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  • How to log safety
    Every company, especially in companies with dangerous or hazardous conditions, employees shall familiarize themselves with instructions on the technique of security. The employee is responsible for safety, obliged to commit the results of instructions in a special journal. Standardized format for such a document exists, but the company designed the forms themselves.
  • How to behave on a casting
    Beginners model, preparing himself for a brilliant career, make a lot of mistakes on the way to fame. One of the most important stages on this way is casting. And need to prepare for his passage, to eliminate unpleasant surprises and try to pass it without error, inexcusable for the future stars of the catwalk.
  • How to be a good leading
    To come to the party host becomes a normal routine, because you can organize dozens of guests without it is simply impossible. To direct the course of fun on track and to monitor what is happening without prior preparation is very difficult, so develop certain skills.
  • How to write a CV educator
    Summary is your face in the eyes of a potential employer, so a report should be treated with special attention. The teacher, passing on another job, should carefully study his portrait in this document.
  • How to transfer work from one city to another
    In some companies, translation agencies require employees to work from one city to another. To do so, executed the order, which meets the employee a receipt. The technician then removed from registration at the passport and visa authority at the place of stay, then the migration service at the place where he's going.
  • How to start working as a psychologist
    The first steps in the profession of a psychologist is the hardest. On the one hand, a young professional, energetic, eager to use acquired knowledge, to help people and change the world for the better. On the other – he lacks practical experience. To take its rightful place in the professional field, it needs to create optimal conditions for a good career start.
  • How to place an employee on temporary work
    In the course of business activities of the company managers sometimes take employees for a certain period of work. For example, the main worker went on maternity leave, or work is seasonal. Anyway, it is very important to properly execute the appointment of such personnel.
  • How to write a letter for a job
    Being in an active search for a suitable vacancy, an applicant sends his resume to many employers. This document must be accompanied by a letter about applying for a job.
  • How to calculate measurement error
    Measurements of physical quantities are always accompanied by one or another error. It represents the deviation of measurement results from the true value of the measurand.
  • How to make a CV superintendent
    Superintendent means "manufacturer." This is a very popular construction profession, and even despite the crisis, to remain without work good, competent and experienced superintendent is not threatened. But, in any case, a correctly formatted summary will increase your chances of finding a stable and paying job.
  • How to account for contract
    The contract the contract is the organisation with the physical person who is not an individual entrepreneur, to carry out casual work. If your firm has entered into such an agreement, then in accounting it is necessary to reflect in the following way.
  • How to make the schedule day/three
    In organizations where necessary around the clock, applies the schedule days through three. When planning, we should be guided by the norms of labor legislation. Payment according to this mode of work is done at the summarized accounting of working time. The document is approved by order of the Director, meets each employee with the scheduleof the om on receipt.
  • How to get a job on the ship
    Work on a large vessel means not only earning money but also the chance to travel by the employer. What are the documents required to show and what you need to know to get on the ship?
  • How to get to the exchange employment
    The state provides support to citizens who temporarily left without work. One of such methods is their accounting and finding a suitable place for employment. These issues are dealt with by exchange of employment, or the centre of employment of the population (tszn). This is a non-profit organization providing social support to people who have lost their jobs.
  • How to get paid required severance in the period
    When dismissal of the employee, the employer is obliged to make full payment and give it on the last working day (article No. 126, 127, 141, labour code). Late payment calculation is a direct violation of labor laws, which is punishable according to article No. 142, No. 362 of the labour code.
  • How to calculate the premium to the salary
    According to article No. 114 of the labour code, each company sets their own system of awarding of employees and frequency of payment of monetary reward or incentive. The payment of the premium directly depends on the results of the work of the team and its amount must be specified in the employment contract and internal legal acts of the enterprise as a solid or as a percentage of earnings.
  • How to make a transfer of an employee from one position to another
    If you need to transfer employee from one position to another, you should obtain from him statement. On the basis of compilation of the supplementary agreement, the Director issued an order. The personnel officer should make a note in the employee's personal card and pay the employment records specialist.
  • How to fill in account book
    Each company (and from 6 October 2006 this applies to individual entrepreneurs) shall be maintained Ledger accounting forms of labor books and inserts them. Its form is approved by Ordinance of the Ministry of labour. Completing the book is required to deal with the responsible person from whom this duty is prescribed in the job description.
  • How to find average salary
    The calculation of the average wage of employees necessary for the calculation of benefits for temporary disability, business trip payments. The average professionals earnings is calculated on the basis of time actually worked, and depends on salary, allowances, bonuses specified in the staffing table.
  • How to make money on second-hand
    Start your own business in many areas, but choosing the idea for a business, often people try to consider at least two important factors. First, the business must be profitable, i.e. the product/service should be required. Secondly, everyone wants to open their business required the least possible cost.
  • How to translate the worker on piecework
    In the process of economic activities of some employers to change working conditions, such as the form of payment. Piecework pay is a form in which the salary is calculated on the basis of produced goods or performed work (services). The use of this form stimulates the increase of productivity. This factor encourages leaders to translate some of the staff on this method of calculation of wages.
  • How to make a transfer home
    In accordance with the situations prescribed in article 124 of the Labor code, an employer may transfer a regular vacation of an employee, on his own initiative in agreement with him, on the initiative of the employee. To do this, the expert should write a letter with a request to transfer vacation to another period or to Express their consent on the transfer of annual leave. On the basis of statements of employee's supervisor should issue the order, and the personnel office to make the appropriate changes in the vacation schedule and a personal card of the employee.
  • How to translate IO chief accountant the chief accountant
    Suppose the position of chief accountant was appointed acting as the lead accountant on the annual basic paid holiday. After the withdrawal of the chief accountant have decided to resign, and the employer decided in its place to transfer an employee who is temporarily performing labor function
  • How to start a copywriter
    The number of people wanting to become copywriters is increasing every year. The popularity of this profession mostly due to the fact that the work of the copywriter seems easy, easy and it brings a very good income. However, those who think so, often to be disappointed.
  • How to register in employment Bureau of Moscow
    One of the most tangible effects of the financial crisis is the risk of job loss. Registration in the employment center gives the right to receive unemployment benefits. Besides, specialists of the center can help you re or to improve their skills, taking advantage of free training.
  • What does the sales Manager
    Now a good sales Manager is very in demand in the labour market. A competent leader understands that the person skilled in the art is able to regularly bring to the company considerable profit. What is the direct activity of sales Manager?
  • How to calculate a salary for a day off
    Pay over the weekend, and for a nationwide non-working public holidays in accordance with article No. 153 of the Labour code of the Russian Federation. To make the calculation, it is necessary to calculate the average wage for one day or one hour in the billing period.
  • How to fill out a record book of forms of the strict reporting
    For any organization it is important to properly fill and strict accounting of all documents. This is essential to a well-coordinated internal operation of the enterprise, and to successfully pass external audits. For example, if your company uses forms of the strict reporting, you must know how to consider them correctly.
  • How to calculate total work experience
    Work experience is an activity related to the performance of duties in accordance with a feature of the enterprise agreement. In the General seniority should be counted the complete number of years, including some breaks.
  • How to get a job in oil company
    Oil and gas companies to attract potential applicants of jobs stable high income and an interesting job. But, to work in companies mining or processing gold black is not as easy as it seems at first glance.