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  • How to behave in the first days in the army
    The young man who is going to serve in army of Russia, should mentally and physically prepare for this stage of her life. Definitely need to talk about service with friends and acquaintances who have already returned home. Of course, there are features for each type of troops, but the basic rules of conduct of the new recruit in the army unchanged.
  • How to count military service
    Many men have, in his biography of such an item as a service in the Russian Army. Some were held for a period of two years, some in the course of the year. In any case, this period of life should be taken into account. Citizens who were in military service, often interested in the question of how to consider service in the army and how to take it into account in the calculation of the General seniority.
  • How to get rid of sin
    An ordinary person comes to understand the sinfulness of its existence only when events happen to him, radically altering his view of the world. At such moments, a person is most vulnerable to impure thoughts and can take a number of actions that are incompatible with the moral norms of society. How to cleanse your soul from sin? Follow these instructions which are intended for the Orthodox people.
  • How is the sanctification of the apartment
    The Orthodox faith allows us to sanctify all that is necessary for human life, including his home. Sanctification is the Church ceremony, after which, the person, his home and his business comes from the grace of God.
  • What is the highest rank was in the army of the Soviet Union
    In the history of the Russian Empire consisted of only four persons, for their military and other achievements, granted the highest military title of Generalissimo. One of them in 1799 became invincible commander Alexander Suvorov. Following after Suvorov and the country's last winner of this title was Supreme Commander in the great Patriotic war, Joseph Stalin.
  • The strongest personalities of the 20th century
    In 1998, Time magazine published a list of hundred most outstanding personalities of the twentieth century, which were divided into five categories: academics, leaders and revolutionaries, landlords and builders, idols and heroes, celebrities from the world of art.
  • Is there anything interesting to watch on the Sparrow hills
    Sparrow hills is one of the most famous parks of Moscow. It is often carried out various activities such as, youth flash mobs, concerts and sporting events and these tend to fall almost everyone who comes to the city.
  • What in the world better to live
    About the change of residence today, think a lot of people. Some want to change others – to give children an international education, and others – to enjoy earned retirement. Choosing a "new home" often wonder what in the world to live better.
  • Which stone suitable for brown eyes
    To choose jewelry with gemstones by zodiac sign, type, appearance or simply for the color of eyes. This approach is justified when the selection of earrings and pendants that draw attention to the face.
  • How to pay the state duty for registration of marriage
    In order to register their relationship in the registry office, you must pay the state fee. This point should not scare, because the required amount is quite low, and the procedure itself is not time consuming.
  • The most popular person in the world
    The unequivocal answer to this question, in principle, can not be. The fact that in different eras popular were different people. At one time they were Vladimir Vysotsky and Viktor Tsoi, the other Napoleon, the third Peter the Great. However, not only these outstanding figures was at the Zenith of fame.
  • Why to a funeral bring an even number of flowers
    In the tradition of the French and the Slavs, an even number of flowers only for the funeral, but a living person, it is customary to give flowers in odd numbers. However, almost all of Europe and in the United States and some Eastern States are reversed. Alive give an even number of flowers as this brings good luck and happiness.
  • Why blacks were called African Americans
    Many people have the question how to say "Negro" or "African American". People want to be correct, and in any case not to hurt the feelings of belonging to another race, because the word "Negro" was somehow offensive.
  • The rules of fire safety at the enterprise
    Even if the enterprise activity is not connected with fire hazard of materials, there is always the possibility of fire. It is therefore important to observe the rules of fire safety in offices and industrial premises of enterprises. Only this can guarantee the preservation of human life, prevent damage and destruction of property.
  • Where to complain about taxi
    The reason for writing complaints against taxis may be not only the wrongful acts of the driver or his behavior in General, but inadequate equipment of the vehicle, on which the carriage of passengers. To file a complaint by taxi in a few instances.
  • How to behave with the Muslim
    Muslims - people with an extremely rich culture. If you have, for example, travel to a country where the predominant population is Muslim, or just meeting with Muslimsdifferent, you should review the standards of conduct and features of this culture.
