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  • How to get exemption on payment of utility services
    One of the directions of the state policy is to increase the level of living of the population. In the framework of this direction by the social support in the form of privileges for payment housing-utilities. The right to benefits are not all but only certain categories of citizens.
  • How to return a faulty item to the store
    Unfortunately, the probability of purchase of poor-quality, defective goodsand big enough. But in this case the buyer is protected by the Federal law "On protection of consumer rights" and he always has the ability to return a faulty item to the store and demand a replacement or refund the money paid.
  • How to hold a charity event
    The charity event aimed at drawing attention to the various public and private issues. Promotions help to raise the necessary funds for implementation of charity programs that allow you to do good deeds. Holding large-scale events is only possible with the support of big business and caring people.
  • Why should the wedding in the Church
    Wedding is a sacred sacrament, tobe married you need to be sincere with yourself and with your partner. You can't get married for the sake of family tradition, or because it became fashionable. Wedding bares the souls of two loving people before God, so young people must make love to him.
  • Why can't pregnant women go to the cemetery
    Pregnancy is the start of a new life. And the cemetery – the end of life's journey. These concepts are so opposite that there is a widespread belief, pregnant women are not allowed to go to the cemetery. Indeed, it is possible and whether a woman who wears a new life, to visit a place where other people are, in fact, left their? To answer the question "Why?" you need to understand the causes of opinions and different interpretations.
  • How to find out about paying of the fine
    Money is like the expense. Including those you have during the year spent on the payment of fines. Check repaid already paid your fines, you will be able in several different ways.
  • Why baptize children
    Parents often baptize their children, not even thinking about why, and why they do it. However, not everyone is aware that the rite of baptism is not only a beautiful ceremony in the temple, and not a means of protection from the evil eye, and the vagaries of diseases.
  • What documents are needed in a home
    Design in house nursing is a long process requiring fees, approvals and, of course, a whole pile of necessary documents. To collect the latter should be treated extremely carefully – the lack of one important papers can make a contender for a place in the boarding house to start the whole process again.
  • How to get a passport in another city
    Many people in Russia today do not live where registered. Often, they are not even in the region where assigned. This creates certain problems with obtaining official documents such as passportand. So how to get a passport in another city?
  • How to get a passport in Kemerovo
    To obtain a passport in Kemerovo, or in any other city of the Russian Federation in two ways. First - come with a set of documents to the Federal Migration service. Second - filling in the form and submitting it via the website of public services.
  • How to send a parcel to Saint Petersburg
    There are many ways to send a parcel to any city of Russia, including from abroad. Speed of delivery depends on which one you choose, and do you agree to pay an additional postal service or private individuals and companies.
  • How to renew insurance
    The policy of obligatory medical insurance (OMS) allows any person to obtain urgent or routine medical care free of charge throughout the Russian Federation. This happens due to the financing activities of the doctors from the funds of compulsory medical insurance. Overdue policy OMS is considered invalid and requires urgent renewal.
  • How to view your pension contributions
    To think about future pension needs are still of working age. Then you will be sure that provided to itself a worthy old age. But first we must at least imagine, how much your employer has already submitted to the state for the formation of your future pension. How do you know how much money is on your account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation?
  • How to retire early
    The age for retirement for most working people is sixty years for males and fifty five years for women. But is there the opportunity to finish his career earlier and, therefore, too early to start receiving pension benefits? Russian laws provide for such a possibility in certain situations.
  • How to give a free ad in the newspaper
    Placing advertisement in the newspaper is one way to involve yourself or your problem, problem attention. The motive for this may be different, but people often use the services of Newspapers of free announcements. Complex in this is nothing.
  • How to determine the value of the icon
    The value of the icon depends on its age. To fully understand the characteristics of antique items, you must fully understand the painting and to memorize the works of famous artists, not only of the present.
  • How to obtain the rank of officer
    To get the first officer's rank, it is not enough to be brave, principled, physically and mentally stable. It is necessary to have a dedicated military or military-registration education.
  • How to declare a person missing
    Recognize the person as missing (which is the wording adopted in the legislation) has the authority only by the court. But before that, you should contact the police with a statement about the search for the missing person (without time limitation).
  • How to call a gas service
    As you know, with the gas to be trifled with. If in the apartment there was the slightest smell of gas, or there is a suspicion about the leak, in any case, no need to sort out the problem themselves, but should call the gas service. This service can help in solving the current problems that have arisen with equipment.
  • How to find a person in Uzbekistan
    In life there are times when people lose contact with each other for any reason: moving, change of telephone number, change of name, and so on. In this case they are usually faced with a real problem – how to find a man, if very little about him is known? The same questions arise and the people of Uzbekistan, who are often looking for each other. However, there are many services that will help you in your search, do not stay in place.
  • How to choose a crucifix
    The cross – a symbol of the Orthodox faith. Church shop and jewelry stores offers a huge selection of pectoral crossov. Often the believers, the question arises whether they comply with the Orthodox canons, how to choose a crucifix.
  • How to register from Ukraine
    If you come from Ukraine, he, like any foreign citizen must be officially registered. Without registration to live in Russia not more than three days. How to arrange the necessary documents?
  • How to call Park
    If you have a Park, it is definitely good. If it is not yours, but you are responsible for it, is also nice. However, the problems begin at a time when Park needs to come up with a title to circulate it to people who will in the future to visit it. So what to think of a name for the Park that people wanted to rest there?
  • How to stretch the banner
    Banner is one of the popular and effective types of outdoor advertising. Bright and large banner attracts attention and arouses the interest of potential customers, the number of which any firm to seek to increase. During installation of the banner, it is important that he was secured and carried out the function proper amount of time.
  • How to find a person by year of birth and the names
    Sometimes it is necessary to find the person, and data about it is extremely small: there is only the name and year of birth. What to do in this case that can help you perform a successful search?
  • How to open a charitable organization
    Charity organization is a non – profit organization established for the creation of public goods in different areas. Depending on the activities, the objectives of enterprises and the number of participants in such organizations can have different legal forms. However, they all share one thing – the desire to help those in need.
  • How to write a complaint to the seller
    We are all consumers of goods and services. Sometimes we are faced with rudeness, rudeness and poor-quality goods. In order to rein in the seller, you can complain about the terrible organization of the CPS, but the little things there are not addressed. In this regard, there is a book of complaints.
  • How to do the border service
    Frontier troops – not just those soldiers who guard our borders, who will take the first hit, if you start fighting. If you want to join this kind of troops, you will need to complete the following steps.
  • How to find the man in the car
    If you witness a traffic accident, the perpetrator of which disappeared from the scene, or you just need to find the person, and you only know the number of his car, you can do this using the following steps.
  • How to find a person in the police
    What happens is that lost people close to you. The phone is not answered, the familiar can not say anything, and time just goes on and on. Where to go, whom to contact? You need to understand how you can find the person through law enforcement agencies.