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  • How to assure a copy of the work
    Copy of a workbook is often required when obtaining visas, loans, loans in many different circumstances. So it was a valuable document and has been adopted, it must assure.
  • How can I become a programmer
    Since the beginning of 2000 programmers are in great demand everywhere: from the offices of BTI, to science labs. And the demand for programmers grows, employers are going to all the conditions to get some good specialist. Therefore, programmers are paid quite high therefore many people wonder "How do you become one of them?". Unfortunately, there is no single answer - each programmer had their way to Olympus computer science, but some things have to know every aspiring coder.
  • How to enter job description
    For the introduction of new job descriptions Director issued an order. Adoption of local normative act is administered by the personnel officer or other responsible person. With a new instruction meets professional who will work on this position. Such a rule is fixed in the collective agreement, regulated by the Labour code of the Russian Federation.
  • How to get a paralegal
    Law students studying on the last course, have the opportunity to get acquainted with the chosen speciality and to work as an assistant lawyer. High salaries are offered, but you will gain invaluable experience and the opportunity after graduation to renew polomnichestva in stairsto, to acquire experience, which is a prerequisite for obtaining the title of lawyer.
  • How to apply for an internship to work
    In education students are sent on internship in the company. Some colleges provided an independent search and selection firm, where the trainee will be able to gain practical skills. When placing students for the position refer to Chapter 32 of the Labour code of the Russian Federation. Features of the conclusion of labour relations depend on the contract drawn up with the student.
  • How to draw on the work of minors
    As a rule, an employment relationship with an underage employee shall be documented on a General basis. Moreover, the probation period is not established. When the design position of the person who has not attained 18 years of age, a contract. Teens are assigned their reward in full. Moreover, there are restrictions on employment, which vary depending on the age of the specialist and learning in an educational institution.
  • How to make the hiring of part-time
    When performing work functions on two jobs in the same company or within the two organizations is part-time. It is made in the contract, order. The entry in the work book have the right to make only the main employer. Part-time is assigned to the payment, as a rule, depending on the time actually worked or the number of manufactured articles.
  • How to apply for a personal matter for the archive
    Personnel files of all resigned and retired employees should send to store in the archive (article 17 of the Federal law No. 125-F3). HR officer is obliged to prepare a folder with documents and to take it to an authorised employee of the archive from hand to hand.
  • How to plan the development of sales
    From the work of the division sales the wellbeing of the entire organization. After all, the more goods will be sold, the higher the income of the company. Therefore, it is important to find a competent Manager who will lead this Department and, of course, will be the correct plan of sales.
  • How to write a letter to the promotion
    The promotion of employees faithfully performing their official duties, provided for in article 191 of the Labor code. As a rule, the most common types of incentives are a diploma, a valuable gift, award or assignment of title. To documented to justify the appropriateness of promotion, the responsible person must write a letter to the head of the companies where a promoted employee.
  • How to write a feature with places of work for the courts
    It so happens that in the course of execution proceedings the court may require the characteristic of the defendant with the place of work. Usually it is available from the last job. But in that case, if a citizen only recently, works in the organization, to write feature can be from several places and the one where he worked before. Each character is written separately and should be signed by the heads of different organizations.
  • How to find a job as a club Manager
    Administrator night club must combine functions of a Manager who organizes the work of staff and a representative of the institution, creates a pleasant hotel atmosphere. His responsibilities included the handling of conflict situations. In addition, a good administrator must be a person your club – after all he is in contact with the visitors. Are you ready to try yourself in this quality? Then look for any club that has a vacancy, and sign up for an interview.
  • How to get to the unemployment office for pregnancy
    It is believed that a pregnant woman does not take a state any one employer. But a baby is not cheap. And if you need money, you need work. Where to go to get help? On the stock exchange of labor.
  • How to unload salary in 1C
    Upon completion of all payroll in a given month, the accountant needs to upload data into the program "1C: Accounting". This is processing of "data upload into the accounting program". However, the analysis often face a number of difficulties associated with specifying the documents to upload.
  • How to determine the work experience
    When calculating pensions or benefits calculate the seniority of the employee (insurance, employment, General). In its definition refer to Federal law. Proof of experienceand is a labor book, labor agreement, and other documents that indicate the performance of official duties of the employee.
  • How to convince people to buy a product
    By and large, all sellers can be divided into two categories. Some are able to sell and do it successfully; others, in contrast, have on trade is very approximate performance and absolutely does not know how to work with the client. The first differ from the second multiple qualities.
  • How to compile a portfolio
    The portfolio must people of creative professions. With its help you can interest a potential employer, to show their skills and get a decent job.
  • How to correct date of birth in the workbook
    Employment history must be filled out correctly and without errors depend on future pension rights of the owner of the book work. But it is not always possible to avoid errors. Therefore, all changes must be made properly and in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.
  • How to write a thank you letter to employee
    Appreciation letter to employee is a form of non-material encouragement of the members of the team. Strict requirements to its text does not exist. However, there are some traditionally established rules of preparation and presentation.
  • How to monitor prices
    In the constant dynamics of market monitoring of prices may be one of the most important tasks for a trading company. Price research of a different nature will help to maintain a competitive position, to manage consumer demand and increase profitability of the products.
  • How to get a job in the economic crimes
    Work in government agencies such as Department for combating economic crime, has always been prestigious. The service gives stable salary and a clear hierarchical system of positions. Especially attractive service is the yesterday's graduates of higher and secondary educational institutions. The upperclassmen are serious about future life choice and want to get a good job and pay for their work.
  • How to calculate the thief in the team
    Unfortunately, sometimes even in the most cohesive and close-knit groups appear thieves. Colleagues are beginning to carefully look at each other, trying to figure out who is stealing things and money. And often it turns out that and think no one, but the loss continues.
  • How to write to the Director an application for leave
    The Director, like any ordinary employee of the company, is entitled to an annual basic paid vacation. To apply you need to write a statement, to issue the order. But granting of leaveand the head of the organization has distinctive features, as it is the responsibility of the entire company.
  • How to write a positive review
    System writing reviews about the company working with buyers, clients or customers, allows for feedback between them and the enterprises - suppliers of goods or services. In this case, the opinion reflects the opinion of consumers about the quality of service, service and service. Especially nice to write a positive review.
  • How to apply for an increase in salary
    With the employment of the employee is issued an employment contract, which specified wages, regulated by article 135 of the labour code, and the conditions of work and rest. Any changes to remuneration will be documented in a clear sequence specified in the Labour code.
  • How to write help for the experience
    A pension is one of the cases in which is required the preparation of certificates of work experience, including grace. When this binding is a record of all episodes of work of the citizen.
  • How to get Adidas
    "Adidas" is one of the largest firms in the retail market. Here, if you put in enough effort, you can make an excellent career. But before you get to the stars, you need first to get in the States.
  • How to make a photo of the day
    Photo of the day is one of the methods of observation, allowing to identify the processes occurring during the working day, measure them and based on the data to optimize. It is also a unique and effective tool of time management. To make it easy, help can card photos of the day.
  • How to fire an employee if he was gone
    Often found situation that the employee, for unknown reasons, disappears and does not appear in the workplace. Naturally, the company's management makes the decision on his dismissal, but the missing of the organization's employees can't be fired until you find out the reason for his absence or he will not come into the firm, which is decorated in accordance with the labor laws.
  • How to apply for a salary increase
    The point about wages is the most important part of the employment contract. Any change must be agreed in a bilateral manner and place in accordance with the requirements of the Labour code. Labour legislation regulates only the rules of registration of change of wages, and when and how to increase it decided by the employer, depending on inflation or financial possibilities of the enterprise.