You will need
  • To attach to the clinic need a passport, insurance, registration documents, statement.
The main condition to be attached to a district clinic - the presence of medical insurance, which you may fill out the employer if you are working officially. If you officially do not work, then the policy you can place yourself in the place of residence, if you are registered there. Just go to the nearest hospital - it will tell you where and how it should be done. In the absence of both work and registration policy will have to draw in his hometown.
Having the policy, you have the right to attach to the clinicnearest to your actual place of residence. This applies both for non-residents or foreigners, and for residents who, for one reason or another temporarily changed their place of residence. Grab your passport, insurance, and documentation of your registration and will contact the clinic in the registry. There you will be given an application form attached to the clinic in the name of the chief physician. You should fill it out and submit. From this moment you can consider yourself attached.
In some cases, the clinic may send you to the district health authority where you will be given direction for attachment to one or another clinic. It will need to pass in this clinic.
If you are a foreigner, you will need to immediately contact the local health authority. A list of documents you need to have is the same as in the previous cases.
Remember that if you want to attach to the clinic, then to deny it is not right, even if you don't have all documents on hand. Having been refused, ask to place it in writing and go with him to the Prosecutor. Those who do not want to get in contact with public authorities can also ask for help from the company that issued your health insurance, since insurance companies usually help in such cases: to protect your rights in their interests.