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- How to determine patron Saint The patron Saint request prayer intercession before God. In angel's day (name day), when faced with the celebrations in honor chosen as a patron Saint, it is desirable to communion and confess. The patron Saint person considered Holy, whose name he received at baptism, or which he chose for themselves.
- How to wear an ecclesiastical ring Jewelry with images of saints and the words of prayer were for a long time. It rings, rings, pendants, bracelets and other jewelry. They serve as amulets to believers. They are made of precious metals and alloys cheap that everyone could buy the product he needs.
- How to write a request for help Sometimes people find themselves in a situation when all the possibilities to cope with the disaster their forces depleted. In this case, still rely on the help of charities or people who are not indifferent to the misfortunes of others.
- How to make a book of complaints "Complaint book" or "Book reviews and suggestions", should have every commercial enterprise. Reading her page, the bosses of the store can learn about the grievances that caused the customers of their enterprise. This collection claims must be decorated properly so that no page is lost.
- How to write names in the notes If you want to for a prayer service, Liturgy or memorial service commemorated the names of people dear to you, in advance, write relevant notes and put them in a special box or send to the Church Minister. There are rules of writing such notes to be followed.
- How to send book to publisher Literary talent many people possess. If you not only feel this gift, but also wrote a literary work, you have a chance to publish it. To do this, the generated text is necessary to properly execute and send to the email address of the publisher.
- How to ask for help in charities In Russia there are many different charitiesthat support people who find themselves in a difficult situation. An example of such organizations can serve the program of rescue of seriously ill children "life Line", Association for children "Children of Earth", a charity for vulnerable people "the Future of the nation."
- How to ward off from people's homes Good, unobtrusive man, whose kindness and sincere advice always by the way, welcome in any home. But sometimes, your manners men unpleasant you perceive as a weakness. They use it appearing in your house, forcing you to your fellowship, take your time. These people scare away from the house is essential if you want to keep your mental health and peace of mind.
- How to bless the house with Holy water In Orthodox Christianity there is the ritual consecration of their homes, during which the house and the people living in it is called the blessing of the Lord. It is believed that this weakens the power of evil spirits and peace in the home depends only from the living.
- How to return the toy to the store By purchasing the toy, the buyer hopes to bring joy to a child and not to waste their money. But situations in life there are many. Sometimes the goods are not suitable due to age or a similar gift already purchased other relatives. It happens that bought the goods of improper quality. To return it to the store, to act in these cases should be different.
- How to start to pray To prayer sometimes resort even people not too believe in God. This usually happens in a situation when man has no hope. But even sincere religious people sometimes do not know how to pray, what words should apply to God.
- How to write to the Minister of health The Russian Constitution guarantees Russians the right to personal or collective appeals to authorities. If the issue cannot be resolved in the structures of local government, the citizen of Russia (or group) has the right to appeal to a higher court. For example, in the Ministry of health and social development. And that letter was accepted for consideration, you must meet certain requirements to drafting and design treatment.
- How to find what day Easter falls Easter, one of the main, the most revered of holidays for Christians. This day they recall the heroism and miraculous resurrection of the Savior, who suffered death of flour for the people, giving people hope for a better life after death. According to long-established traditions of Easter is always celebrated on Sunday. But how to calculate the exact date of this great feast? And why, in different years, this date is also different?.
- Where to go live from Moscow The Central city of Russia, more and more acquires the features of other European capitals. One of them is overpopulation and the influx of illegal workers from nearby republics. That is why a growing number of the indigenous inhabitants of Moscow feel the urge to leave it.
- Where to put candles Why in Christian churches decided to put a candle? This custom originates in ancient times, when Christianity came to the Roman Empire and brutally persecuted. Then Christians were forced to meet and hold services in secret, in underground quarries (the catacombs). Because there was darkness, people were brought lit candles. In addition to sheer necessity, candles and played a sacred role: they became the symbol of a voluntary gift, the sacrifice which believers bring to God.
- How to retire early Russian legislation contains a number of possibilities as to prematurely retire retirement. In the Law of the Russian Federation "About population employment in the Russian Federation" in detail painted, who and on what grounds has the right to such benefits.
- How to accrue sick leave in Ukraine In connection with the change of the order of payment of hospital sheets, the accountants of Ukraine have to be more careful to avoid error and to make the hospital in accordance with the new rules and current legislation.
- How to find a military archive In our country the fate of people and families firmly intertwined with its history. And the history of Russia in the last century was associated with several wars and the period of Stalin's mass repressions. It is therefore not surprising that still some people are busy looking for their dead and missing relatives. To learn about the fate of a man who went missing in the war, you need to find a military archive and send the request there.
- How to know the meaning of the character Due to the increased popularity of Eastern culture is different characters are increasingly used in the design and design. But when purchasing for example a mug with Chinese symbol you may want to know its value. This can be done, even if you don't know the appropriate language.
- How to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics Many have Souvenirs from Egypt, where there are inscriptions in hieroglyphics. Of course, I want to understand what is written there. The right thing was to ask the seller. But what if the idea is to decode the message came much later?
- How to get divorced in Church Church marriage is only after official registration of the couple in the registry office. When a couple divorces, the husband with the wife first divorced officially, and raises the legitimate question of the recognition of the Church wedding is invalid. Debunking possible, but with certain conditions.
- How to find relatives killed in the war Many Russian families there are people who died in one of the many in the twentieth century wars. This is not always known the exact fate of the deceased person, for example, date of death, place of burial. How can you obtain this information?
- How to give up Ukrainian citizenship The process of acquiring a new citizenship takes a lot of time and effort. Finally receiving the coveted passport, many people forget about the need to formalize the rejection of belonging to another state. If you want to renounce citizenship of Ukraine, contact its Embassy in the country in which you now live.
- How to create a primary trade Union organization Primary organization – the initial stage of the Union. It is created at the enterprise, institution, organization, number of employees and their initiatives. Union members represent and protect the interests of all employees, negotiating with management, participate in solving labor disputes, etc. Rights, duties, responsibilities and features of the creation of the primary trade Union organization established by Federal law.
- How to get a passport in Izhevsk If you are a resident of Udmurtia and are going to travel abroad, to issue the international passport of the new sample, you can only in Izhevsk. Before you apply for this document, fill out the application.
- How to recognize family poor If you want your family was deemed poor in order to receive social allowances and benefits, rent subsidy to housing or to stand in line for an apartment, calculate your income.
- How to buy tickets to the theater In order to get to a performance at the Moscow art theatre. Chekhov, it is necessary to buy tickets at the box office or through firm-the intermediary. In the first case, you will be able to buy a ticket at face value, and in the second you will have to pay for the services of the Agency.
- How to order service in the Church Many cross the threshold of the temple, when they realizes the inevitable problem – the death of a loved one. Incredible tormented by remorse, driven by longing for the dear people, you are just burning with desire to do all that is possible. Worship, called Liturgy, is one of the types of prayers for the repose of the souls of Christians. There are other types of prayers, order which is possible in any Church. You need to write a note and leave it in the Church box.
- How to find a person by name Want to find his old friend? You certainly will succeed, even if you have only the last name. The modern world, thanks to advanced communications network, makes it almost impossible to get lost completely.
- Why the Russian Orthodox Church took Christianity was adopted in 988, the Russian Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich. Kievan Rus had a long way to the adoption of Christianity and the transformation of pagan States in the Orthodox. It was conditioned by economic, political and socio-cultural backgrounds.