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  • How to decorate a porch
    Evening family gatherings over tea in the comfortable veranda of a country house – what could be better! Because the veranda is not only a home decoration, but also a place for relaxation and recreation. And how to decorate to bring you not only joy, but comfort?
  • How to grow rye
    Germinated seeds of grain is used nowadays in the system of healthy eating, as well as in many diets. The benefits of eating wheat germ, oats, barley, in our days, no doubt: it is confirmed by scientists, doctors and practice. Sprouted rye in this series takes a special place because the composition of substances and enzymes, "waking up" in the process of soaking is somewhat different from other grains. So, in the rye, a higher percentage of enzymes, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium and silicon than, for example, in wheat. However, all of these useful properties are not lost during the procedure of germination must observe a sequence of actions.
  • How to reduce humidity in the room
    High humidity in the room leads to the constant damp and unhealthy climate. From moisture spoils the furniture, cover walls and ceilings, people begin to develop allergic reactions, it is therefore necessary to normalize the level of humidity in the room.
  • How to clean paint from jackets
    From appearing on the coats of paint stains no one is immune. Sometimes such a nuisance becomes a problem, especially when the object recently acquired, and even cost hardly fit in the family budget. Experienced people long ago invented a lot of things from cleaning stains, there are homemade, and special. Of course, the best option would be to take the jacket to the dry cleaners, but, as a rule, people resort to this at the last moment.
  • How to clean oil stains
    One awkward movement can hopelessly spoil your favorite blouse. A little gape, and now in plain sight appeared an ugly grease stain. Do not worry, fresh fatty stains are very easily removed. If you act correctly, fat will not be over.
  • How to plant lettuce
    Consumption of leaf lettuce is not only a way to obtain pleasure, but the opportunity to enrich the body with lots of vitamins. Lettuce can be grown in summer in the garden and in winter on the windowsill right in your home!
  • How to open an English castle
    There are situations when you forgot your house keys, slammed the door, leaving you in the stairwell without a key or the lock is jammed. And it seems that such a situation has only two choices – to wait or relatives to call emergency services to those hacked, or, in extreme cases, broke the lock, allowing you to come into the apartment. However, there is a third way. It is the opening of the lock by yourself. For example, on your door cylinder set (English) castle.
  • How to remake furniture
    Old furniture (walls, closets, headsets) are commonly thrown us, without unnecessary sentimentality. The exception is furniture passed on from generation to generation. Meanwhile, casting a careful look overexposed wall, you can see how and what to alter it in order to prolong her life.
  • How to seal linoleum
    You've moved furniture and inadvertently tore the linoleum? Or the trouble occurred during the repair? How now to restore the former integrity of the coating to the fracture was not noticeable?
  • How to sharpen a knife for meat grinder
    Meat grinder a necessary attribute of any kitchen. Its main purpose is to grind large pieces of meat in small bits called stuffing. But in addition to the usual meat grinder you can grind and onions and carrots, and other fruits and vegetables and even squeeze the juice. Depending on what nozzle you put on the exhaust pipe grinder, you can make a fine mince or chop the meat in large pieces, for example for the mantle.
  • How to choose the color of the walls in the apartment
    The choice of color of walls for apartments is a difficult task. After all, it was within these walls we will have to spend a large part of their time. How to make so that after painting or wallpapering their Wallpaper after a couple of weeks did not want to redo everything?
  • How to get rid of mold in the refrigerator
    Adverse conditions in the apartment contribute to the appearance of mold in various places – on walls, books, and also in the fridge. In contrast to the walls, to get rid of mold in the fridge is much harder the plaster will be removed and the Wallpaper will not move. Even after a thorough cleaning of the spores of mold will remain.
  • How to whiten underwear
    Underwear gradually loses its lustrous sheen and starts to look untidy. To restore yellowed white or gray things, came up with quite a lot of different tools, so if you want things can be "reanimated".
  • How to sew a mattress cover
    Cover for a mattress – this thing is extremely functional. It protects expensive product from contamination and deterioration, and sometimes can even serve as decoration. Pattern mattress cover are different – from the bag in the form of an elongated pillow cases to work on more decorative elements. Beginner is the easiest way to sew a mattress cover with elastic drawstring closure, which will allow you to lock it into place.
  • How to get stains on fabric
    Spots of grease may appear on your clothing, tablecloth, towel, etc. After the usual washing is found that the spot remained in its place, despite the fact that you used honey powder-known manufacturers. To wash the thing totally useless. First, you need to treat the stainto be sure that the next wash will not be in vain. For removing greasy stains from fabric , you can use a few tools.
