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- How to patch a hole in drywall When repairing a plumbing site or the wiring is cut a small hole, which then needs to be repaired. In addition, the hole in the drywall may occur due to a water leak or fire.
- How to paint an old house If you do not live in the village permanently, and be home in the summer, it hardly makes sense to sheathe the dwelling siding. Paint old house — so save money, and do the easy jobs yourself.
- How to connect the indirect heating boiler Before you connect the indirect heating boiler, make sure that the volume you had selected correctly. So one person is done the rate of 40 liters. If your family consists of 4 people, you need to install a boiler of indirect heating volume of 160 liters.
- How to install sliding gates For residents of private homes it is very important to limit the ability of unauthorized persons to penetrate the local area, therefore, special attention should be paid to the reliability of the gate. In Russia it is best to install the gate with the sliding mechanism, because, among other benefits, you will be spared from having to clean the snow before they are opened.
- How to grow cucumbers Probably a rare summer visitor does not grow cucumbers in your garden. After all, cucumber is the most popular vegetable that is often used in food as fresh and pickled. So how to grow cucumbers on his plot to get rich harvest?
- How to apply plaster on the ceiling Plastering is an ancient method of alignment of walls and ceiling. The technology process is consistent observance of the stages of application of the solution – the scratch coat, primer and finish coat.
- How to build a private farm If you live in a private house, you will probably need a storage space to keep garden tools or livestock. The technology of creating such buildings is about the same, and you can build private farms, knowing the necessary sequence of actions.
- How to build a window sill In most modern apartment buildings, the sills are narrow. This sill is hard to put a lot of pots with flowers or seedlings. Many extend the sill so that it turns a real Desk, it is possible not only to gardening but to work. The sill is well covered, and tired eyes can relax, looking at the street.
- How to sow cucumbers Cucumbers – one of the most common vegetable crops along with potatoes and tomatoes. In the middle of the strip is heat-loving and water-loving plant is grown in greenhouses or using the covering material with decreasing temperature. The timing and methods of sowing cucumbers vary depending on the method of cultivation.
- How to Unscrew rusty bolts No major repairs, especially when it comes to complex arrangements, not without much anguish with rusty, stuck or pribavleniya as a result of processes of diffusion of the bolts. The problem becomes an edge when you need it to Unscrew a bolt and not break it. There are several professional tips for such occasions.
- How to put the two-tariff meter Before you install or replace the meter with any kind of tariffs, with one, two or three, you need to submit documents to the energy supplying company and get permission. Direct installation can be carried out independently with all the requirements or ask the wizard.
- How to clean Jacuzzi Jacuzzi should be cleaned regularly, to increase its service life and to prevent excessive contamination of injectors, pumps, the surface of the bath, etc. it is very important to avoid gross errors, not to spoil such an expensive thing.
- How to handle the edge of the carpet Carpet, solid carpet that is laid in the residential and office premises. Its functions are diverse. It protects against cold and noise, is handsome, pleasant to use. Besides, with proper care resistant to moisture and fire. With special laying on a metal grid has antistatic properties.
- How to get stains from fruit The problem of removing stains from fruit to clothing, sooner or later faces every man, even the most careful. It's great in the summer, when the shelves of grocery stores are literally bursting with a huge variety of fruits and berries. Get stains from fruit, you can use several easy ways.
- How to root cactus Cacti – the family of perennial succulents that spread from America to all continents, excluding Antarctica. Due to the unusual nature and variety of forms, cactuss are very popular among lovers of room floriculture. Propagate these plants by seeds and cuttings.
- Why buzzing air conditioning The main fault affecting the operability of equipment can be prevented in advance. For example, the hum of the air conditioner not only violates a comfortable stay in the apartment, but also indicates a malfunction.
- How to save sheflera Until recently it was believed that to grow agave grows well only in the garden or Conservatory. Recently, however, it is increasingly possible to see on the window sills in residential and office premises. What to do if your schefflera is sick? How to save her?
- How to grow flowers from seeds Flowers in the rooms add to the atmosphere a feeling of warmth and coziness. Today houseplant you can buy in a specialty store, but to grow your own with seeds. These flowers will delight you and your loved ones all year round.
- How to make a key for the lock In the case of loss of key the door lock should not immediately break the door, you can try to produce a duplicate. Well, you have a spare key; in this case, backup is easy to do on this sample. But if the lost key was the only one of its kind, will have to use other methods of recovery.
- How to restore veneer Natural veneer is a traditional material for furniture veneer, which is a thin slices of wood. To enhance the decorative effect it can be varnished or use the stain. But over time, any materials get damaged. Try to restore shponirovannye coating to your furniture looked perfect.
- How to fix the creaking sofa Unfortunately, quite often that is still quite young and has quite a respectable appearance, the sofa begins to publish unpleasant sounds of any attempt to sit or lie on it. How to fix the creaking of the sofa?
- How to disassemble a washing machine Indesit In modern washing machines Indesit is one of the most common causes of breakdowns are defects or malfunction of bearings, which are located on the axis of the drum. The cost of their replacement in the service center is quite high, while the cost of the kit is accessible to many. So to replace the bearings every can own.
- How to plant jade Crassula (crassula) has a strong aura, it accumulates and gives positive energy, promotes good mood. This plant is considered a symbol of good luck money, his so-called "money tree". It will fit into the interior of any home or office. The tree is not demanding in care and is easily propagated.
- How to get rid of the smell of old age In most cases, the "odor of old age, "that is a stale musty smell comes not from the old, and old things from the bad ventilation of the room. Elderly people are afraid to catch a cold, so the vents open is very rare. And, of course, it is hard to keep clean their homes and household items.
- How to select the built-in electric oven Every year more and more people starts to prefer sets of built-in appliances. Most often, this kit consists of a cooking surface and oven rack. The choice of technology must be approached responsibly.
- How to raise pile carpet Carpets are an essential attribute of any apartment. They can be used to soften the interior and make it more cozy. Unfortunately, carpets tend to get dirty. Even regular vacuuming and cleaning agents can preserve the former beauty. So, wishing to raise the pile of the carpet will have to conduct a "General" cleaning.
- How to disassemble the computer chair If your computer chair is broken, and you decided to try to fix it yourself, then the first problem you may face is the order of its disassembly. To disassemble and repair the computer chair is not difficult if you know some of the nuances. The repair is quite possible to produce with their hands.
- How to plant strawberries Healing properties of strawberries known since the most ancient times. This berry helps to stabilize the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. In addition, strawberries are incredibly tasty, so is always welcome at any table.
- How to cut countertop If you want to punch the sink or stove to the table surface, you will have to cut the countertop. Work with thick counter tops are best left to the professionals. However, more simple options you can handle yourself.
- How to clean frosted glass If you need to wash ordinary glass, it's all clear. But when it comes to matte, there are a number of difficulties. From the usual methods of washing, they are spots and stains, and wipe clean this glass much harder than normal. Matte surfaces need special care.