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  • How to restore the burned-out house
    The rebuilding of the house depends on how badly it is damaged and what material was manufactured. In any case first have to carry out the dismantling of all damaged structures and only after that to go to the installation home.
  • How to find out the amount you pay for home phone
    Most companies offering fixed telephony, use the postpaid billing system with customers. It consists of two parts: subscriber fees and the amounts taken for per-minute billing of calls. So at the end of the month, there is a need to know the total debt for communication services.
  • How to choose heat gun
    Construction the dryer can be useful as a professional Builder, and the person who does their own home repairs. Choose a model thermaldryerand depending on the tasks you want to perform, the frequency of use and your professionalism.
  • How to clean glue off of the Wallpaper
    Difficult Wallpaper to nowhere to smear glue. Well, if the glue is dry and the Wallpaper won't be a trace of it: no reason to be upset. But what if the trace of Wallpaper glue still left?
  • How to wash the canister
    Over time at the bottom unused for a certain time food cans can be formed mold. If this happens, you should not immediately discard the canister can be washed.
  • How to determine the size of cable diameter
    As a rule, any cable consists of several cores which in cross section present you round. It is from the area of the cross section proportional to the conductivity of the cable. If it is too small, the cable may burn out, and this is one of the main causes of fires in the modern world.
  • How to remove silicone sealant
    Silicone sealant is a universal fixative. However, sometimes you need to remove it without a trace. And here the problems begin. Because not all know how it is possible without losses to the surface to clean and remove traces of old glue. Although methods are sufficient.
  • What is the wood veneer
    Veneer is a thin layer of wood with a beautiful pattern made by cutting, peeling or slicing. For the production of veneer usually use birch, alder, beech, oak, Linden, ash, larch, cedar. This material covers the furniture and other items.
  • How to get rid of the smell of tobacco smoke
    The odor of tobacco smoke immediately hits the nose, non-Smoking person. Need to inhale the smell of tobacco – a strong test for a person. Tobacco smoke can cause nausea, headaches and fatigue. After spending a few minutes in a smoky room, you will be drenched in an unpleasant aroma, but eliminate the smell of cigarettes on clothing and hair is not difficult. But what about the smell of smoke in the apartment and the car?
  • How to make refrigerator built-in
    Built-in refrigerator is the perfect solution for a small space, besides, it will give your kitchen a finished and ergonomic. How to install such appliances?
  • How to remove stain from iron in the black
    If you overdo the iron on fabrics or clothes, it may leave scorch marks or shiny spots that are especially noticeable on black. The rotten thing is very a pity to throw out, and dry cleaning is quite expensive. Do not hurry to part with a thing: the weaker spots, even shiny marks on black, can display or mask.
  • How to remove a stain from hair dye
    Paint for the hair leave the skin and clothes of stubborn stains that are very difficult to remove. Remove skin blemishes from the paint much easier than with sacapano fabric, so use any color scheme very carefully, wearing an old dressing gown or unnecessary things. But if the stain still remains on your clothing, have to take means for its removal.
  • How to read the readings with the meter
    Until recently, the calculation of electricity was carried out on a device with a single tariff, that is, at any time of day electricity is worth the same. At the present time, there is a two-tariff and three-tariff counters which calculation and payment depends on the tariff rates during certain hours of the day. But regardless of this payment shall be made monthly to the 10th day.
  • How to change the electricity meter
    Rising energy prices and the need to conserve electricity has led to the idea of regulation of accounting of consumed electricity by enterprises and individuals. Today, many owners not only establish mandatory counters of electricity, but trying to replace the old metering devices modern.
  • How to clean oil
    Fuel oil is a secondary product after refining. Has a dark color, the specific smell of oil. In its composition contains a fatty oil and resin, and stubborn stains. To remove it from all surfaces and fabrics need to use special tools and a lot of effort.
  • How to get rid of the Shine on the pants
    Not every glitter is equally beautiful. It's one thing when we are talking about the magnificent radiance brocade or satin, and quite another – the Shine on the trousers, which appeared as a result of long socks or incorrect Ironing. This gloss is found most often on the knees, on the thighs, buttocks, rarely at other places. The easiest and most obvious way to get rid of unnecessary Shine – wash. However, if you have to refresh my pants quickly, you can use other methods – it is accessible and almost instant result.
  • How to accelerate the growth of plants
    To stimulate the growth of plants can create the ideal conditions for development. Maintenance requirements of all plants are different, but they can be decomposed into separate elements: soil, watering and lighting.
  • How to heat water using the sun
    With the onset of summer season, fans of outdoor recreation are facing the problem of lack of hot water on their site. Regularly drive into town to take a shower, do not particularly want, as I do not want to catch cold, enjoying water procedures in cold water. One solution is to heat waterusing solar heat.
  • How to fit skirting
    Floor skirting is a narrow bar shaped profile, covering the junction of wall and floor. Usually skirting is used to decorate the room. Recently on our market, a plinthwith cable TV where you can hide electrical and telephone wires.
  • How to adjust Cabinet door
    In the process of assembling the furniture when you move after transportation or long-term use is often required adjustment of the doors. Depends on its appearance. Independently perform the adjustment of the doors is a snap, with a minimal set of tools.
  • How to get rid of musty smell
    The musty smell is very unpleasant. But he sometimes appears in wardrobes or pots, which for some reason moldy. What to do in this case? Is it possible to get rid of such insipid flavor? You can!
  • How to grow cyclamen from seed
    Cyclamen is a rare set of qualities that make it a favorite of many gardeners. It and decorative leaves with a white pattern, and bright colors. Cyclamen thrives in cool Northern Windows. The period of greatest decoration of cyclamen falls on late autumn and winter. And when it's time to leave, cyclamen falls asleep and does not require any maintenance. Try to grow it from seed yourself.
  • How to grow oak in the home
    Oak is considered the king among trees, because the age of an individual tree can reach several hundreds of years and its trunk can not afford to cover hands even an adult. Since you planted the oak will outlive you and your descendants, it should be planted in a place in which no oak tree there will be nothing to interfere, or he will not be a hindrance to anyone. Seedling oak to really grow in home conditions.
  • How to glue PVC
    Panel PVC can be glued to any surface. For such purposes, today there are many brands of glue. In order not to speculate with the brand, you can use universal glue suitable for gluing PVC to any type of surface.
  • How to change the interior doors
    Overhaul in the apartment will definitely affect the interior of the door. Their selection and installation must be taken responsibly. How to change the doors in the apartment?
  • How to varnish doors
    Due to its transparency, Polish emphasizes the beauty of real wood. Even inexpensive doors made of pine, which you can handle with lacquer, would look quality and expensive. Before you start painting, keep in mind that all doorsopening into one corridor, should be of the same color. So buy nail Polish of the same shade.
  • How to make a country house from a container with their hands
    House of container is the ideal option for affordable premises for cottage or housing for long-term construction. For it often does not require a Foundation, but you must perform the insulation works and construction.
  • How to paint polymer clay
    Polymer clay is a plastic material based on PVC-particles, it is designed for modeling small sculptures, jewelry and other products. When working with the material you want to wear rubber gloves and follow basic safety rules.
  • How to grow cedar from nuts
    Cultivation of seedling of cedar nuts – employment difficult and time-consuming. Seeds cedar cones need in preliminary preparation for germination, and young seedlings in the creation of certain conditions for their favorable growth.
  • How to make a sink from a plastic bottle
    At the cottage, camping, at a picnic sink is required. A regular plastic bottle will be the perfect water dispenser. There are several designs of street washbasins of plastic packaging.