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  • Washing machine continuously fills and drains water: causes
    There are many reasons why a washing machine is constantly gaining and at the same time drains the water. It can be wrong connection, various kinds of blockages, leakage of valves, failure of the sensor filling of water.
  • How to cover up the furnace, so it does not crack
    Wood heating remains a popular way to heat homes. Therefore, an important and the problems that arise when the output of the furnaces out of action. For example, from time to time on the outer surface of the furnace have cracks that need something to cover up.
  • How to deal with weevil
    Weevils are small beetles pests, which are familiar with the horticulturists and gardeners. These insects are a serious threat to plants growing in the garden, in the garden, on the balcony. They are dangerous even at room flora, so the weevils to fight.
  • Why not bloom hibiscus
    From spring to autumn, and in some cases winter collection growers adorn the lush scarlet, dark red, or pink flowers with a tuft of long stamens. It blooms hibiscus, an evergreen shrub belonging to the family Malvaceae. However, it may happen that it is an ornamental plant during the whole vegetation period will not give a single Bud. The main reason for this are errors in the care of the flower.
  • How to grow Passiflora from seed
    The plant belongs to the family strastotsveta. The birthplace of passion fruit is considered to be Asia, Australia, Madagascar and South America. The plant has the amazing shape of large flowers and is one of the few tropical vines that can be grown at home.
  • How to bleach white fabric
    Things from the white fabric, always beautiful, elegant, fresh. Whether it's blouses and shirts or bed linen, towels or napkins, white cloth always spectacular. The stronger the disappointment when whites turned yellow, and acquired a grayish hue or it is stained. Meanwhile, do not get upset, this trouble can always be corrected.
  • Why yellow monstera
    Sooner or later every gardener-Amateur comes to the decision to grow home beauty monstera. Large carved shiny leaves, rich green color, residentst – all are captivated by this charming indoor plant. However, very often, novice growers are upset, noting on it the drying, yellowing or withered leaves. No need to get upset, just need to know why yellow monstera, and to prevent it.
  • How to clean burnt pan
    Sometimes due to carelessness or forgetfulness of the hostess, the food may burn and cover the bottom of the pan a layer of dense soot. Such contamination is difficult to remove, which may lead to damage of the dishes. There are several ways to clean burnt surfaces, the choice of cleaning agent depends on the degree of damage and the material from which they are made.
  • How to change code combination lock
    Currently, combination locks became widespread. They can be seen on the doors of offices, warehouses and building entrances. All combination locks can be divided into locks with the possibility of conversion and not perekopirovannye. When operating perekodirovat locks change code it is recommended that at least once in 3-6 months. Periodic change of code on the combination lock increases the degree of its protection.
  • How to remove tile adhesive
    When performing repairs is one of the biggest problems usually occur if you remove the old coating or material. It happens with the old tile glue. In some cases, it should be removed from the tiles (for example, when it is perekleivanie); in others, to clean it from the glue needed surface-based.
  • How to get rid of moths in cereals
    Probably every woman at least once in life faced with an unpleasant uninvited guest – the food or kitchen moths, which is put in cereals, dried fruits and nuts. The larvae of this insect live in your closets and eat cereals, contaminating them. So how do you cope with moths in the kitchen? Immediately proceed to combat these insects.
  • How to get rid of the smell from upholstered furniture
    Many Housewives sooner or later beg the question of removal of the extraneous odor. For this we need to find the source, which may be furniture. The origin of the odors from furniture can be different and to remove them in different ways.
  • How to remove stains from the sofa
    Very often we are faced with this problem, as the stains on upholstered furniture. Behind new year, birthday or other celebration – and we regret to find on your favorite couch ugly marks. Do not despair: there are simple ways that will help you to bring your upholstered furniture back to normal.
  • How to change the entry code
    To reprogram the intercom's quite simple to know the password to enter the corresponding mode. Service codes intercoms installed by the manufacturer are generally the same for all models. According to the rules, the installers will need these codes to change during installation and configuration of the system, but in most cases this does not happen, allowing you to open the door without the key.
