To make a will in Ukraine you can apply to private or state notary. Before the visit, make a deed of Covenant in accordance with the requirements of articles 1233 - 1257 of the Civil code of Ukraine.
It would seem that everything is simple, however, any inconsistency of a will with the current legislation of Ukraine cancels it. The first paragraph of item 157 as amended by order of the Ministry of justice of Ukraine dated 07.04.2005 No. 33/5 States that the document must be issued in written form with the obligatory indication of place and time of its preparation, the date and place of birth of the testator. Sign the forms personally in the presence of a notary.
Bequeath any property on which there is a right of ownership. When placing the document on Ukraine to consider a few important points: a will can be drawn from the words of the testator, his representative or directly by the notary, however, the right of signature for the testator, required the presence of witnesses, confirming that the content was read before being signed.
The document may issue any citizen subject to its full capacity, it can only come from one person, in other words, if devised property belongs to several owners, to dispose of it alone is impossible, you must either order from each owner, or the allocation of shares and the transfer by inheritance of this share.
Remember that any bequest may be restricted by law forced heirship (article 1241 Civil code of Ukraine). There is a category of heirs, which cannot be deprived of a share in the inheritance, these include minors and disabled close relatives (children, parents, spouses).
To administrative act cannot be challenged, lawyers are advised when making a will in Ukraine to seek confirmation of the legal capacity of the testator (e.g., testimony, data, medical examination). In order to avoid disputes in the enforcement document, it is recommended to clearly define how details of the devised property, as well as the identity of the persons inheriting it.