  • How and when is the spring call 2012
    Rules of military service are the same as for the fall call and spring. The organization of the event is made in accordance with article 26 of the Federal law "On military duty and military service". And articles 22 and 23 you can see who are fit for service and who is not.
  • How to wear shoulder straps
    For a military man to read the title on the shoulder straps is not difficult. This is the first thing you teach a conscript, cadet remembers the police finds out the sailor. But man, far from the army, stars and stripes is often nothing to say. And to wear the straps, you need to know what the title represent the symbols on them.
  • How to estimate the cost of painting
    The cost of the painting depends on many factors. However, budding artists with inflated ambitions do not account for this and appreciate their works too high. Therefore, in order not to nourish vain illusions, it is better to thoroughly learn the rules of assessment.
  • How to get the service in the airborne
    If you want to get to the service in the airborne troops, you need before the call or before enrolling in College to pay special attention to their health and physical training.
  • How to dial an internal number
    In some organizations there is only one phone numberand line connected to PBX. To reach a specific employee, after the response of the system, you must dial an extension number, usually in the tone mode.
  • What is the system of elections in Russia
    The system of elections in Russia, as in any other democratic state, is an essential element of the political system. It is regulated by the electoral law – body of rules, laws, binding on all subjects of the Russian Federation. The electoral system reflects the principles and conditions of formation of state bodies, and also establishes the order and organization of the process of elections.
  • How to write a letter about discounts
    The increase in profit is the main goal of any commercial organization, including commercial. To encourage the consumer to buy, to convince him of the benefits of purchasing your product or service help discounts, premiums and bonuses. It can increase sales, stimulate the attachment of the buyer to a particular outlet. Information on lowering the initial price, the amount of discounts and their grounds can be very interesting to potential buyers and to inform them in the letter.
  • How to ask a question to the priest
    If you are making your first steps on the way to Church, it is only natural that you have different issues. Sometimes you want to know something about the external, ritual side of Church life. Sometimes you need to ask about something more serious, for example, asking for advice in difficult situations. But many are shy or afraid to approach the priest.
  • How to get insurance policy for foreign citizens
    As you know, Russia has a program of compulsory health insurance for social protection of the population. Policy OMS is the document confirming the right to receive free medical aid in all territory of the Russian Federation. Insurance can have working at our facilities are foreign citizens.
  • How to find zip code by address
    The post index is needed to quickly determine the region that you want to send a letter. It is for post indexam our letters sorted automatically. If the mail index is not specified on the envelope, then the machine will not be able to correctly determine the address of the post office, who is in the recipient's address. Misspelled the index can lead to misidentification. A letter can easily get lost in the vast expanses of our homeland, so it is better to know the correct index of the recipient right and indicate it on the envelope. How to find the postal index for the address of the recipient if you did not provide?
  • How to write a feature for awards
    If the leadership of your company or the parent organization made the decision to promote the employee or head of any state or departmental award in the package of required documents must include a characteristic from the place of work. This feature can be written on a separate sheet or in the text of the petition for the award.
  • How to learn to read the Koran
    The Quran is not only Holy Scripture of the Muslim religion, but also one of the major literary monuments of humanity, the core of his religious and philosophical thought. Even if you are not a follower of Islam, but are interested in the history and culture of the Middle East, to learn how to read the Koran you just need. This will help to master the Arabic language.
  • How to send a parcel to Kazakhstan
    Sending a parcel seems a simple matter, uncomplicated. Bought a box, put things, write the address and you're done. To sender has not experienced the disappointment when the form is received, each of these actions must be made in accordance with the rules of mail.
  • How to receive a parcel for someone
    Mail, parcels and other services regulated by the RF Government resolution No. 51 dated 26.09.2000 of the year, taking into account the wording of 6 February 2004 and Federal law No. 4 meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation No. 29 of article 3697, 1999. In accordance with these acts, when you receive the parcel you need to show your identity document, fill in the reverse side e-mail notifications and put a personal signature.