You will need
  • documents of the company, documents Director, company seal, pen, forms relevant documents, labour legislation.
If the company's founders are several, the Director wrote a statement to grant him leaveand to the President of the constituent Assembly. In the header specifies the surname, name, patronymic of the Chairman of Board of founders in accordance with the identity document in the dative case, as well as the full name of the organization in accordance with the constituent documents. Head enter his position in accordance with the staffing firm, his surname, name, patronymic in the genitive case.
The content of the statement write to request consideration by the constituent Assembly provide you with the annual basic paid vacationand specify the number of days for which you want to go on vacation, and also determine the start date and the end of the vacation. Put your signature on the statement specify the date of its writing.
At the meeting of the Board of founders shall render its decision in the form of minutes, a substantial part of which is considering the question of granting leaveand to the Director, and the appointment in his absence a specific employee with experience at the senior place.
The Protocol signed by the Chairman of the Board of founders and Secretary of the constituent Assembly, stating your surname, initials. To familiarize with the document it is necessary for the Director and the person who will temporarily perform his duties under the painting.
The Director issues an order granting him the leaveand the unified form T-6, which enter the start date and the end of vacationand the number of calendar days of desired vacation. Document is assigned a number and date, signed by its head company as the first face of the company and as an employee, assures the seal of the organization.
The head of the firm has to issue the order on imposing of duties of the Director the person appointed by the Board of founders. The employee also need to make an extra charge for this combination and declare it in the administrative parts of the document. The head of the enterprise signed an order, certifies it with the seal of the organization, introduces the specialist with him under the painting.
If the Director is the only founder, he takes a decision about giving myself a vacationand when it is written in the Charter of the enterprise, and issued an order, signed by him, sealed by the organization.