  • How to repair a refrigerator yourself
    Your favorite fridge is not eternal, so the damage he is not insured. If the refrigeratorohms something is going wrong, do not rush to call the master. It is possible that you will be able to rectify the fault if you take it seriously. Let's look at some types of faults which you can repair yourself to save money and money.
  • How to connect the pump
    In a country house, where there is no Central water supply, drilled well. Normally installed with a pumping station that allows you to use the water from the tap, connect the various types of titans, to connect washing machine and dishwasher. Pumping station it is important to correctly install and connect, then it will perform all the functions of a Central water supply system.
  • How to clean faded thing
    Your faded thing would feel better if she will give to the dry cleaners, where will take into account the material from which it was manufactured, and recommendations for care. Often, however, want to save money and solve the problem himself. Just read and try to implement the following tips. But just keep in mind that if it's spoiled for a long time, or get rid of faded spots not allow material, then you are unlikely to get the thing in its original form.
  • How to decorate the walls in the kitchen
    About the design of the walls in the kitchen need to start thinking at the stage of repair. The distance between the suspended drawers and floor cabinets will need to decorate so that then it was easy to wash off wet mud from the surface. Even the smallest kitchen will have a separate area for eating. The wall, which is a dining table, do the accent. Glue it or paint the original image. In the future, you will only have to decorate the kitchen walls great attention to detail.
  • Is it possible to paint the bathroom with latex paint
    Water-based paints today are widely used, gradually displacing the coating materials of other types. Such paints are safe for health, easy to use and quite practical. They are used for painting the walls of bathrooms.
  • How to fix a mosquito net on the plastic window
    The easiest way to protect the premises against flies and mosquitoes is to install on the window mosquito net. If the frame is made of metal, there are two acceptable solutions to this problem.
  • The most frequent malfunction of the refrigerator
    Refrigerators can break down for a variety of reasons, but some of the faults occur most frequently. The reason of breakages can be as banal negligence of the owners, and other factors. The more refrigerator parts, the more can be the reasons for the failure of the device itself.
  • What Wallpaper suitable for dark rooms
    Dark room can meet in almost every dwelling, be it apartment or private house. The lack of natural lighting can occur due to the design of buildings, availability, under the Windows of the tall trees, the location of the room on the North side of the house. This problem can be solved with the help of properly selected Wallpapers, which will make the room more bright and cozy.
  • How to sheathe the building Board
    The house siding Board is best carried out in the period from early August to late September. At this time, the sunlight on the surface of the finishing material is not as intensive as in other summer months.
  • What heating system is better in a private home
    Heating of a private house has many different options. You need to take into account all the characteristics of each type for correct selection and making the most profitable decisions.
  • How to grow lavender at home
    To grow lavender at home, you need to know about which brand the best, how to prepare seeds for planting, what soil the plant prefers. If you create a lavender required for the conditions, a flower will grow well and develop.
  • How to plant white mustard
    Plant white mustard can entire gardening season. It is possible to sow in rows, and close up the soil to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, and can be evenly scatter the seeds in the right place and level the top with a rake. If necessary, watered.
  • How to test seeds for germination
    Determination of germination energy of seeds of various crops is a key to good germination and gather a rich harvest. Gardeners and growers should check planting material germination in advance, at the stage of preparation for sowing season.
  • Install water pressure regulator
    The regulator (reducer) is required to limit the pressure in water supply systems or heating. The device retains the integrity of the hydraulic equipment (pipes, valves, faucets, flexible hoses). It allows you to decrease the speed of the flooding areas in case of rupture of the system.
  • How to open the intercom without a chip
    To access the programming mode of the intercom you can use the set password on the keyboard. After this scoring code has the ability to open a door with an intercom without any chip. Service codes intercoms are set by the manufacturer and is the same for all models. The installers for these codes usually do not change. If the service code is changed, ask for his autopsy to the installer.
  • How to make the Internet in the country
    With the onset of summer season, many urban dwellers move to live in the cottage. Starting from mid-April to mid October, citizens are immersed in the garden and field case. During this period they have changed lifestyle habits. But one habit for truckers unchanged: this is the Internet.