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  • Why FSB check for drugs
    In July 2012 the order was adopted, under which all employees of the FSB, as well as people who want to go to school or FSB to start service will be required to undergo drug testing. It was agreed that inspections will begin in November 2012.
  • How to eat food in a restaurant
    In rules-based behavior in the restaurant at a table is expediency and convenience, compliance with certain ethical standards. The rules of etiquette provide for the correct use of Cutlery. So how is the food in the restaurant, not to look "black sheep"?
  • How to place an ad in the "hand in hand"
    "Hand in hand" - is an online website and print publication with a variety of ads about buying and selling houses, apartments, cars, rental housing, home services, Dating, etc.
  • How to behave in society
    Not always a person gets a good education in the family or in kindergarten and school. But never too late to learn, and to instill healthy habits in adulthood. If you will be respectful to others, you will feel how sweet and exciting it can be to communicate with other people.
  • How to wean neighbors loud music
    They say that neighbors, as parents, do not choose. Fair point: after all, sometimes they can poison your existence like no other. For example, when you listen to loud music and disturb your rest and sleep.
  • How to determine the area of Moscow
    Those who have recently arrived in the capital and are poorly versed in the streets and administrative districts of Moscowcan be a big problem with the definition they need districtand.
  • How to find the party of war
    The great Patriotic war touched virtually every family in the former Soviet Union. Millions of people were killed and almost as many were missing. Until now, the relatives wanted the remains of their loved ones. And find a grave if not, then at least information about its approximate location.
  • How to get out of the "United Russia"
    The "United Russia" has a Charter under which any person may withdraw from the party at will. But do not think that the leadership in this case is not provided no limitations: left party will be able to join it only after a three-year term.
  • How to consecrate the cross in the Church
    If you are a baptized people, or just going to be baptized, you must wear a pectoral cross. But before you wear it, the cross should be consecrated in Church. Buy it can in secular jewelry store or at any religious supply store. By the way, in the temples, churches and chapels the crosssell is already sanctified.
  • How to get a military unit
    The need to obtain information about the number of phone military parts can occur for a variety of reasons, if you want to contact the commander of the recruit, young soldier or officer, directional distribution, to learn about colleagues or to other interested information.
  • How to get a Church divorce
    Often, when couples marry officially in the state on the registry office, the couple goes to get married in the Church. Someone is a real need, and someone makes such a move only because "it is supposed" or "it is fashionable". Specifically among those who belong to this event lightly, most problems in family relations and divorce. But if in the secular life, this problem is solved easily, then a Church divorce is not an easy procedure.
  • How to find a person by name
    If you need to find a room phone a personand you know his surname, name and patronymic, use all possible sources in order to obtain the information you need.
  • How to make a cell phone calls
    The subscribers of mobile operators have the opportunity to obtain information about all incoming and outgoing calls on your mobile phone. How do you get a printout of phone calls?
  • Why do we need legal education
    On the way to becoming a democratic state increases the importance of legal culture. This should improve the mass consciousness, to develop young people's moral and Patriotic qualities.
  • How to assess the damage from flooding
    Not everyone, unfortunately, knows how to assess the damage from flooding apartment, office or any other property. Follow the simple advice and you will never be at a loss and you can return spent on repairing damaged property money.
  • How to find the author of the picture
    If you have a picture of the author is unknown to you, or you are especially fond of some image on the Internet, but you don't know who created it, to find the Creator of the work in various ways.
  • How to fill the payment order of alimony
    The company has to withhold from the employee's salary for alimony for the maintenance of his minor child and to list them. Usually the package of documents sent by a person, obliged to pay alimony, has agreed to process their payments. You just have to every month to transfer the agreed sum of money to the account of the other or give her personally.
  • How to take the depositions of three-tariff electricity meter
    Multi-tariff electricity meters are installed today in many new homes. And in older homes they may be embedded in the implementation of a major overhaul. The most common of them are electronic counters brand is mercury-200.
  • How to get a passport urgently
    Typically, the design of the passport takes at least 30 working days. But what if the document is necessary to issue urgent? There are several ways to speed up a bureaucratic procedure.
  • How to go to the Holy matron
    Matrona of Moscow , or, as it is called, Matrona Russian Saint, from an early age with the gift of clairvoyance. And now to the relics of Mother thousands of people come from all over Russia, and many claim that get her real help in solving everyday problems. How to go to the Holy matron?
  • How to write a letter to the prisoner
    People serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty, often need support from loved ones, they need to communicate with friends and relatives, this helps them to withstand the system pressure and does not feel completely isolated. This may help in the letters they receive from loved ones.
  • How to write a collective complaint
    Writing a complaint for many is the last hope to hold accountable a company that provides poor quality services and products. Its impact will be much stronger if it is not written from one person's face, and from groups of citizens are also victims in this situation. So if you have a desire to restore justice, then it is better to write a collective complaint.
  • How to write a letter to the draft Board
    Down to 27, every young person needs to be registered in military registration and enlistment office as the person entitled to compulsory conscription. How to write a letter to the draft Board in connection with the change of place of residence or to obtain deferment from service?
  • How to write a charity letter
    Letters or statements with the request to write to a charitable organization or large companies that provide such assistance. In order for the letter to be admissible, it must contain all the data that will allow the Fund to take a positive decision.
  • How to obtain a temporary medical insurance policy
    Federal law enacted 29.11.10 year, which came into force on 1 January 2011, completely changed the rules of issuance of insurance policies of obligatory medical insurance and obtaining health services for them. The new policy will be issued to all citizens residing in the territory of the Russian Federation, with or without a Russian citizenship. Also in this law specify the procedure for the issuance of a temporary health insurance policy.
  • How to find a person by city and address
    It may happen that you will need to find person by address, since no more information you will have. Do not be discouraged. The name of the city and a detailed home address in most cases you will be enough – all the other information you can find with the help of modern means of communication and search engines.
  • How to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation in Georgia
    To obtain Russian citizenship to a foreigner is required to legally reside on the territory of Russia for at least five years (with some exceptions). However, if the citizen of Georgia of at least one of the parents has Russian citizenship, to issue citizenship of the Russian Federation and being on the territory of Georgia.
  • How to make Holy water
    Currently using Holy water in the sacrament of baptism, in the consecration of new churches, residential and office space, in the Commission of Church services and communion etc. to Keep Holy water at home. According to the Church, she is able to heal the sick and rid the house of wickedness. This water does not deteriorate and remain fresh and bright for a long time.
  • How to write a script of the event
    Improvisation is good when it is well thought out. To a gala evening or corporate event runs smoothly, you should plan in advance the competitions, to determine the location of the musicians to choose the decoration of the hall and come up with a festive toast. All this should be reflected in the script of the festive events.
  • How to evade a direct answer
    Some have been taught that all of the questions to be answered. And preferably the complete answer. People grew up, grew together with them, understanding that there are questions to which the answer is just not desirable. These include tricky, silly and direct questions. How competently to leave from the answer?