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  • How to grow a mango at home
    Those who have ever tasted a real ripe mango, will always remember his fabulous taste and aromatic freshness. Juicy yellow mango pulp tastes like a pineapple with peaches, carrots and strawberries. Many trying to grow a mango at home on the windowsill. For this to succeed, it is necessary to know some tricks.
  • How to arrange furniture in a small room
    Do not think that you will not be able to afford comfortably accommodate all the necessary furniture in the apartment, just because you do not have in this area. In fact, with proper planning, you can arrange any furniture , even in the small room.
  • How to choose the color of the Wallpaper in the kitchen
    Earlier walls in the kitchen are usually painted with oil paint in dark colors – it was quick, simple and practical. But today in interior design at one of the first is aesthetics, so the question of choosing Wallpaper for the kitchen can be quite difficult, because you have to consider so many factors: the style of the apartment, the color and design of furniture, function of the premises and more. In addition, we must remember that color can affect the mood and wellbeing.
  • How to choose the color of doors and laminate
    Sometimes the choice is not great seems plus. Making repairs in a new apartment, people sometimes can not understand, what color of laminate flooring and interior doors to give preference. Coming into the Pro shop, they finally lost. In this case, it is necessary to deal with the existing interior of the apartment.
  • How to transplant Apple trees
    Any gardener knows that transplanting any tree is always a stress for plants. But there are times when it is inevitable: change planning area, repairs of garden, over-dense planting or the preservation of the old varieties. Especially sorry for the gardener to leave your favorite Apple-tree, if the land is sold or changes. Is it possible to transplant adult Apple? Of course, it can be done, but by following certain rules.
  • How to grow peaches from seeds
    If you were treated to a delicious peach and you have a suburban area, you can try to grow from seeds tree. In technology of cultivation of a peach tree is nothing difficult, it just takes a little patience and follow the simple instructions.
  • Which meter is better to choose
    Metering devices are required to install all of the owners of the residential premises, if in respect of water meters and heat of the current law deferral, then the accounting counters of the electricity consumed should be in every home. When buying a new meter electric energy many people face the problem of choice.
  • How to choose sofa fabric
    Buy fabric for every taste and purse today is not difficult: the choice is huge. The purpose of each piece of their own, and material for dresses, costumes will be significantly different from fabrics for decorating - curtains, curtains, furniture. You get the sofa "custom". You are offered dozens of upholstery options in a variety of colors and texture, and abundance may get confused. How to choose the "right" fabric for your sofa?
  • How to fix sofa book
    The sofa book is the design of two identical bases connected by a special mechanism that with little effort the sofa turns into a full bed. This design is very easy to use and does not lose its popularity for many years. If your old sofa is worn owner — do not rush to throw it away. It is possible to fix it with their hands.
  • How to get rid of flower flies
    I'm sure many Amateur growers have noticed in the pots with houseplant small flies, which have a peculiar name of "clarity" or "fungus gnats". They use a soil mixture for laying larvae, which are subsequently irreparable harm to the plants, destroying their roots. So how do you cope with the flies in flower pots?
  • As glued serpyanku
    Serpyanka prevents cracking of the surface covered by filler, it is indispensable for the treatment of joints of drywall sheets or other crevices, cracks, corners. Despite the fact that the technology stickers serpyanka fairly simple, you should consider some nuances.
  • How to drill cast iron tub
    During the renovation the builders might have an issue drilling cast iron bathtubs to install the faucet, drain or other purposes. The cast iron is drilled, usually without problems, but in this case to avoid chipping the enamel?
  • How to paint glass
    To the interior of the house was complete, you can paint or decorate window, mirrors and other glass surfaces. There is nothing difficult with the right materials, so the job can be done by even a beginner or student.
  • How to update old tile
    Tiles eventually loses freshness and beauty. It is, undoubtedly, unpleasant. Do we have to do the repair? No, you can update the old tile without removing it. It will save money and give the room a neat appearance.
  • How to plaster over plaster
    Some believe that if you apply a layer of plaster over the old one, it will not keep. But it's not. If maintained, not a single piece of plaster drops off. Re-alignment of walls on clay, and the special mortar used for plastering walls.
