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  • How to create and submit a resume
    Summary, sent via email, akin to the catalogue of the goods, thrown into the mailbox. It will attract the recipient only if offered the services they require, and the summary is stored with a good hand.
  • How to start a new workbook
    For newly hired employees employers, including individual entrepreneurs, must obtain the employment record in accordance with the rules of work books. If the employee has previously started work-book, but for some reason he did not submit, at the request of a specialist is permitted to issue a new work, but to make a record of previous jobs to make it is not necessary.
  • How to find a job to the artist
    The word "artist" has many meanings. As a broader concept, it refers to a creative profession, artist. In a direct sense, the artist is the one who is professionally engaged in the fine arts. However, to find work for the artist in accordance with higher or secondary vocational art education is not so simple. If you decide to find work, follow the advice.
  • How to extend a business trip
    For negotiation and other purposes employees sent to a business trip. On the basis of a Memorandum from the head of structural division, which employs seconded, issued an order and written assignments. If time travel should renew, Director of the organization is the order about that.
  • How to fill out a guestbook
    In our country in shops, showrooms of various services networks catering we can deal with polite treatment, and outright rudeness. To promote the quality of service or interruption of abuse effective tool is the Book reviews and suggestions.
  • How to get a job in the tax office
    Contrary to popular belief, to get a job in tax inspection is possible without the patronage and connections. However, a prerequisite to work in this government institution is the professional knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • How to make a electronic resume
    Electronic summary is an effective way to convey to the employer information about the candidate for the position. It contributes to creating the image of a business person, attracts attention and makes a choice in your favor. How to make a electronic resume?
  • How to make a portfolio of the designer
    Well-composed portfolio is the business card of any designer. In many respects, samples of work, not the documents on education in a prestigious institution or an impressive track record determine the client's choice when looking for a designer to implement a project. For the formation of a good portfolio it is necessary to know what work to include, where and in what format to present it. You also need to be clear on what audience it is designed, what tasks should be solved.
  • How to find a customer in construction
    When complete current facilities or customers freeze their construction until better times, comes a time of searching for new contacts. It always requires a certain cost of Finance or time (but usually both). You have to pay the salaries of managers and workers, and taxes to pay is also necessary. Even companies that have a dozen regular customers at such moments, think about new ways of finding customers. But if regular customers, one to two, you should begin to search for the new urgently.
  • How to end a formal letter
    Any office worker, sooner or later faces the need to write a formal letter. Rules of business etiquette emphasize that the rest of the letter is no less important than the starting point of your message.
  • How to calculate the salary of watchman
    The guard is a hired worker, a profession which refers to the total classifier and has no relationship to the security guards working under a license that permits you to produce a armed security company. For the guard you can set any schedule, it depends on the conditions specified in the employment contract and make payment according to the tariff level 016-94.
  • How to write the application on dismissal transfer
    Currently allowed to recruit professionals from other organizations who will be able to perform duties assigned to him. To invite a worker from a third-party company, you must write a letter of invitation to the post and to write the application on dismissal transfer from the company where he works currently.
  • How to write a petition
    The petition can be written by one person or group of people that encompasses a request to the authorities to resolve any problem. Clear rules for writing the petition does not exist, as long as its text clearly reflect the essence of the question.
  • How to get on TV
    Television has firmly entered the life of modern man. It is therefore not surprising that the younger generation is more and more committed to work on TV. For some, this dream seems impossible. However, to get on TV not too difficult. For this we need to have perseverance, proactive stance. It is important to be creative, communicative and creative person. There are several ways to achieve this dream.
  • How to cancel an order of dismissal
    In any case, there is a need to cancel the order for dismissal? Two main options: if the employee refused to resign or when he is reinstated in case of unfair dismissal.
  • How to calculate the production
    The productivity determines the efficiency of personnel at the enterprise. Productivity, in turn, is determined on the basis of the results formulation and complexity. To calculate the production can be economic formulas.
  • How to get a job in the Prosecutor's office
    The Prosecutor's office is a state organization, a job which requires certain conditions. The structure is attractive for its consistent, timely payment of wages, opportunity for career growth.
  • How to enter a position in staffing
    The labour Code provides for and regulates the possibility of changes in staffing. If they are global in nature, it is more convenient to develop the new staffing structure. In the case when it comes to individual adjustments, e.g. setting new positions, the head of the organization or another authorized person may do so on the basis of the order.
  • How to fill out the magazine on occupational
    Logging on labor protection is mandatory for all enterprises and organizations. It records all the coaching in the workplace, which conduct for employees.
  • How to prepare and check construction cost estimates
    Budgeting is one of the main stages of all construction works. It is a calculation of the cost of construction, finishing and repair work according to the approved project documentation taking into account the actual volumes. The estimate allows prior to commencement of works to assess their value and adjust it by changing the technology and used building and finishing materials.
  • How to find a Manager for the cargo
    Work Manager transportation very responsible. The officer must not only well versed in the routes and know how long it will take for each, but to be able to approach any driver of trucks, no matter how heavy a character he did not possess.
  • How to renew employment contract
    If for any reason the contract of employment requires significant changes, there is a need to renegotiate. In some cases, the employer is obliged to do it? If the worker loses something when the renegotiation of the contract?
  • How to resign from the contract
    Under Russian law, a soldier who is serving in the army under the contract, may be dismissed from service ahead of schedule and at will, according to the decision of the certification fee if you have a good reason. So, what you need to do?
  • How to reflect in accounting software
    The organization has the right, following the Tax code, to consider the cost of software acquisition as cost of production (realization). However, depending on what rights you receive will vary and the form of the account.
  • How to get to the unemployment office in Saint-Petersburg
    No one is immune from unemployment. Someone got laid, the other could not withstand heavy load and went to work on their own. People often become for the exchange of labour is not the purpose of job search and waiting for a suitable offer, and in order to obtain social benefits for several months. During the crisis many people were laid off, and those who remained had to work at a furious pace and to perform the duties of several employees. Working at this pace for a few months, people do not stand up and leave in order to be on the exchange of labour and rest at least a month.
  • How to place an order for vacation of Director
    The head of the organization, like any other worker, is entitled to annual paid vacation. Is he on the same basis as other employees. Recruitment staff may have many questions concerning the design. Because, as you know all orders on granting vacationand are signed by the Director. And who will sign him?
  • How to write a resume for teachers
    In modern society, in search of work is necessary to provide a summary. Summary – a business card of each applicant, which includes all necessary data about him, his professional and human qualities. To write a summary for teachers is also not difficult, as for any other applicant.
  • How to write a review of the internship
    As a rule, at least once in the learning process in high school students pass an industrial practice. Usually it ends the penultimate year of study. Practice can take place in the company, a private firm or Institute the Department, but the results of its student necessarily provide the opinion leader who oversaw his work on the production. There are a number of requirements to its writing.
  • How to get certificate of doctor
    Medical care refers to the services subject to mandatory certification. The certificate gives the doctor the right to work independently. The certificate is issued after completion of the certification cycle (training, recertification) special educational and medical institutions and are valid for 5 years. If the work experience of a doctor with a degree less than 5 years, he must pass the appropriate specialization training at least 500 hours in praesentia or in absentia.
  • How to fire foreign workers
    Concurrent employment does not differ from working on the main site. Termination of employment occurs under the same scenario, but under the Labour code, there are some additional grounds for termination of the contract. In any case, the foreign worker has the same rights on payment of compensation, as working on the main site.