  • How to insert eyelets
    Eyelets – fit functional and decorative at the same time. They are used for fixing curtains to decorate clothes, cards, albums. Depending on the material, on which are mounted grommets how to install them will vary.
  • How to install a built-in hood
    A good owner knows that properly installed ventilation hood is safety of his home. So you need to do everything by the rules, and attach, where necessary, and rely on "maybe". Please note that there are several places where you can and/or need to mount hood. It is a wall, ceiling or kitchen, if he has specially adapted for this purpose fastening.
  • How to clean floors from mercury
    If you broke a thermometer with mercury or a mercury lamp, you should not panic, the situation is not very dangerous. You just need to collect all the balls of mercury from the surface. More complicated when mercury slipped into place in inaccessible places, for example, in the cracks of the floor or under the plinth. Gradually it will begin to evaporate and the pair may already lead to poisoning. That's why you need to try to find all the balls of mercury and collect them as soon as possible.
  • How to transplant a cyclamen
    In July, ends a period of rest from cyclamen. There are new young leaves. This is the most favorable time for transplanting plants. In this case, you can expect the following flowering in November or December.
  • How to clean marker
    It is no secret that our kids love to draw. And by all means possible and absolutely everywhere. My mother's cosmetics on the Wallpaper, Doodle from of wax crayons on the TV, painted markers sofas and linoleum. And mom's share drops to eliminate this disgrace. So, how to clean marker?
  • How to get rid of dvukhvostka
    Dvukhvostka settles more often in old houses, where there are rotten boards and damp, but there are times when the insect chooses as a dwelling not a private home and apartment. To get rid of dvukhvostka can be different methods, but sometimes insects do not perish under the influence of one of the drugs, as they have produced an immune response and poison no harmful effects on the body. In this case, you need to test all possible methods of getting rid of dvukhvostka.
  • How to make the layout of the building
    Before you engage in the construction of the house, be sure to make a plan. The best option is to create a layout. With the layout you can see the future structure in a reduced form. The layout can be done with your own hands
  • How to make a kitchen design
    Everyone wants to make a design project of the kitchen in accordance with your taste and your preferences. But for this it is sometimes necessary to obegat many furniture stores in search of that perfect option which you imagine in your mind. Of course, you can ask for this service to professional designers, but this service will cost you a tidy sum. Isn't it better to try and better ourselves to learn all the tricks of the projectfunding of the cuisine?
  • How to make a baby swing
    Swings like almost all children, regardless of age and gender. Even teenagers don't like to ride with the wind and make a semi-sun, and for the youngest it is simply an indispensable attribute of childhood.
  • How do you know your rent you owe
    Find out the arrears of rent in the majority of Russian settlements only old-fashioned way: call the company that accepts payments or directly who supply a particular service or personally visit her office. In some large cities, particularly in Moscow, you can obtain this information through the Internet or by SMS.
  • How to clear the carpets
    The pleasure of walking on soft carpet! But under one condition – if the carpet is clean. And to achieve this, unfortunately, is not always easy. Carpet care is a quite difficult and time-consuming activity, and a broom with the vacuum cleaner not always able to clean the pile of dust. So at least twice a year (and preferably every two months) is recommended to dislodge carpets. How to do it right?
  • As the LCD to hang on the wall
    Modern LCD TVs have become so thin and light that they often have to install on a wallthan to put on a traditional television stand. It looks much more aesthetically pleasing and the TV takes up much less space. In addition, the LCD TV to hang on the wall is not too difficult even for an inexperienced person, enough to be able to handle a drill.
  • How to remove scorch marks from iron
    The scorch marks from iron – that can be offensive? Pat's favorite white blouse or bright skirts, and then... got Distracted for a minute. Came back and the light fabric yellow podpaliny. Yellow? Well, well... It's not so bad, you can try to get this spot and save the thing.
  • How to calculate roof area
    Counting square of roofs is not so much an unnecessary whim of the owners home. to acquire as much material as necessary. Before you begin construction, it is better to calculate the total cost of the work. Because a miscalculation can cost you precious time.
  • How to raise old house
    The durability of wooden houses is largely dependent on local factors such as the characteristics of the soil and climate. Old house built a few decades ago, you may have a weak and shallow Foundation. Therefore, the owners of buildings the question arises: how to raise the house and update it the Foundation of their own?