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  • What prayer to read if everything is bad
    In human life there are moments when troubles follow one another. Not seem strong enough to cope with all problems. Not to despair helps recourse to God.
  • All icons: what that means
    Icons one interesting cultural phenomena of the Russian middle ages. Icons are always beside people in difficult times. But the icon is not a talisman. In this symbol there is nothing occult, and at the same time, the icon is a door into the mystery.
  • What documents are needed to buy weapons
    The free sale of weapons in Russia is prohibited, and possession without a licence is a criminal offence. To acquire a traumatic and hunting weapons, you will need to collect the documents, without which the license impossible to make.
  • How to bury Muslims
    The burial of Muslims all subject to the strict rules of Sharia. Those of the Gentiles who was present at the burial, saying that it has a fascinating solemnity and austerity.
  • Why you need a rosary
    Currently, the rosary, in spite of their belonging to subjects of a religious cult, more is used as ordinary jewelry. Kind of a fad with a religious bias. Meanwhile, this subject has a very specific intended purpose.
  • What killed Alexey Kabanov his wife Irina
    Alexey Kabanov turned to the Internet community with a request to find a wife, which, in his words, he left the house and never returned. It was later revealed that he killed her, then dismembered and scattered body parts around the city.
  • How are weddings Muslims
    The marriage ceremony among different peoples and representatives of different religions has its own characteristics. For example, those adherents of Islam who strictly adhere to religious rules, try to hold wedding ceremonies in full compliance with them.
  • How to communicate with deaf
    Human speech is a means of communication, addressed to the ear, and to fully absorb it only through hearing. If a person is born deaf or loses hearing in early childhood, the development of speech is extremely difficult, and deafness develops in deaf-mutism.
  • Where Ivan the terrible buried
    Ivan IV Vasilyevich (Ivan the terrible) of the dynasty of Rurik was born August 25, 1530 in the village of Kolomenskoye. He went down in history as one of the most brutal rulers, possessing a violent temper and had a persecution mania. However, modern historians are increasingly questioning this view on historical characters of the time of Troubles.
  • Why is France called "fifth Republic"
    Historical development of France interesting for its turbulent past. The people's struggle for their rights has led to constant revolutions and frequent changes of government. As a result, France can boast that only has five republics.
  • Why you need a military ID
    The military card is called a document issued to a citizen while conscription into the army. However, not all young people have a clear idea about what he really need and how his absence might affect the future life of a strong half of mankind.
  • The pros and cons of military service
    The army has always been considered a school of life for men. Service in the armed forces was associated with vitality, courage and bravery. Currently, the degree of respect of the society towards the army decreased slightly due to the negative processes taking place within the walls of military barracks.
  • What distinguishes the Navy from the Marines
    Increased combat readiness, courage, ability to endure severe hardship and is far away from home and loved ones is what distinguishes those who chose the profession of sailor. Those who daily raise the network on Board the ship and those who are studying marine Charter service can rightly call themselves sailors and servants of the water element.
  • What is the difference between Catholic crosses from the Orthodox
    In modern stores and Church shops you can buy crosses of different shapes. However, not everyone can distinguish between Orthodox and Catholic crosses, despite serious differences.
  • Will there be a "Lord of the rings 4"
    In 2001, screens out the film Peter Jackson's "Lord of the rings: the fellowship of the ring" - film adaptation of the first part of the trilogy of John.R.R.Tolkien about the great battle between good and evil in middle-earth. The next two years fans of Tolkien around the world counted the days until the release of the second and third parts of the film adaptations. In December 2003, all expectations have been justified, but the enthusiastic audience didn't want to believe that fairy tale came to an end.
  • Why did the Jews not believe in Christ
    Judaism determines that the main truths God gave through the prophets to his chosen Jewish people, the teachings of the old Testament. Considering it is the unshakable Foundation of their faith, the Jews do not recognize the sacredness of the New Testament, containing the teachings of Jesus Christ addressed to the people of all nationalities.
