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- How to dismiss a subordinate Rarely in our days the employees work in the company until retirement. Sometimes the head has to dismiss the employee, and this can be done on the basis of mutual consent or on the initiative of the employer.
- How to get category nurse A nurse's job is very difficult. Regardless of the place of work. First of all, the main vocation of the nurse is to be merciful. But charity is the ethical category. As for professional level, it is necessary to improve within a certain time to get the category and as a consequence - an increase in pay.
- How to get a job in FSB The work of the FSB has always been considered very prestigious. In the light of the global economic crisis, many Russians dream to get jobs in the power structure, where regularly pays salaries, social package and benefits.
- How to determine your calling Vocation is for everyone, but often it fades into the background, because in high school we hear about what a good job is a job, for which you pay a lot. So many people think about exactly how to go to College at the prestigious specialty. However, knowing their purpose and using them to work and earn it easier to do what you like better.
- How to certify a copy of the work book One of the documents required for registration of a Bank loan for urgent needs is certified by the employer copy of the labor book, which confirms the presence of a permanent job at the client. But unfortunately, not every Bank staff give customers a sample in which it is necessary to assure a copy of the workbook. The result is a copy of the work you have to do several times.
- How to find a job without education Still there is a stereotype that to find a good job without an education difficult and sometimes impossible. This led to the fact that some young people go to College just for the diploma of higher education. Meanwhile, the diploma, though it may help to get a job, but will not help her to resist. Much more important is your desire to work, ambition and ability to think.
- What qualities need to a sales Manager The sales Manager is not the seller, and the face of the company. This person represents the company hundreds of times a day by phone and via e-mail. From the Manager presents the goods depends on the income of the entire company.
- How to colleague on retirement Retirement means different things to people. Someone thinks a well-deserved retirement rest, but for some, it a reason for depression. A poet is so important to properly carry out the counterpart on the last working day, trying to create the most favorable environment.
- How to get work as a conductor The Explorer is a very interesting and fairly profitable profession. Work as a conductor I love to sit in one place and every day to see the same people boys and girls. How to become a guide and what you need to do?
- How to get a job in a taxi Today to get a job at easy taxi. The driver is very popular profession, because now, even in small towns, sometimes running dozens of similar firms. Of course, the more substantial the organization, the higher will be your earnings, however, requirements for applicants from reputable taxi firms serious.
- What is the recruiting Agency The labour market is so large and varied that to understand it yourself is not always. As a rule, come to the aid of recruiting (manpower) agencies that provide services to job seekers and employers.
- Where to go to work without education The choice of work is quite a difficult task that becomes even harder if the person does not have any education. But don't worry because there's always a demand for unskilled labor. It is important to know where to go.
- Where to work as a psychologist Work as a psychologist has recently attracted quite a large number of people. Experts in the field of human relations are needed in many areas. A growing number of psychological support centres have openings for psychologists in schools and preschools. Considerable help psychologists can provide businesses and other organizations where you want to build a competent staff.
- Where to go to work without experience The work experience is a key factor in employment. But if not, don't worry, because even without it there are many options to get a job.
- Where to go to student work Students - is an amazing time when a person to digest the knowledge that they are used in everyday working life. Often the desire to have earnings occurs and during the study. But employment for a student is quite a serious problem.
- How to apply for part-time Transfer an employee to part-time can be carried out on the basis of mutual agreement with the employer and through a reduction of half rate. In the first case, the initiator of the transfer is an employee, the second employer, when will the reorganization of production and a significant change in working conditions. And that, in either case, we must act in strict accordance with the labor laws.
- How to determine hourly rate The hourly tariff rate is calculated when switching to time-based pay or pay not fully exhaust the working month. All the calculations can be done on the calculator or use the program "1C payroll and personnel".
- How to get a job Usually job search the man starts ahead as soon as he decided that the work does not suit him. But it also happens that I had to leave earlier than he expected. In this case he needs to quickly get a jobto feed my family. You cannot grab any jobyou can get. If you are a specialist, just look for a place that meets your requirements.
- How to fill the payment order salary In some companies the salary transfer is carried out by means of transfer. This is the payment order. Typically, to complete such a document is a standard form, which corresponds to the code 0401060. When entering information in the payment instructionthat is sent to the account of the employee, be guided by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 106н.
- How to make the schedule work time In the process of financial-economic activity of the enterprise managers are required to keep records of working time, that is, to record hours worked by each employee. Legislation has developed forms, which is called "the Sheet of accounting of working time" (form T-12 and T-13).
- How to amend a provision on bonus payments Position on bonuses is an internal normative act of the enterprise, which is in collaboration with independent trade unions or other representative bodies, protecting and representing the interests of workers (article No. 135 of the labour code). Any change to the document must be formalized taking into account the views of these organizations.
- How to get to the unemployment office in St. Petersburg As to the unemployed, and those who simply want to change place of employment, can help check on the exchange of labor. It is in all the cities, including in St. Petersburg. How to get there on the account?
- How to improve employee category The qualification of an employee is determined by knowledge and experience in the profession. Increase it gives the right to access to carry out work of a particular difficulty level and its corresponding wage. It is necessary to have a written proof of the increasing discharge, for which you will need to carry out a number of specific actions.
- How to formalise the General Director of the company Like any ordinary employee of the organization, the General Director of the company on an annual basic paid vacation. Its design has a number of features, because the head of the company responsible for the whole firm. In its place should designate acting.
- How to get to work in FSB To work in the FSB – the cherished dream of many young boys and even some girls. What are the requirements for persons wishing to serve in the Federal security service?
- How to inventory shop The account of the goods and the proceeds is conducted in accordance with Federal law No. 129 "Regulation on bookkeeping". Each organization to decide how often to conduct product inventory, but this should be done at least 1 time in three months, as the report in tax inspection shall be submitted not less than once per quarter.
- How to count continuous work experience Continuity of employment is calculated in accordance with the "Rules for calculating continuous length of service" approved by Council of Ministers decree 252 and by the decree of the RF President No. 508, and in accordance with article 423 of the labour code.
- How to make a reduction of the working day In accordance with the labour legislation the employer is entitled to make for their employees reduced working hours. To do this, make the order on the reduction of working time, to notify employees two months to write the supplementary agreement to the employment contract. If someone of the employees do not agree, the employer can fire them in connection with staff reduction.
- How to calculate piecework wages Piecework pay is set by the collective agreement or other regulations binding only on the enterprise. If, according to the labor contract, the particular employee is set piecework form of payment, the calculation is performed in the following order.
- How to fire after the hospital The company may be a situation when you need to dismiss an employee who is currently ill or has just shut down a hospital. How to dismiss after a hospital employee without violating the labour code?