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  • How to make piecework
    In many enterprises are piecework system of payment of labour is being implemented to improve the performance of employees. The method of payment in which the amount of remuneration directly depends on the amount of work done, motivates subordinates. However, for the documents of the employee - "contractor" does not cause questions from the tax accountants need to prepare all the documents according to the existing rules.
  • How to get a pilot license
    Now in Russia the number of qualified pilots is declining dramatically, with commercial traffic growing every month. Many pilots trained in the Soviet era are retiring, and their places remain vacant due to the lack of appropriate licenses of the pilots. So how to obtain the appropriate pilot's certificate?
  • How to calculate the percentage of the plan
    Effective functioning of the enterprise in a market economy can only be achieved in the case of continuously monitoring the volume and quality of products. Analysis of execution of production and sales you need to spend each month, quarter, semester and year.
  • How to calculate the salary with the salary
    Salary is remuneration for work performed. Its amount is a very important part of the employment contract. According to article 136 of the labour code, wages must be paid at least twice per month with the same time period. Payment for work may be fixed salary, hourly wage rate or the rate of production. When the payroll to employees who have the salary, you should consider some circumstances.
  • How to make staffing changes
    The employees of the organization, which is determined by management for an extended period of time is called staffing. Sometimes situations may arise that require changes. In order to correctly make changes, consider the following.
  • How to write a reprimand
    Employee broke the employment or technical discipline. There is every reason to declare him a reprimand. However, inaccurate fulfillment of the requirements for the registration of the order On imposing a disciplinary action" may lead to the fact that it will be abolished legal inspector. And the guilty employee will feel their impunity. Follow the instructions to order was recognized as legitimate and objective.
  • How to send workbook via email
    The labor book is the main document confirming the seniority of the employee. In life there are different situations when it is impossible to present it to you personally. As in that case the employer?
  • How to make a write-off of materials
    Materials are purchased by the organization inventories that serve as means for the manufacture of the products or services of any process. These inventories are recorded on the account 10 to which can be opened by different sub-account. Also, the organization may reflect the movement of materials accounts 15 "Preparation and acquisition of material assets" or 16 "the Deviation in cost of material assets". Salvage of materials is carried out by identifying gaps, deterioration, as well as the recognition of them unsuitable for further use.
  • How to determine the average age of employees
    The average age of employees is determined by calculating the arithmetic mean ageov all employees of the office. Accordingly, to determine the average age for employees in positions of the same level, it is necessary to compute such arithmetic mean.
  • How to write a review of the
    Opinion about the work, usually this is a short feature on the scientific or technical development, which says its leader, or customer. Like any document, it has its own structure and should contain some mandatory sections. This list will include brief characteristics of the issue, which is dedicated to the development, and the dignity and distinction that this work has. The opinion must also be pointed out the existing deficiencies, assessed the practical significance and evaluation of this work.
  • How to get a Bank job without experience
    Work in the Bank is still considered prestigious, although Bank salaries are not always high, especially at the starting position. Without experience of working in the Bank can get entry-level positions - customer call center, teller, sales Manager of banking products, assistant financial analyst.
  • How to make a record in the work record card at dismissal
    Flippant attitude to records in a labor book can play a cruel joke much later, forexamplewhen you need me to confirm the work experience. This situation may occur if the entry in the labor book was made incorrectly and does not allow reliable confirmation of the experience. And although the instruction on filling of work books was approved in 2003, however, in practice, still there is a question about how to make the entry in the labour book in case of dismissal.
  • How to find a job as a bookkeeper at home
    The work of an accountant at home is one of the types of outsourcing. And like any outsourcing, it has its advantages to both the employer and the accountant. If you feel confident the numbers, transactions and accounts, you can try yourself in the role of the incoming accountant.
  • How to get a job in the Bank
    In fact, to get a job in Bank is not as difficult as it seems. You will be required to Express their wish and to show some perseverance in his quest.
  • How to get into the French Legion
    French Foreign Legion is steeped in myths, legends and romantic superstitions. Know about him almost everything, but nothing concrete. Meanwhile, to qualify for the honorary title of Legionnaire almost everyone.
