question that arises in women is what cooking surface to choose: conventional or induction. Indeed, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.
  • What is screed?
    First of all, epoxy flooring is the durability, strength and simplicity. The reason for the popularity and demand for the bulk of sex lies in its superior quality benefits, and more – in a wide range of applications in all areas from apartments and offices to the warehouse. It is worth noting that epoxy flooring can withstand extreme loads and therefore can be widely applied in any industry.
  • How to decorate a door for wardrobe
    Doors for closets are made of aluminum or steel frame profiles. In the frame insert, chipboard, glass, rattan, mirror, plastic, leather or a combination of materials. Decorate the door immediately when ordering a wardrobe. If the decor was not provided, you can do it at any time.
  • When to plant cucumbers
    Owners of household plots grow different crops and vegetables among which the worthy place is occupied by the cucumbers. Getting a good harvest largely depends on when to plant cucumbers.
  • How to clean a pipe
    Blockages — a phenomenon quite common. They have to deal with even very careful tenants. In difficult cases it is necessary to call a plumber. This service was always paid, even if having her firm that services your home. With many blockages tenants can handle themselves. You need to have some equipment and chemicals. It is always better to keep them at hand.
  • How to hill potatoes
    Not all gardeners consider the hilling of potatoes is needed. However, this agronomic technique allows to increase the area of supply of the root system of the plant and keep the soil loose. In conditions of Central Russia with the help of hilling, you can help protect potato plants from hypothermia during spring frosts.
  • How to pay for the electricity by the meter
    Energy expenditure to be accounted and paid according to the statutory law of the Russian Federation tariffs. Therefore, each apartment or house has electricity, focusing on the testimony of which the tenants pay for the electricity consumed.
  • How to grow black currant
    Black currant – fastidious plant that yields fruit only when proper and regular care. Despite all the difficulties in the cultivation of currants have a number of positive properties. The berries contain many vitamins, and and from the leaves you can make a delicious tea, which will help to cope with diseases.
  • How to remove rust from the blade
    Due to incorrect storage and maintenance on the knife blade can be exposed to corrosion. To get rid of it quite difficult, but still possible. Try cleaning the blade with the help of improvised means.
  • How to grow from seeds pine
    If you want to sit on the site of the pine, you can buy a seedling in the nursery or just digging in the nearby woods. But much more interesting to grow a tree yourself from seed. It is quite unpretentious, grows quickly and requires no special care. And at desire it is possible to plant a pine forest.
  • How to insulate a brick house from the inside
    After the erection of the brick house , you need to deal with insulation of its walls. Otherwise, the room will have constant draughts and low temperature. Perform insulation brick home can be your own.
  • How to draw a floor plan
    To make a diagram of the evacuation or the sketch of a house, you need to first draw a plan of the floor.This can be done with the help of special programs, if you are familiar with them, otherwise just draw it on a large sheet of paper manually.
  • How to wash foam from clothing
    Polyurethane foam has become a popular material in construction, it has excellent adhesive properties. But if the foam gets on clothing, wash it is not so easy. There are several ways to return the clothing to its original appearance.
  • Why rot pepper
    To date, "grey rot - late blight - is perhaps the most common disease of pepper seedlings. Late blight - a fungal disease. It affects all organs of the plant and may lead to his death. Why is rotting peppers?
  • How to get rid of snakes
    As a rule, in suburban areas in the climatic conditions of the middle band, the most common snakes such as the Copperhead, snakes, snakes and vipers. The really dangerous ones are only vipers. However, to distinguish the Viper from other snakes is not so easy. Besides, there are not too many people can please "neighborhood", even harmless snakes. How to get rid of snakes from suburban area?
  • How to withdraw the Foundation
    To bring the Foundation under "zero" means to make all points of its surface located in the same horizontal plane. Display the Foundation under "zero" should be at the time of casting. As it turns out is easier, faster, and stronger. However, there are cases when this is not done in a timely manner, and therefore it is necessary to align the already "set" the concrete.
  • How to bring water into the house from the well
    The lack of water in a private home gives a lot of trouble. To conduct water from the nearby well will not be difficult, it is enough to read the instructions, tips and to purchase all necessary equipment and materials.
  • How to remove efflorescence from brick
    Visalam called salt, which is collected over time on the surface of the brick walls. The reasons for its appearance can be different: precipitation, poor quality brick, mostly low outside temperature and some other temperature and humidity conditions.
  • How to remove spots from white fabrics
    Stains on white fabric can appear for various reasons. It is not always possible to deal with conventional detergents, therefore, before washing the pollution should be treated. Means for removal of spots may be different, it depends on the structure spots.
  • How to calculate power consumption
    Control of expenditure of electricity in the house performs electric meter. When you need to do it yourself? For example, you lease space to multiple users and a shared counter. In this case, you want to split the cost of electricity to them in proportion to the consumption. Or we need to calculate the load on the network for proper selection of source of electricity in a newly built country house. Finally, we need to check whether your counter.
  • How to improve the country
    The phrase "landscape design" or "interior of a country house" evoke a person's Association with a beautiful coffee lifestyle. Unfortunately, professional execution of these activities is quite expensive. But the owners of ordinary cottages if desired, you can Refine your plot and house as well as designers, using elementary methods.