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  • How to make a forest
    Set construction a forest is necessary in the construction of any home. If you have already entered the house, and the façade is still not finished, it is not necessary to leave the forest, so they do not spoil the appearance of the house for many years. To finish the decoration of the house, you can build a forest-the platform from which you will be able to do the necessary work at any height.
  • How to grow thuja from cuttings
    Thuja, an evergreen coniferous tree in the cypress family Cupressaceae. Propagated by both seeds and vegetatively. But seed propagation ornamental arborvitae are not saved, and will have to wait a long time. So often propagated by cuttings of thuja.
  • How to bring ants
    Ants house is a serious problem. No worse than cockroaches – they catch all the food and become sources of serious infectious diseases. Fortunately, ways to get rid of them – quite a lot.
  • How to hang Wallpaper on non-woven
    Rightly considered that the non-woven Wallpaper is easier to glue and easier to use, because the pasting of Wallpaper involves the application of glue only on the wall, and after drying the Wallpaper on non-woven basis, you can safely paint.
  • How to remove scale
    The cause of limescale in the kettle or the washing machine can be not only hard water, but it contained impurities. The scum can get into our body, or gradually disable the heating elements, so it is necessary from time to time to fight.
  • How to thread
    When repairing furniture and various household things in the course of work, often need the connection details of construction by means of threaded connections. The cutting quality of carving in the home, time-consuming and requires skills, but this problem is solved.
  • How to make a porch
    As you know, the theater begins with a hanger, and a real home - from the porch. It is through the porch, the guests and the owners themselves get into the house. So it should be comfortable and beautiful. The porch can be built independently. It's probably easier and cheaper just to build it out of boards.
  • How to glue vinyl Wallpaper on non-woven
    In any room to glue vinyl Wallpaper on non-woven basis is much easier than using ordinary paper. In addition, if you buy in store high-quality adhesive that is specifically designed for this type of Wallpaper, the problems with hanging them on the walls in the kitchen or bedroom do not arise.
  • How to register a water meter
    To move to a new system of payment of water, you need to install and register the flow meter of water. Although this procedure will require the investment of funds, it is possible that the metering device the water will soon pay for themselves. Here are the steps you need to take in order to begin to pay for water in accordance with accurate meter readings.
  • How to remove mold
    Mold can appear in any home, but since then, as in modern apartments everywhere began to set plastic sealed Windows, mold literally fell on tenants who are forced to lead with her unequal struggle.
  • How to make a winch
    The improvised winch, has a huge spread among different heavy works related to the lifting of the load. It may be lifting the water from the well and various construction works. That is why it is very important to make a homemade winch correctly that when working with her did not arise life-threatening cases.
  • How to install a hood in the kitchen
    Have another kitchen renovation. Inspection of the upcoming scope of work is depressing: the ceiling over the gas cooker has a yellowish color, oily to the touch; the curtain on the window, near to the plate, different from that removed from it (for color and smell). It is urgent to install the hood, and then taken for repairs.
  • How to lay laminate flooring correctly
    Laminate flooring has gained much popularity among other floor coverings due to its high consumer quality and ease of installation. To cope with laying laminateand even not professional.
  • How to put the bed in the bedroom
    It is very important to choose the location of the bed in your bedroom, as this determines whether your sleep and rest fully. After all, you, getting up in the morning should be cheerful, energetic and rested. Before you place the bed, it is advisable to listen to such Chinese science of Feng Shui.
  • How to make a ladder to the second floor
    The staircase in the house should be beautiful, comfortable, functional. So before you do the stairs to the second floor, it is necessary to think well, where it is located. Best suited hallway. There Lustica on the second floor will look appropriate.
  • How to mount PVC panels
    Plastic panels are in great demand, allowing you to do finishing work cheaply, efficiently and quickly. The main advantage of PVC panels is no need to level the surface prior to installation.
  • How to choose the color of the Wallpaper
    You decided to make repair in the house and stick the new Wallpaper. That's right. Now you have to choose them by color, quality, adaptability. It is not necessary to go to the market or to the store and to act on the principle: "That which is beautiful, take, perhaps, them." After that you bring home and the tow to the wall to live more than one year. And if on the second day after the repair in to this beauty you will not leave irritation, and it means that with the choice of colors Wallpaper you made a mistake.