  • How to make an act of reconciliation
    In small business common situation, when the accountant does not use specialized accounting programs. If necessary, make an act of reconciliation with counterparties it is free-form allowed by Russian legislation. However, some common points of this document is to provide, as they relate to the traditions of business turnover.
  • How to get to the Prosecutor
    Work in the Prosecutor's office is an accomplishment for many students and law graduates. However, to get to the Prosecutor's office "from the street" almost impossible. A prerequisite is the presence of higher professional education (unless, of course, we are not talking about secretarial work). Many claim that to get a job without patronage from the friends or relatives working in the Prosecutor's office, is almost impossible. However, the legitimate sequence of actions exists.
  • How to fill out expense report
    The employee who received the money for travel expenses, purchase of inventory or for other purposes must report on spent amounts to the accounts Department of the enterprise. For that he needs to fill out expense report (Unified form # AO-1) and attach all the documents that confirm the expenses.
  • How to fill out a checkbook
    Withdrawals from the settlement account of the enterprise is produced using a checkbook. Any banking transactions, including cashing out is strictly regulated and requires identification of the participating entities. Therefore, to complete the checkbook should be with maximum care and thoroughness. Mistakes, errors and corrections in the cheque invalid and mean document damage.
  • How to write a job application
    Many do not know that to write a statement for work not necessarily. The fact that article 65 of the Labor code does not include a statement of work list of documents required for the contract. Despite this, many organizations are asked to write job application for employment. The legislation does not prohibit. Although officially prescribed form of such Declaration is not provided, nevertheless, give a few tips on how to write an application for work.
  • Someone to work teen 14 years old
    In accordance with Russian law, citizens over the age of 14 years are eligible for formal employment. The list of available professions in this case is quite large and can vary depending on possibilities of a teenager.
  • What is induction training on the manufacturing
    In accordance with article 225 of the Labour code of the Russian Federation for all job persons and also for workers moving to another job, the employer or certified person shall conduct a briefing on safety and labor protection.
  • What to do if you are humiliated at work
    In the workplace can meet different people, after all, the team cannot select the same as a job. Sometimes young and even experienced workers have to endure humiliation from his superiors.
  • How to send book to publisher
    To send a book to a publisher is easy, but often to beginner writers raises a number of questions: how to do, how to decide on it and what to hope afterwards. Come to the aid of specialized Internet resources, online publishing, and also the tenacity and resourcefulness of the author.
  • How to get a job in a fashion magazine
    As stated by successful figures of the fashion world, to join the team of a glossy magazine is an achievable goal. Most importantly, what it takes to man in the very beginning of this journey is a sincere desire to pursue fashion professionally, and a willingness to prove themselves in this area.
  • How to become a top Manager
    Some people to achieve considerable success in the professional field takes decades, others are much faster to conquer the top of the career ladder. If you want to become a top Manager, you need to know what is the path to the goal is the shortest.
  • How does the bailiff
    Functions of judicial bailiffs by the law "On bailiffs". In the work of police officers include the enforcement of court decisions and acts of other state institutions. Currently, the powers of bailiffs expanded, so many issues they can solve on their own, without waiting for further judicial sanctions.
  • How to get to a casting in advertising
    To start an acting career the easiest way from filming in advertising. For advertising always need new faces, and a variety of character types – people of different ages, nationalities and types appearance. For a day or two of shooting it is possible to get a decent fee which will depend on the frequency of showing the video in the media.
  • As a pensioner earn
    The size of old-age pensions received by citizens of Russia after the termination of employment, small. After paying the utilities of the remaining money is only enough for the Essentials. Therefore, additional income for the retiree becomes a full scale of existence. Rich life experience could be the advantage that will allow you to earn even a small but stable amount of money.
  • How to attestate primary school teacher
    Certification of teachers of primary classes can be conducted to confirm the occupied position or qualification in the first or highest category. Certification is carried out in order to be able to educational institutions and teachers to raise the level and quality of education.