  • How to withdraw spots from the ceiling
    Very often on the ceiling, you can detect a variety of defects and stains: traces of soot and old leaks, areas affected by the fungus, rust stains etc. it Often happens that the spots may appear due to the negligence of neighbors from the upper floors, which simply forgot to close the tap. Removing stains from ceiling – it is very troublesome, but this can be overcome, however, have to make some effort.
  • Than sprayed cherry
    Unfortunately, cherry gardens often suffer from diseases and pests, with the result that the trees are unable to prepare for winter and in cold weather freeze slightly and die. To avoid this, you need time to help the plants.
  • Which trees will provide shade to the area
    Planning a garden planting, novice gardeners make common mistakes. To avoid them, you need to define your preferences and get as much information as possible about the plants that you want to have in the garden.
  • How to hold on to the cottage electricity
    Electricity to the cottage you can conduct in if you are able to connect to the Central power lines. You will need to obtain permission from the power company and to prepare everything necessary for direct connection.
  • How to quickly dry the paint
    When carrying out repairs in the apartment, people can not do without the paint work. And any paint even the best quality have a smell that you want to quickly get rid of, especially if you have a lot of time in the room. It is necessary to dry the ink, which is very difficult when it is made oil-based. To speed up the drying you can use in several ways.
  • How to build a patio
    To equip, elevate the green area, adjacent to suburban or country house, and turn it into a cozy patio, which is always an expensive and troublesome undertaking. The scale of building dependent on your desire. It is possible to realize the dream of pond with water lilies, but you can just fantasy to break up the new flower bed, to do the Alpine slide, beautiful to lay the track and put a new bench in the barbecue area.
  • How to bring faded spots on clothing
    Faded stains on clothes - the phenomenon is very common. Just enough to accidentally put in the machine thing with unstable paint, and all the unpleasant result. However,the problem does not say that things must be discarded. Them is quite possible to save. The main thing - to choose the right way to get rid of faded spots.
  • How to root sheflera
    Schefflera is the most numerous genus of the family Araliaceae, it has about 200 species. But only few of them can grow at home. In the indoor horticulture the most common types: radiant schefflera, palmate schefflera, schefflera tree schefflera vasilitsa. The plant has a beautiful look and low maintenance, however to grow sprouts is quite difficult.
  • How to raise the bath
    Bath is a building that is regularly exposed to moisture, and such conditions lead to its rapid wear. To prolong the service life of the bath, and often to give her a second life, we need to strengthen the old Foundation or build new. To raise the bath if necessary you can own, the main thing - to comply with basic recommendations when lifting.
  • How to calculate square pipe
    Imagine that you are going to paint supplied to your home gas pipes. As you need to paint? One or two banks? As a rule, containers of paint, to write, to cover a square calculated is the amount of paint. So, in order to determine exactly how many cans of paint to take, you need to calculate the area of gas pipes.
  • How to connect welding machine
    Metal parts in many cases, it is convenient to interconnect by welding. The scope of application of welding equipment is very wide – from heavy engineering to the laying of utilities and construction works during the construction of a private house. Manufacturers of machines for welding strive to create the best conditions for observance of technological process. But first, you must be able to connect properly.
  • How to plant chamomile
    Chamomile is a perennial plant, and like all perennials need humus-rich well-drained soils. Perfectly these flowers growing in the Sunny areas, however, not tolerate prolonged drought. For daisies optimal watering – once every two weeks.
  • How to make a carpet with their hands
    Become the owner of a cute village Mat size 75 cm to 45 cm, of wool fabric, easily! You can do it yourself using unnecessary blankets and segments of woolen cloth. The product was bright and original, use colored rags. A good combination of black and white main color gamut with the addition of red, grey and cream patchwork. So, begin the manufacturing of the rug.
  • How to arrange the beds in the garden
    Proper planning of the garden will allow you to obtain a good harvest, then the time and effort spent on planting and care, not wasted. Your garden will give you not only vegetables and herbs, but also a good mood.
  • What kind of moss grows best on the rocks
    Moss can grow in various environments and locations – at home, in the trees, in the garden, on the rocks. Moss has a rich structure and does not have any known pests or diseases. Besides, it is unpretentious. Many people grow the moss on the stones on your site yourself.