To update the certificate automatically or manually. It can be done not only after it has expired, but just before graduation.Update the certificateand may occur with the existing set of keys that you used before, or with the provision of new. Let's take a closer look at how to update the certificate with new key and still.
How to renew certificate with new key.Open the Certificates snap-in on your computer.
Expand the console tree, a folder "Personal".
Select "Certificates".
Find area Information".
Select require updates of the certificate.
Click on the menu item "Action".
Select in the appeared window command "All tasks".
Click "Renew certificate with new key". Should appear in the upgrade wizard the certificates.
Select to update the certificateas the default value.
Click "Next".
Click on the button "Application".
Wait while the wizard updates the certificates.
Click "finish" or "close".
How to renew certificate with same key.Open the Certificates snap-in on your computer.
Expand the console tree, a folder "Personal".
Select "Certificates".
Find area Information".
Select require updates of the certificate.
Click on the menu item "Action".
Select in the appeared window command "All tasks".
Click on "advanced operations".
Select "Renew certificate with same key".
Wait for the appearance of the wizard updates the certificates.
Select the certificate from those that will be listed in the window.
Use all the default values.
Click on the "Application" when you are ready to submit it.
Wait for the successful completion of the wizard updates the certificates.
Close the window or click on the "finish"button.