  • How to grow thuja in the country
    Thuja grows in our nature in the wild, she came to us from East Asia and America. But contrary to popular belief, cedar is not too whimsical, to grow it in our latitudes, is quite real.
  • How to change the grub castle
    Cylinder locks are the most common among locks. Their distinctive feature is the presence of larvae, which hides the lock mechanism. Yourself the keys of such locks are flat and small, that guarantees the comfort of wearing them. So, if such a lock will jam and refuse to function normally, it is easy to change without removing the whole castle, and only by changing the cylinders. However and keys will need new.
  • How to make a sewer
    The most common ways of creating a sewage system in a private house is a cesspool, septic tank or filter well. What is more convenient - you decide.
  • How to make an addition to the house
    The construction of an extension to a house or cottage – is an art. If you just take and put a wall of bricks, cover them hastily with a roof and put the door, nothing good we did not succeed. Such an extension even for a warehouse use will be impossible. Winter that can freeze, it will freeze, and in the spring or summer going to be all wet. So, if you want to build an addition to the house, take your time, and you risk "breaking anything".
  • How to build a wardrobe
    Wardrobe is not only very stylish but also very comfortable. Just think how much it can include things! Furniture is noticeably inferior to the built-in Cabinetm in it. After all, the latter is used every millimeter of space from floor to ceiling, and they can be installed where conventional wardrobe simply will not fit. But the wardrobes are very expensive. How to assemble this furniture with his own hands?
  • How to arrange the furniture in the kitchen
    For any hostess is very important the correct placement of furniture in the kitchen. Before beginning repairs, you need to think about where will be located the cooking area with appropriate furniture, where will be the dining area, where it is easier to install the fridge. Furniture has a decisive influence not only on the aesthetic perception of space, but practical functions, especially in the kitchen. For every kitchen regardless of its size and technical equipment is used some General rules for furniture placement.
  • How to choose a water meter
    Annually the fee for utilities increased by more than 10%. If earlier the difference in paying for water according to the standards, depending on the quantity prescribed in the house of people and in fact was material, now it can be more than a thousand rubles a month. The need to install metersthat control the flow of hot and cold water, have realized even people who have never considered the money. Their selection is quite varied, so the question arises – how to choose the right counter water?
  • How to make a shower
    Each of us in the house or apartment has a bath, shower and other derivatives, by means of which you can cool off on a hot day, soak in the hot water in the winter, but the daily hygiene without them is simply unthinkable. But it's home, and what to do, for example, in the country. Shower at the cottage – it is not so unthinkable, it is quite able to build yourself in a short time from available materials.
  • How to choose kitchen hoods
    Most recently, the kitchen ventilation was provided through a natural movement of air. Now the majority of the sets on the hood. What is the reason? Perhaps the need for the extractor fan in the kitchen was always because soot, grease from prepared food are deposited on kitchen furniture, crockery, spoiling the appearance of products and impeding their operation. Now people prefer comfort, and the hood provides the comfort. In stores a huge range of cooker hoods of various models. And your choice to make sometimes very difficult.
  • How to calculate the rent
    Sooner or later, but every person that pays for utilities of the apartment, concerned about "how it is possible to calculate the rent and what it is?". It turns out that a receipt for payment do not include all the important points of housing and communal services.
  • How to make Chinese lanterns
    Bright, colorful Chinese lanterns are perfect decorations for New year celebrations, and any other holiday that can easily be done by hand. There are 3 ways how to make Chinese lanterns.
  • How to choose cookware
    To work in the kitchen with high-quality, comfortable and beautiful dishes is much nicer. Cookware can be categorized by technology, the material of which it is made, appearance. Buying the dishes in the first place, you should learn how it is made.
  • How to grow lemon from seeds
    In vain many believe that seed regular lemons, store-bought, you will never grow a plant that can bear fruit or that the first harvest will have to wait for more than 20 years. On the contrary, lemons are the most practical of all the family of citrus plants to grow. They can bring the first, larger, and more flavorful than those purchased, fruits in 4 years. While fruit tree lemon can all year round.