If a person regularly does not pay for utilities, and he accumulated huge debts for the apartment; if the person repeatedly violates the public order and peace of the neighbors; if the person is generally long gone in an unknown direction - all good enough reasons for his eviction from occupied living space.
For starters, if there is such a possibility, i.e. one NN is missing, you can try to talk to the occupiers and ask him to leave the premises voluntarily. If he refuses, then you need to go to court.
How to evict <strong>person</strong> <b>apartment</b>
To evict the unwanted tenant out of the apartment (not the owner), you need to make a claim in court. Important to note that the grounds for eviction in this suit should be properly formulated grounds, why should this person be evicted. Otherwise, he will have the opportunity to challenge the claim. And re-apply to the court you no longer can. The statement of claim must be submitted on the defendant's domicile.
How to evict <strong>person</strong> <b>apartment</b>
The application for eviction should attach the following documents: the certificate on form 9 that was evicted in your living space (but remember: the validity of such certificate no more than 30 days); evidence based on which you sought his eviction (proof that it doesn't pay the apartment, statements from neighbors about violations of their peace, etc.); the receipt on state duty payment. His statement do not forget to sign and date. Only after that the business takes in. And if the court makes positive your way solution the objectionable tenant will be evicted.
However, cases of eviction are among the most complex - because this affects the Constitutional rights of the person. You also need to consider the attitude of the evicted person to the apartment. If he is the owner in a privatized apartment, to evict him is almost impossible. In this case, it is easier to go the other way: to make a contract of exchange, annuity, etc. If the person just lives in the apartment under the contract of social hiring, it is easier to evict him. The owner writes his own and evicts either on your own or with the help of the police.