The liner in the employment book shall be issued by the employer.
On the first page of the insert shows information about the employee entered in an employment book.In the appropriate column enter the surname, name and patronymic according to the document proving the identity.Enter the date of birth of the employee.Under "Education" select the level of education. This record is based on documents that confirm education: diploma or certificate.In the column "Profession, specialty," write the profession of the employee, which is specified in the diploma. If data about the profession there, leave the field blank.Write the date of filling of the liner. The date of completion shall be the date of the first record included in this document.In addition, in the liner, as well as in the workbook, on the first page, you must specify the name of the technician responsible for filling in labor books, personnel worker, and his signature.In the liner also required the presence of a personal signature of the employee.
The recordings in the liner are made similar to records in a labor book. The numbering of entries continues the numbering of the work book. The second column indicates the date of entry. In the third column – contains a record of the hiring, dismissal, transfer to another job, reduction. At the same time, not allowed to make shrink, for example, replace the word "article" to "article" in the case of justification of dismissal or reduction. In the last, fourth column put the name of the document (Order), under which entry was made, the date of signature and number. In this column is also not allowed reduction.
When issuing insert, you must record on the inside cover of the work book: "Issued", putting his series and number. This operation is repeated with each subsequent issuance of the liner. Do not make this record to fill the liner. If a mistake was made, the liner must be destroyed or it must be amended. Space for stamp on the results of the insert can not stay.
Put it in a book of account for the movement of labor books written liner with indication of its serial number.
According to the Instruction on filling of work books, the liner must be sewn (not glued) to the book, which he is. This is facilitated by the cover that has the liner. However, instructions on how to do it, is not given. In most cases, the liner is sewn after the last page of the work book.