You will need
  • - The labour code of the Russian Federation;
  • documents trainee;
  • - direction;
  • - forms of orders (form T-1);
  • - the form of the personal card;
  • - form of employment record.
Training in enterprises is of great importance for students. It provides skills training and payment for their work. At the Institute, as a rule, issued direction to the internship (the practice). The document States the name of the organization where the student will have the opportunity to perform duties.
Accept the student's statement of work. The document prescribes the request of labor relations, and the name of the position indicated like this: "Intern – assistant electrician". In some cases, the student is accepted by the student, if the relevant contract.
To sign the agreement with the Intern. Use the blank model forms. You are entitled to conclude a fixed-term or apprenticeship contract. When preparing a fixed term contract install Intern salary in accordance with the remuneration set out in current on the firm staffing. When a student's contract, the job functions need to pay in an amount not less than the minimum wage work, which is enshrined in the acts of the regional government.
Make a order. When fixed-term employment contract, make the order using a form T-1. In the case of an apprenticeship contract, make the order work. This is enshrined in Chapter 32 of the labour code. Become familiar with regulatory document of the Intern, sign the order signed by the head.
Get the trainee's personal ID card. For a fixed-term employment contract, make an entry in the work book student by filling up a blank document. If the student's agreement to record on training is not necessary. It is enshrined in legislation.
In some cases, it is the student's agreement with labor. This is one of the forms of relationship with the employer, when the work is recorded in the workbook. This work pays in the amount that is set for the position of staffing.