In mechanical mixing of paints commonly used palette, and then transferred to the canvas. Sometimes mixing paints to obtain desired color is produced on a sheet of paper.
Paint subjected to mixing, can change the hue and saturation. Burgundy color, for example, can be obtained by mixing black ink and cinnabar. Chemical reaction when mixing the paints, however, can change colors, causing it to darken.
Need to know what the blue paint, as well as yellow and red, to by mixing in other colors will not work. The fact that the blue color refers to the so-called primary colorm, of which at desire it is possible to obtain the millions of other shades. But, again, to the blue color of the paints of other colors is impossible.
But the infinite shades in all their diversity can be obtained by mixing any two colors. This will have the value of the mutual ratio of each of the colors used when mixing. So, equal amounts of blue and yellow colors of the art will result in a green color.
If you mix that now artificially produced green some amount of yellow paint, you will see gradually changing into yellow green shades. To go back to the original blue colour you can, gradually adding to the green paint blue paint color.
Remember that the more colors close to the additional the less saturated color give them a mix. In other words, the color will become close to gray.
To create vivid and memorable images, the artist should strive to use the minimum number of colors while maintaining the experience of the fullness of colors. Artistic knowledge and skills are improving with the accumulation of experience with paints.