  • What can give.
    Paratroopers – the elite corps in the Russian army. Units of soldiers-paratroopers are designed to perform important tasks during combat operations in the enemy rear. The service in the "winged guard" has always attracted recruits, although it is difficult. Those who had served in the Navy, can cope with any task and in civilian life.
  • What is different from the nationalism of Nazism
    Just 70 years ago the world was overwhelmed with the Great Patriotic war, but today the followers of the führer declare their claims to political power. They are trying under the guise of nationalists to get into the parliaments and cabinets of Ministers, arguing that in fact pursue the interests of the people. So, what they are after all nationalists are different from the Nazis.
  • Where on the Internet to donate money to charity
    The information feed of the social network is replete with numerous communications requests for fundraising. Someone can not leave without attention to any one ad, and someone – until then indifferently leafing through them. However, when the desire to help arises, some are faced with a serious dilemma: which of the charities you can read about them in the Internet, you need to send help.
  • When the day of Ivan Kupala
    Midsummer day, or the day of Ivan Kupala is one of the most important pagan Slavic holidays. They celebrated it in the summer solstice. With the emergence of Christianity in Russia, it was correlated with the day of the Nativity of John the Baptist.
  • Where will take to serve
    Recruits are often interested in where they'll take on service in the army. The location part can depend on the conditions of service, communication with relatives and other important aspects. Information before arriving to the location of the military unit.
  • When will the movie "I robot 2"
    In 2015 comes the continuation of the famous sci-Fi movie "I robot". The first film was released in 2004. It is created on motives of works by famous science fiction writer Isaac Asimov and became fateful in the career of such a popular actor like will Smith.
  • The most famous TV presenters
    Oprah Winfrey, Andrey Malakhov, Ivan Urgant, Dmitry Nagiev, Vladimir Pozdner... These people hold the first place in the popularity ratings of more than one year. They are symbols of their time - the most famous TV hosts!
  • The essence of Buddhism
    Buddhism is one of the most common and revered in the world of religion. Particularly popular is the doctrine received among the broad masses of the population of East, Southeast and Central Asia. The word "Buddhism" comes from the Sanskrit "Buddha" means "enlightened one." The essence of Buddhism outlined in the noble truths, given to humanity by the Buddha.
  • As they filmed "king Kong"
    Since the release of the first "king Kong" in 1933, no other remake could not repeat his success. However, the latest film version of the blockbuster film, released in 2005, was considered to be the best version of the story about the huge monkey, mostly because of the special effects involved in the film.
  • How to check out and register at the place of residence
    Despite the fact that in world practice, the propiska is considered a throwback in Russia without registration to live. Or rather you can, but not more than 90 days, if you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, and three days, if you are a foreign citizen or stateless person.
  • How the saints pray for the health
    The disease is one of the most terrible ills that can come in each house. And sometimes traditional methods of treatment are powerless to help or that help is simply not enough. Believers for centuries in the case of the disease was not only physical help, but also spiritual support.
  • How to celebrate the Day of memory of saints Peter and Fevronia Orthodox
    Every year on 8 July the Orthodox Christians celebrate the Day of saints Peter and Fevronia. This holiday was originally religious, but in 2008 he officially received the status all-Russia day of family, love and fidelity.
  • What is frankincense
    Frankincense is the dried resin of a small tree of the genus Boswellia carteri, growing on the Arabian Peninsula. During the burning of this resin emits a nice strong smell that was the reason for its use in the administration of the Church's Christian rites. Frankincense in ancient times was used as incense, and the Bible calls among the gifts that the Magi brought the newborn Jesus.
  • How to dress in the Bolshoi theatre
    Visit to the Bolshoi theatre – a spectacular event for both avid theater-goer, and for the person who was on the show for the first time. Luxurious interiors, unique atmosphere of the theatre, elegant public – you will have to match all of this. Prepare to visit the Opera or the ballet, choosing the appropriate suit.